MEMO – For all its bravado, Israel is terrified of bad publicity. So it should be, for neither the legions of public relations companies nor well-paid lobbyists have been able to halt the tarnishing of its image in world public opinion. This is not because they lack the skills and resources to get their message across; far from it. There are two major issues at the heart of the Israeli dilemma; a discredited message and political conduct that is indefensible.
Encouraging commentary, but I fear that it is too optimistic. The Zioentity so-called Israel has, with its minions in Europe, the USA et al, proved time and again the ability to manufacture crises, divert attention from its evils, counter BDS with billions-of-dollars of arms sales and “security” regimes, cleverly create new alliances (Saudi!), etc. And inexorably, the reality “Palestine Is Still The Issue” is made to recede from public (much less official) awareness, and even purported truth-and-justice activists are content to allow the Palestinian people to shoulder their continuing suffering, day by day by day. At 73, I cannot believe that a defining “tipping point” will materialize in my lifetime…or in the tortured lifetimes of countless Palestinians at their ground zero and throughout the diaspora.