‘Passenger violence against cabin crew is growing,’ Israir says in statement after a group of passengers disrupts flight to Bulgaria.
Editor’s Note (L): “flight attendants from foreign airlines call the flight to Tel Aviv – Hell Aviv. I wonder why?”
A disagreement over duty-free chocolate between a passenger and a flight attendant on a recent Israir flight to Varna, in Bulgaria, came close to degenerating into physical violence and led to the questioning of a group of passengers by the authorities in Bulgaria.
Even before the flight departed, the rowdy behavior of the passengershad brought them to the attention of airline officials at Ben-Gurion Airport.
A security officer on the flight declined to intervene in the argument because it was not a security incident.
The cause of the argument is not clear from a video filmed by one of the passengers. A woman passenger is seen standing and shouting coarsely at the flight attendant with the duty free cart, who is serving another passenger.
Two other passengers, a woman and a man, then enter the argument, with the man getting out of his seat and threatening violence against the flight attendant.
“You work for me,” shouted the first woman. “I paid for the flight and I want chocolate. Another passenger, reportedly her sister, chimed in with “sell her the chocolate, you piece of rubbish. What, is she an Arab?”
When the attendant threatened to have them removed from the plane, the first woman’s husband responded, “I don’t give a fuck for you or Varna.”
The group was freed after questioning and is due to return to Israel tonight. The airline considered not allowing them to board the return flight, but decided that they had no legal reason to do so. Israir said it would take additional measures against them.
“Passenger violence against cabin crew is growing,” Israir said in a statement following the incident. “Israir is doing and will continue to do everything to ensure a high level of security and safety, by enforcing defined protocols in such cases.”
Two prominent lawyers who deal with aviation law told Haaretz that the behavior of the unruly passengers could cost them between one and five years’ imprisonment, if convicted by a court.
“Aviation law holds that every person in an aircraft has to obey the instructions of the captain or a crew member designated by him in the interests of the security and safety of the craft, the passengers, the crew and the baggage,” said Ron Gant and Gadi Elbaz.
Regarding the possibility of legal action against the passengers, the lawyers said that the law provides for between one and five years’ imprisonment in cases of failure to behave appropriately and obey the instructions of the captain – “if it is determined that the person acted in a manner that was liable to endanger the security of the aircraft.”
Gant and Elbaz, both of whom have acted as legal advisers to the Pilots’ Union and the Civil Aviation Authority, added that “this sort of incident is not rare, but the authorities usually refrain from taking legal action due to the difficulty of proving the behavior of the passengers.
“In this case, with everything having been documented, we hope that the authorities will use the legal option and send a clear message. If it becomes known that violent behavior in the air will end with legal proceedings, it’s possible we’ll see behavioral changes.”
As one Facebook user wrote in response to the video, “flight attendants from foreign airlines call the flight to Tel Aviv – Hell Aviv. I wonder why?”
I love it! When no Goy hosts are present, Jews turn against each other.
Jews did that in World War II. When the Germans entered a nation, and broke Jewish power, the Jews turned against each other. Jews pointed out their fellow Jews they didn’t like, and asked the Germans to take them away to the industrial parks such as Auschwitz. The Germans agreed, on the condition that the ranking Jews helped the Germans keep order in the community. This was especially the case in Holland. (Ranking Jews hated Anne Frank’s family, and eventually told the Germans where the Frank family members were hiding, asking the Germans to please get rid of them.)
Of course, these facts have all been eclipsed by the holo-hoax.
So here’s this airplane full of Jews screaming at each other. Ha, ha, ha! (Israir Airlines is Israel’s third-largest airline after El Al Airlines and Arkia Israel Airlines.)
Have any of you ever flown on a plane that had Muslim passengers? They sit like stones. Quiet, courteous, and respectful.
Jews, however, are free to be obnoxious, since any complaint against them is “anti-semitism.” Except, of course, when the passengers are all Jews, as we see here.
Thank you for the good laugh Konrad. I’m hysterically laughing. 🙂
Good one Konrad…:)Thanks for the post Lasilencia….:)
Konrad is very Jew wise. The stupid Talmudvision obsessed Goyim,who never even met a Jew,out in the hinterlands ( and Jews do not want to meet them ) beleive they are just sweet ,nice little “Anne Franks”,and oh so funny “Woody Allens”. Every organized “Christian “, today worships them as little walking Gods ! To be in the cult of “Conservatism ‘,now is to idolize Jews too,and the Liberals are grateful,for the Jews Karl Marx. All bases in the Heglian Dialectic covered. Let me assure you all;Jews go from bad,to worse. They are ‘seperate’,and a “Chosen People”. Their circle of self -assistence,makes them confident,and the arrogance is getting only worse. But deny the Jews a Gentile hosts to feed,and hate on,and they go for each other. “My son is Harvard” :Mine is at Oxford:”. “My daughter married a man who owns huge care dealaaa”. “Mine married one who is on the board of GM”. They want,and need,and demand. Their food is always late,and cold. Their belly’s aching,and heart fluttering. Nothing is ever good enough,and their obssesion with materialism ,and status,makes them chew up each other. The Jews are cannibals ,when left alone. Isolate them without Gentiles,and they eat each other up.
DANTE ARDENZ writes: “The Jews are cannibals when left alone. Isolate them without Gentiles, and they eat each other up.”
Exactly. Jews often complain about how their fellow Jews like to argue and bicker with each other, and how Jews hate, resent, and envy each other. If Jews did not have their universal fear and hatred of the Goyim, then Jews would self-destruct. That’s why Jews constantly imagine that “anti-semitism” is everywhere. Indeed, the more power the Jews get, the more they scream “anti-semitism!” since they face self-destruction when the Goyim are out of the way.
This is why the National Socialists felt that the best way to deal with Jews was to send all Jews to their own country, wherever it might be. Isolate all Jews in one place, and never let them come back and mingle with society. That way the Jews would keep themselves under control with their hatred of each other.
For us today, the way to defeat the Jew is to stop being a Jew. The way to defeat Jewish supremacism is to stop worshipping it.
Shun the Jews, and let them eat each other.
As I say over and over, put them all in one place and cut supplies. They will cannibalize within days.
Possibly the innate quarrelsome nature of these unpleasant folk is one good the rotting carcass known as Kissinger predicted the imminent demise of Israel ~ especially if wads of them make aliya as Netanyahu is encouraging.
Mental illness. Inbreeding. Why else do you think they scramble for our DNA? Problem is, one drop of blood taints an entire well, same goes with DNA.
These folks have thrived through the centuries because they can do anything to each other and often do but, when faced by their enemy, us, they unite for the short duration it takes to re-establish order amongst the cattle then… back to business.
@Dante: They are a ‘chosen’ mental class of their own.
I have read that the ANNE FRANK comedy has been all but a big lie, its been a MYTH.
Publish this let the readers know what it looks like
K, I will approach this carefully I hope. Guernica, Spain, was more than just a Picasso reflection and a so-called masterpiece. It seems to me to have been a German war crime. A practice run for the Luftwaffe, and nothing more. I consider the German securing the armaments of the Chechs and the oil fields of Romania before the official start of WW2, a questionable marquee in my mind. But I do not consider these a bad German move. That was a great offensive check, I believe. I don’t believe ANY of the skunk tales the former and still current powers have tried to make stick onto Herr Hitler. But what I do wonder is why He, Hitler, attacked Poland. I understand the shank and stink that was the treaty of Versailles. I understand the abuse that the Germans in Poland (formerly German lands) were facing. But Stalin was knee deep into his purges at the time, including many of his own Generals, and not a threat to Germany at that time. This is NOT a punch at National Socialism, K. National Socialism is rational to me. It is a natural communal movement. Reactionary in this and other cases it seems. But still, a natural and wholesome communal movement, none the less. The Jewish instigators are trying to bring Putin ( Russia) out of His(their) borders and box. The patience Russia is displaying now, I think would have worked just as well and for the better of Germany( and Europe) then.
I seek indulgence add these observations, to my friends out there. The Jews dread assoiation ,with anything Adolf Hitler liked. Many shun Mercedes Benz,German Shepards,and Hugo Boss clothing,for this reason ! Someone should tell them ,their eternal obsession : The German Fuhrer, enjoyed chocolate,and candy in general . Both as a beverage,and in German tradition,had a bar for breakfest . ( See : HITLERS SHADOW: In Service to the Fuhrer : You Tube),and among the Jews the worst insult is ” Your a little HITTTLA ” “He loved chocolate”. Someone should of dropped that in the tussle,and they would of backed of,like Dracula’s ,to a cross! Jews have more incidence of major mental illness among them ,per capita ,than any other ‘race’. I had a retired mental health professional,admit this to me. In my neigborhood their is a mentally ill ,morbibly obeses couple,who are Gentiles…but EVERY FRIEND they have over,are Jews ,who met them at an outpatient psych services . To the dismay of neighbors ,these visiters are a mess. They include ,a convicted pedophile ,who is now a Zio-Christian ,because it”cured him of wanting to kill a kid”. (he is obsessed by Hitler,Islam,of course,and Israels welfare) ),and their are others ,worthy of a horror show. One can just see them living in an old European Ghetto. Everyone,a pathetic specimen,and I hear from professional Jewish Families,who shun them off into ‘the system’. Everyone ,has a sexual,and political obsession. All believe they are ” genuises”. I spoke to them just once ,as an experiment . That said it all. As was said of Jung:”He was the ,most important ,man in psychiatry ,because he was the only GENTILE”. Freudianism which owns that system, was based soley on the pathologies of his JEWISH PATIENTS.. hysterical,sex obsessed,repressed,scatological,parent,and world resenting. The Jews are each ohers cousins ,and they fully understand the importance of genetics. They kidnapped Gentile children ,or picked up foundlings to upgrade their very close lineage. This, they do just sparingly,as the ‘soul of a Gentile,is less well formed”. Major Isreali Papers have “GENETIC SECTIONS”, which would be attacked fully,in the Gentile World ,as ‘racist’. But only they are allowed interest in ‘preserving their unique people”. See :Hysterical Satire; ANTI – RACIST HITLER, You Tube, on this. On the Anne Frank fiction. Konrad revealed so much,and I must add. Ann Franks father was a very ‘special Jew’,who had CONTRACTS WITH THE GERMAN ARMED FORCES ! He went into hiding,because he was going to be arrested by the German Authorities ,soley because he DEFRAUDED THEM ! Please remember,Ann Frank succumbed to typus ,in a SS HOSPITAL. They where trying to save her life ! The entire family survived. None thrown into ‘Gas Chambers ‘,because NONE EXISTED ! A ghost writer sued Franks Father in Mannhatten County Court ,for ‘not paying him’. he created,or ‘enhanced’ the ‘required ‘, story,to be a “good little Goyim” ,in todays world.
To Mr Todd Raine. Please do not fall into the LEFT Trap of the Jewish Matrix on WW2. The City Of Danzig voted 100 % under International Supervision ,to return to Germany. Hitler tried every avenue to get the Poles, to let Danzig go. Offers of roads,aide,and even an alliance . The Polish truly FASCIST military,junta emboldend by the Briish/French Empires assurances of support said “NO”. The Poles butcherd 6 thousand Germans in Bamberg. The Reich was contending with 1 million German refuges. The British REFUSED to entertain Hitlers sincere requests for help. What would YOU have done ? As for Guernica. That incident,was exgagerated, ,as a Propaganda excercise,like the Holocaust ,to have an excuse for the Allies to commit such bombing runs. The attack was requested by Franco,to the German Condor Legion. German Air Warfare doctrine was NOT to attack civilians . They had a Tactical Force ,and not a Strategic One. Of course WW2 deteriorated into such. Stalin had 30.000 tanks. A huge force in 1939. Hitler did all he could to parry,and delay, the inevitable . International Finance in London was courting Stalin to surround Germany. The day of the French Armistice agreement with Germany. Stalin put that force on RED ALERT ! As for Rumania. They where a German Allie,and the Reichs ONLY indepedendent source of oil ,until they developed synthetic fuel. WW2 is the most lied about period in history. As historian David Irving said: “Hitler had to make stratigic decisions of nightmarish proportions. The Jew Lefts propaganda,became the Jew Rights. See: HITLERS WAR,What Historians Neglect To Mention : YT. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD, YT. THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS ,Leon Degrelle, YT. And the REAL reasons for it all : See: HITLER,The Man who Fought The Bank-goes viral YT. Best book; HITLERS WAR: David Irving . You live in it !
According to Suvorov, Stalin planned to use
Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”)
against the West. For this reason, Stalin
provided significant material and political
support to Adolf Hitler, while, at the same
time preparing the Red Army to “liberate”
the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation.
Suvorov argues that Hitler had lost WWII
from the very moment he attacked Poland:
not only was he going to war with the
powerful Allies, but it was only a matter of
time before the Soviet Union would seize
the opportune moment to attack him from
the rear. This left Hitler with no choice but
to direct a preemptive strike at the Soviet
Union, while Stalin’s forces were redeploying
from a defensive to an offensive posture in
June 1941, providing Hitler with an important
initial tactical advantage. But this was stra-
tegically hopeless because the Germans now
had to fight on two fronts, a mistake Hitler
himself had identified as Germany’s undoing
in the previous war. At the end of the war,
Stalin was able to achieve only some of his
initial objectives by establishing communist
regimes in Eastern Europe, China, and North
Korea. According to Suvorov, this made
Stalin the primary winner of WWII, even
though Stalin was not satisfied by the
outcome, as he intended to bring Soviet
domination to the whole continent of Europe.
— Jew Wikipedia
MARSHAL ZHUKOV: A CAREER BUILT ON CORPSES http://codoh.com/library/document/1716/ – review
Viktor Suworow
Pour-le-Mérite, Selent, Germany, 2002
350 pp., €25.80
An English edition of this book
by Viktor Suvorov is yet to see
the light of day – just like 200
Years Together by Solzhenitsyn.
Being less than flattering to the
Jews, the Jew censorship by the
(not-so-Anglo) Anglo-American
Jew monopoly book publishing
industry is not about to allow
the publication of 200 Years
Together that very politely
exposes the Jews as highly
opportunistic blood-sucking
parasites – and that’s
Given, however, that Suvorov
is known to have visited I$rael,
sold lots of his books there, and
that his permanent translator
Daniel W. Michaels is a Jew,
why are the Jews censoring
this book of his (that has nothing
to do with the Jews) as viciously
as they are censoring that book
by Alexander Solzhenitsyn –
and keeping it blacklisted
for over a decade?…
Please, see below excerpts
from a private email.
Russia may well be nearly as
corrupt as Jew-Ess, except that
the Russian politicians are not
allowed to prostitute themselves
to foreign lobbyists.
On the other hand, Russia isn’t
half as corrupt as it used to be
during the totally Jew-dominated
1990s, when it was on its way to
becoming a ‘liberal democracy’ –
and when millions of Russians
were ‘democratically’ murdered
by cold and hunger.
WW2 victory is one of the very
few sources of legitimacy – such
as it is – for the Russian power
elites. And as far the cult of
the Patriotic War is concerned,
Marshal Zhukov still tops the list
of the heroes – real or imaginary.
In essence, an average homo
russus is not entirely unlike
an average homo americanus,
when it comes to ‘patriotism’,
except that, while in the US
the business of ‘patriotism’
is largely Jew-controlled, in
Russia, it became Jew-allied,
at least pro forma…
A Russian patriot Andrei Saveliev,
a former Duma Deputy, remarked
in his blog some time last year that
the Russian nationalists could have
found a common language with
the Ukrainian nationalists. Alas,
the only ‘nationalists’ left in the
Duma are the Jew Zhirinovsky
and his little gang…
On the other hand, just last week,
the Duma passed a new law
putting all recipients of foreign
funds into a legal dog-house.
They are obviously trying to
protect themselves from a direct
take-over by the Jew neocohns –
as in the Ukrainian scenario. And
the Holohoax, as a Jew-endorsed
accoutrement of the Soviet WW2
victory, was readily adopted –
most likely quite consciously as
a ‘pro-Jew anti-neocohn defence’,
as well as an all-season pro-Jew sop –
think of those gargoyles or chimeras
jutting out from the old cathedrals.
At the same time, Holodomor –
the mass murder of seven million
Ukrainians by state-enforced famine –
is just as eagerly denied, as it
exposes the Soviet regime of
the past as undeniably criminal –
and may well lead to formal claims
of criminal liability and demands
for compensation by Russia – as the
successor-state of the Soviet Union.
The whole truth is that the
Judo-communist regime murdered
many more Russians than Ukrainians,
except that the poor old Russians
somehow don’t seem to count at all,
as, unlike the Ukrainians, they haven’t
acquired a nation-state of their own.
They are still subjects of their Empire –
by now, not unwilling ones – and,
not unlike the poor old Yanks, most
of them are also sufficiently affected
by their own imperial hubris to
preoccupy themselves to any excess
with what was done unto them in
the not so distant past, let alone with
what was done to the now hostile
On the other hand, should they
engage without any restraint in a
sort of a ‘historical’ self-flagellation,
they may well lay themselves open,
once again, to vicious predation by
the Jew vultures, as was the case
in the very recent past.
While to the Yanks the Empire
is nothing but a burden that’s
completely white-anted by the
Jew parasites, to the Russians,
their Empire is the only possible
mode of survival – the only
alternative to being ripped apart
into any number of failed states
by the same Jew parasites that
colonized the American Empire.
Now, about Suvorov, however
unintentionally on his own part,
it might appear that he is a great
deal more interested in the sales
of his books than in propagation
of his views, as, despite dozens
of Google hits, there isn’t any
dedicated Viktor Suvorov website
as such…
Without such a site, the KGB have got
him more or less where they want him:
inside his little boutique book shop.
Remember, the Jews had an intimately
symbiotic relationship with the KGB
since long before the KGB was even
set up – and long before they were
allowed to crawl into bed with the CIA.
“Above all, propaganda here [U.S.]
is entirely in Jewish hands … when
bearing in mind the public ignorance,
their propaganda is so effective that
people have no real knowledge
of the true state of affairs in Europe…
It is interesting to observe that in
this carefully thought-out campaign …
no reference at all is made to Soviet
Russia. If that country is mentioned,
it is referred to in a friendly manner
and people are given the impression
that Soviet Russia is part of the
democratic group of countries…
Jewry was able not only to establish
a dangerous centre in the New World
for the dissemination of hatred and
enmity, but it also succeeded in dividing
the world into two hostile camps…
President Roosevelt has been given
the power … to create huge reserves
in armaments for a future war, which
the Jews are deliberately heading for.”
Count Jerzy Potocki
Polish Ambassador in the US
Report to the Polish Foreign Office
January 1939
Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog.
I love it! When no Goy hosts are present, Jews turn against each other.
Jews did that in World War II. When the Germans entered a nation, and broke Jewish power, the Jews turned against each other. Jews pointed out their fellow Jews they didn’t like, and asked the Germans to take them away to the industrial parks such as Auschwitz. The Germans agreed, on the condition that the ranking Jews helped the Germans keep order in the community. This was especially the case in Holland. (Ranking Jews hated Anne Frank’s family, and eventually told the Germans where the Frank family members were hiding, asking the Germans to please get rid of them.)
Of course, these facts have all been eclipsed by the holo-hoax.
So here’s this airplane full of Jews screaming at each other. Ha, ha, ha! (Israir Airlines is Israel’s third-largest airline after El Al Airlines and Arkia Israel Airlines.)
Have any of you ever flown on a plane that had Muslim passengers? They sit like stones. Quiet, courteous, and respectful.
Jews, however, are free to be obnoxious, since any complaint against them is “anti-semitism.” Except, of course, when the passengers are all Jews, as we see here.
Thank you for the good laugh Konrad. I’m hysterically laughing. 🙂
Good one Konrad…:)Thanks for the post Lasilencia….:)
Konrad is very Jew wise. The stupid Talmudvision obsessed Goyim,who never even met a Jew,out in the hinterlands ( and Jews do not want to meet them ) beleive they are just sweet ,nice little “Anne Franks”,and oh so funny “Woody Allens”. Every organized “Christian “, today worships them as little walking Gods ! To be in the cult of “Conservatism ‘,now is to idolize Jews too,and the Liberals are grateful,for the Jews Karl Marx. All bases in the Heglian Dialectic covered. Let me assure you all;Jews go from bad,to worse. They are ‘seperate’,and a “Chosen People”. Their circle of self -assistence,makes them confident,and the arrogance is getting only worse. But deny the Jews a Gentile hosts to feed,and hate on,and they go for each other. “My son is Harvard” :Mine is at Oxford:”. “My daughter married a man who owns huge care dealaaa”. “Mine married one who is on the board of GM”. They want,and need,and demand. Their food is always late,and cold. Their belly’s aching,and heart fluttering. Nothing is ever good enough,and their obssesion with materialism ,and status,makes them chew up each other. The Jews are cannibals ,when left alone. Isolate them without Gentiles,and they eat each other up.
DANTE ARDENZ writes: “The Jews are cannibals when left alone. Isolate them without Gentiles, and they eat each other up.”
Exactly. Jews often complain about how their fellow Jews like to argue and bicker with each other, and how Jews hate, resent, and envy each other. If Jews did not have their universal fear and hatred of the Goyim, then Jews would self-destruct. That’s why Jews constantly imagine that “anti-semitism” is everywhere. Indeed, the more power the Jews get, the more they scream “anti-semitism!” since they face self-destruction when the Goyim are out of the way.
This is why the National Socialists felt that the best way to deal with Jews was to send all Jews to their own country, wherever it might be. Isolate all Jews in one place, and never let them come back and mingle with society. That way the Jews would keep themselves under control with their hatred of each other.
For us today, the way to defeat the Jew is to stop being a Jew. The way to defeat Jewish supremacism is to stop worshipping it.
Shun the Jews, and let them eat each other.
As I say over and over, put them all in one place and cut supplies. They will cannibalize within days.
Possibly the innate quarrelsome nature of these unpleasant folk is one good the rotting carcass known as Kissinger predicted the imminent demise of Israel ~ especially if wads of them make aliya as Netanyahu is encouraging.
Mental illness. Inbreeding. Why else do you think they scramble for our DNA? Problem is, one drop of blood taints an entire well, same goes with DNA.
These folks have thrived through the centuries because they can do anything to each other and often do but, when faced by their enemy, us, they unite for the short duration it takes to re-establish order amongst the cattle then… back to business.
@Dante: They are a ‘chosen’ mental class of their own.
I have read that the ANNE FRANK comedy has been all but a big lie, its been a MYTH.
Interesting stuff……
It has to be SEEN
Israir passengers abuse, threaten flight attendant over duty-free chocolate
Publish this let the readers know what it looks like
K, I will approach this carefully I hope. Guernica, Spain, was more than just a Picasso reflection and a so-called masterpiece. It seems to me to have been a German war crime. A practice run for the Luftwaffe, and nothing more. I consider the German securing the armaments of the Chechs and the oil fields of Romania before the official start of WW2, a questionable marquee in my mind. But I do not consider these a bad German move. That was a great offensive check, I believe. I don’t believe ANY of the skunk tales the former and still current powers have tried to make stick onto Herr Hitler. But what I do wonder is why He, Hitler, attacked Poland. I understand the shank and stink that was the treaty of Versailles. I understand the abuse that the Germans in Poland (formerly German lands) were facing. But Stalin was knee deep into his purges at the time, including many of his own Generals, and not a threat to Germany at that time. This is NOT a punch at National Socialism, K. National Socialism is rational to me. It is a natural communal movement. Reactionary in this and other cases it seems. But still, a natural and wholesome communal movement, none the less. The Jewish instigators are trying to bring Putin ( Russia) out of His(their) borders and box. The patience Russia is displaying now, I think would have worked just as well and for the better of Germany( and Europe) then.
I seek indulgence add these observations, to my friends out there. The Jews dread assoiation ,with anything Adolf Hitler liked. Many shun Mercedes Benz,German Shepards,and Hugo Boss clothing,for this reason ! Someone should tell them ,their eternal obsession : The German Fuhrer, enjoyed chocolate,and candy in general . Both as a beverage,and in German tradition,had a bar for breakfest . ( See : HITLERS SHADOW: In Service to the Fuhrer : You Tube),and among the Jews the worst insult is ” Your a little HITTTLA ” “He loved chocolate”. Someone should of dropped that in the tussle,and they would of backed of,like Dracula’s ,to a cross! Jews have more incidence of major mental illness among them ,per capita ,than any other ‘race’. I had a retired mental health professional,admit this to me. In my neigborhood their is a mentally ill ,morbibly obeses couple,who are Gentiles…but EVERY FRIEND they have over,are Jews ,who met them at an outpatient psych services . To the dismay of neighbors ,these visiters are a mess. They include ,a convicted pedophile ,who is now a Zio-Christian ,because it”cured him of wanting to kill a kid”. (he is obsessed by Hitler,Islam,of course,and Israels welfare) ),and their are others ,worthy of a horror show. One can just see them living in an old European Ghetto. Everyone,a pathetic specimen,and I hear from professional Jewish Families,who shun them off into ‘the system’. Everyone ,has a sexual,and political obsession. All believe they are ” genuises”. I spoke to them just once ,as an experiment . That said it all. As was said of Jung:”He was the ,most important ,man in psychiatry ,because he was the only GENTILE”. Freudianism which owns that system, was based soley on the pathologies of his JEWISH PATIENTS.. hysterical,sex obsessed,repressed,scatological,parent,and world resenting. The Jews are each ohers cousins ,and they fully understand the importance of genetics. They kidnapped Gentile children ,or picked up foundlings to upgrade their very close lineage. This, they do just sparingly,as the ‘soul of a Gentile,is less well formed”. Major Isreali Papers have “GENETIC SECTIONS”, which would be attacked fully,in the Gentile World ,as ‘racist’. But only they are allowed interest in ‘preserving their unique people”. See :Hysterical Satire; ANTI – RACIST HITLER, You Tube, on this. On the Anne Frank fiction. Konrad revealed so much,and I must add. Ann Franks father was a very ‘special Jew’,who had CONTRACTS WITH THE GERMAN ARMED FORCES ! He went into hiding,because he was going to be arrested by the German Authorities ,soley because he DEFRAUDED THEM ! Please remember,Ann Frank succumbed to typus ,in a SS HOSPITAL. They where trying to save her life ! The entire family survived. None thrown into ‘Gas Chambers ‘,because NONE EXISTED ! A ghost writer sued Franks Father in Mannhatten County Court ,for ‘not paying him’. he created,or ‘enhanced’ the ‘required ‘, story,to be a “good little Goyim” ,in todays world.
To Mr Todd Raine. Please do not fall into the LEFT Trap of the Jewish Matrix on WW2. The City Of Danzig voted 100 % under International Supervision ,to return to Germany. Hitler tried every avenue to get the Poles, to let Danzig go. Offers of roads,aide,and even an alliance . The Polish truly FASCIST military,junta emboldend by the Briish/French Empires assurances of support said “NO”. The Poles butcherd 6 thousand Germans in Bamberg. The Reich was contending with 1 million German refuges. The British REFUSED to entertain Hitlers sincere requests for help. What would YOU have done ? As for Guernica. That incident,was exgagerated, ,as a Propaganda excercise,like the Holocaust ,to have an excuse for the Allies to commit such bombing runs. The attack was requested by Franco,to the German Condor Legion. German Air Warfare doctrine was NOT to attack civilians . They had a Tactical Force ,and not a Strategic One. Of course WW2 deteriorated into such. Stalin had 30.000 tanks. A huge force in 1939. Hitler did all he could to parry,and delay, the inevitable . International Finance in London was courting Stalin to surround Germany. The day of the French Armistice agreement with Germany. Stalin put that force on RED ALERT ! As for Rumania. They where a German Allie,and the Reichs ONLY indepedendent source of oil ,until they developed synthetic fuel. WW2 is the most lied about period in history. As historian David Irving said: “Hitler had to make stratigic decisions of nightmarish proportions. The Jew Lefts propaganda,became the Jew Rights. See: HITLERS WAR,What Historians Neglect To Mention : YT. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD, YT. THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS ,Leon Degrelle, YT. And the REAL reasons for it all : See: HITLER,The Man who Fought The Bank-goes viral YT. Best book; HITLERS WAR: David Irving . You live in it !
According to Suvorov, Stalin planned to use
Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”)
against the West. For this reason, Stalin
provided significant material and political
support to Adolf Hitler, while, at the same
time preparing the Red Army to “liberate”
the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation.
Suvorov argues that Hitler had lost WWII
from the very moment he attacked Poland:
not only was he going to war with the
powerful Allies, but it was only a matter of
time before the Soviet Union would seize
the opportune moment to attack him from
the rear. This left Hitler with no choice but
to direct a preemptive strike at the Soviet
Union, while Stalin’s forces were redeploying
from a defensive to an offensive posture in
June 1941, providing Hitler with an important
initial tactical advantage. But this was stra-
tegically hopeless because the Germans now
had to fight on two fronts, a mistake Hitler
himself had identified as Germany’s undoing
in the previous war. At the end of the war,
Stalin was able to achieve only some of his
initial objectives by establishing communist
regimes in Eastern Europe, China, and North
Korea. According to Suvorov, this made
Stalin the primary winner of WWII, even
though Stalin was not satisfied by the
outcome, as he intended to bring Soviet
domination to the whole continent of Europe.
— Jew Wikipedia
http://codoh.com/library/document/1716/ – review
Viktor Suworow
Pour-le-Mérite, Selent, Germany, 2002
350 pp., €25.80
An English edition of this book
by Viktor Suvorov is yet to see
the light of day – just like 200
Years Together by Solzhenitsyn.
Being less than flattering to the
Jews, the Jew censorship by the
(not-so-Anglo) Anglo-American
Jew monopoly book publishing
industry is not about to allow
the publication of 200 Years
Together that very politely
exposes the Jews as highly
opportunistic blood-sucking
parasites – and that’s
Given, however, that Suvorov
is known to have visited I$rael,
sold lots of his books there, and
that his permanent translator
Daniel W. Michaels is a Jew,
why are the Jews censoring
this book of his (that has nothing
to do with the Jews) as viciously
as they are censoring that book
by Alexander Solzhenitsyn –
and keeping it blacklisted
for over a decade?…
Please, see below excerpts
from a private email.
Russia may well be nearly as
corrupt as Jew-Ess, except that
the Russian politicians are not
allowed to prostitute themselves
to foreign lobbyists.
On the other hand, Russia isn’t
half as corrupt as it used to be
during the totally Jew-dominated
1990s, when it was on its way to
becoming a ‘liberal democracy’ –
and when millions of Russians
were ‘democratically’ murdered
by cold and hunger.
WW2 victory is one of the very
few sources of legitimacy – such
as it is – for the Russian power
elites. And as far the cult of
the Patriotic War is concerned,
Marshal Zhukov still tops the list
of the heroes – real or imaginary.
In essence, an average homo
russus is not entirely unlike
an average homo americanus,
when it comes to ‘patriotism’,
except that, while in the US
the business of ‘patriotism’
is largely Jew-controlled, in
Russia, it became Jew-allied,
at least pro forma…
A Russian patriot Andrei Saveliev,
a former Duma Deputy, remarked
in his blog some time last year that
the Russian nationalists could have
found a common language with
the Ukrainian nationalists. Alas,
the only ‘nationalists’ left in the
Duma are the Jew Zhirinovsky
and his little gang…
On the other hand, just last week,
the Duma passed a new law
putting all recipients of foreign
funds into a legal dog-house.
They are obviously trying to
protect themselves from a direct
take-over by the Jew neocohns –
as in the Ukrainian scenario. And
the Holohoax, as a Jew-endorsed
accoutrement of the Soviet WW2
victory, was readily adopted –
most likely quite consciously as
a ‘pro-Jew anti-neocohn defence’,
as well as an all-season pro-Jew sop –
think of those gargoyles or chimeras
jutting out from the old cathedrals.
At the same time, Holodomor –
the mass murder of seven million
Ukrainians by state-enforced famine –
is just as eagerly denied, as it
exposes the Soviet regime of
the past as undeniably criminal –
and may well lead to formal claims
of criminal liability and demands
for compensation by Russia – as the
successor-state of the Soviet Union.
The whole truth is that the
Judo-communist regime murdered
many more Russians than Ukrainians,
except that the poor old Russians
somehow don’t seem to count at all,
as, unlike the Ukrainians, they haven’t
acquired a nation-state of their own.
They are still subjects of their Empire –
by now, not unwilling ones – and,
not unlike the poor old Yanks, most
of them are also sufficiently affected
by their own imperial hubris to
preoccupy themselves to any excess
with what was done unto them in
the not so distant past, let alone with
what was done to the now hostile
On the other hand, should they
engage without any restraint in a
sort of a ‘historical’ self-flagellation,
they may well lay themselves open,
once again, to vicious predation by
the Jew vultures, as was the case
in the very recent past.
While to the Yanks the Empire
is nothing but a burden that’s
completely white-anted by the
Jew parasites, to the Russians,
their Empire is the only possible
mode of survival – the only
alternative to being ripped apart
into any number of failed states
by the same Jew parasites that
colonized the American Empire.
Now, about Suvorov, however
unintentionally on his own part,
it might appear that he is a great
deal more interested in the sales
of his books than in propagation
of his views, as, despite dozens
of Google hits, there isn’t any
dedicated Viktor Suvorov website
as such…
Without such a site, the KGB have got
him more or less where they want him:
inside his little boutique book shop.
Remember, the Jews had an intimately
symbiotic relationship with the KGB
since long before the KGB was even
set up – and long before they were
allowed to crawl into bed with the CIA.
“Above all, propaganda here [U.S.]
is entirely in Jewish hands … when
bearing in mind the public ignorance,
their propaganda is so effective that
people have no real knowledge
of the true state of affairs in Europe…
It is interesting to observe that in
this carefully thought-out campaign …
no reference at all is made to Soviet
Russia. If that country is mentioned,
it is referred to in a friendly manner
and people are given the impression
that Soviet Russia is part of the
democratic group of countries…
Jewry was able not only to establish
a dangerous centre in the New World
for the dissemination of hatred and
enmity, but it also succeeded in dividing
the world into two hostile camps…
President Roosevelt has been given
the power … to create huge reserves
in armaments for a future war, which
the Jews are deliberately heading for.”
Count Jerzy Potocki
Polish Ambassador in the US
Report to the Polish Foreign Office
January 1939