5 thoughts on “‘I’ve never voted for a Democrat’: Ben Stein flips support to Hillary and Bernie because of Trump”
  1. Boring Ben Stein ,the son of a Jew Conservative Economist ,and former token Jew staffer for Nixon puts being a Jew FIRST .
    The nasty spas git himself a broadcast /Hollywood semi career just because he was ” Chosen “.
    The key to understanding the Jews are they have no loyalty to any ideology / Party /nation / or people …they shape shift as Jews ….what’s good for the Jews comes first .

  2. It is difficult to believe that a nasal whiny critter like Ben Stein (hereinafter referred to as “BS”) has anything of importance to say! BS is, of course, a Jew who is on the Dump Trump bandwagon as the entire tribe has been instructed to be.
    His take on the various runners is… shallow and beyond silly. I thought he was supposed to try to sound intelligent n stuff….
    I had to laugh watching the results last night as they kept gushing over “Rubio’s gain” or “Cruz’s advancement”…. all the while trying to avoid the very visible blonde elephant in the room called Trump. Occasionally they tossed him a bone.
    As for BS…. does he have a viable goyim readership?

    The Jewish Democrats infiltrated the republican party and promoted the exact same Jewish pro-Israel agenda along with all the other liberal garbage. When people confronted them and were surprised to see Democrats in the Republican party, the Judaists conned them and told them that if we sound like Democrats, it is because we are “new conservatives”, and called themselves neo-cons. The con part is really true.
    It is like a hot-dog man selling hot-dogs by conning people they are hamburgers. When confronted, he lies that this is a “new” type of hamburger, a neo-burger if you will.
    So what Stein means is that he has only voted for Democrats called neo-cons con-men who infiltrated the Republican party, but now he will go and vote for Democrats in the Democratic party.

  4. One of the new positions that will have to be filled if Trump is elected president is for the resettlement of Jews to the middle of the country. South Dakota is being considered.

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