OCDG: CAIR at the best of times is an ineffective, mealy-mouthed organization and barely worth considering as an advocate for Muslims… when such decisions are taken, they lead one to believe they were never what they claimed to be. When is the last time you ever saw a Muslim as the head of a jewish organization? God forbid, as no decent human being should ever find themselves in such a position.
What, no Muslims with a backbone could have taken this job instead? Lol.
The old Jewish system of ‘leading the opposition’. These ‘Muslims/Arabs are in for it- do they want to become like organized Christianity;a mere front to protect the Jews? They must the type who love the Jew led Allied causes in all the wars. the ones,who ignorantly compare everything to ‘NAZIS’,or who backed the Iraq war ! This group is false flag-beware of this kind.
Seeing as how utterly toothless CAIR has seemingly always been… I think they were infiltrated long ago or maybe even outright founded by them.
yes, like the NAACP or the jew front southern poverty law center.
the Zionists are the cause of muslims troubles, yet now they are appointed as the saviours? lolol
do you think the jew-owned National Org for Women would allow itself to be headed by a man? (it might- only providing the man was a jew)
when the ADL or AIPAC allows a Muslim to head its orgs? THEN perhaps an equal swap…
guess its not just Xtians who are stupid milk sops with no brains or brawn. horrible
Two years after the publication of this excellent article, an anecdote illustrating the absence of spine of CAIR.
In late January2016, a “local” Californian McClatchy newspaper “SIERRA STAR” lists an evens in its “Community News” section, page 2A:
“Yoram Ettinger former ambassador from israel and writer about the middle east will speak about the conflicts between the United States and Islam” Beginning 9am at Oakhurst Lutheran Church, Ettinger will then speak at the Yosemite Lakes Community Church. Details (559)877-2882″
“…the conflicts [war] of the United States and [against] Islam” How much hate mongering and unconstitutional allegations can be made without consequences !??
The abhorrent content and intention of that creature’s discourse can be found online on his website: http://www.theettingerreport.com/
Recent articles like “The volcano of islamic terrorism”, in association of the rest of his villainous lies, in current US circumstances arguably make this person and alii liable for “incitement to violence against a religious or racial group”, which does not fall any more inside the “Freedom of Speech” dispositions.
The criminal creep Yoram Ettinger is listed in a Jewish organizations in the USA that penetrates US’ the entire spectrum of US society, doing the hideous deed of white-washing Israeli crimes and honey-coating the treasonous nature of organized Jewry in the USA and beyond.
The organizer of this one particular event, one Colonel (Ret) John Somerville is one of the traitors to this Nation who does the dirty job of brainwashing children in California Schools, and who has been overheard to brag having killed people all over the Middle East. How on earth can such murderers be let free to condition negatively our children!!? Almost every year that creep brings our youth to Israel, causing our brainwashed population to be traumatized for a lifelong by believing the nightmarish lies about victimhood and the toxic lies about chosenness, and thereby being conditioned to offer life long unconditional support to the most murderous and the most criminal segment of our society. Incidentally that “pro-jewish” conditioning does supports the ruin of our society, the destruction of the cradles of our civilization in the Middle East, and incidentally destroying our own countries, and our own citizenry.
Considering all this, I contacted Sacramento’s CAIR representative, both by phone and email, in the hopes to gather some support to at least formally protest that disgraceful event. The disgrace is even worse considering the events are held in Christian churches, albeit Jews’ eschatology and Israelis crimes both are evidential facts demontating causes and consequences of Jews’ horrendous hatred of anything Christian.
I let CAIR’s representative know that me going there alone to these 2 events would be counterproductive because shouting contests between one individual and a rabid fanaticised audience always reinforces the brainwashed mob, rather than opening minds.
The CAIR representative assured me at the phone they would drum up some people, and would contact me the next day.
Nothing happened. Strictly, absolutely nothing, not even the courtesy of an email follow up, be it a vacuous apology. CAIR did nothing at all, despite all the sweet assurances.
I had stopped to support CAIR many years ago after realizing that it was not only devoid of spine, but also sometimes aligned with questionable elements more interested of what happens in Davos than the interest of our citizenry whether Muslim or not.
Of course the realization that a Jew was nominated to hold a key position in CAIR was the last straw. I still receive their newsletter as it often lists crimes against Muslims that escape the main stream medias (whom are mainly controlled by Jews) In my eyes crimes against people who happen to be Muslims, are crimes against all of us, Muslims or not.
This latest interaction with CAIR confirmed my disillusion. At a time when hatred against people who happen to be Muslim, and the war against a religion (that happens to be the most peaceful religion) is waged full blown in the country and beyond, mainly by vicious organizations and individuals generally traceable to Jewish organizations and Israeli finances (finances built on robbery and scams)
As mentioned in the article above, even the most elementary principle of reciprocity is not respected: No Jewish organization would be willing to admit a Muslim as a member, let alone as a key member. I remember Nahida The Exiled Palestinian in her blog somewhere describing how she tried to become member of Jewish organizations, and was either ignored, or brutally rejected.
When will this Nation, and all Goyims, finally understand once again, that Jews (a term barely 200 years old, as they used to be called “israelites”) are exclusivists, hegemonists, parasites, and their ultimate aim is ALWAYS to destroy non-jews. The reason behind their frantic will to destroy everything non-jewish, is double-fold:
1-because as parasites they can only prevail by destruction, rather than competition
2-because the inane and possibly atavistic bloodthirsty hatred they hold against non-jews.
Jewishness to be safe for humanity, ought to be classified as an ideology of hatred and war, a bit like “terrorism”. There is no coincidence that “terrorism” and “false flag attacks” are arguably essentially Jewish methods.
Responding to “mlo”… and I do realize that I am responding about 2 years later, but I am from near Philadelphia (south Jersey), and must say that sadly, no, there are very few Muslims with a backbone in Philadelphia. And the ones who do exist, certainly are not members of CAIR.