One thought on “Japan Is Nervously Readying Itself for a Trump Presidency”
  1. Since the 1990 s Japsn has been increasingly in the hands of International Jewish finance .
    No longer do we hear it criticized as ” a National Socialist State “,which maintains economic sovereignty and traditional community .
    Nomlonger do we hear of it balking at ” free trade ” or assisting Ametucsn intervention .
    Japsn has been lsggging for twenty years since the ” Jews are destroying Japsn ” was heard being shouted as they suffered a huge stock market downturn when Rothschild’s /Soros etc mustered an attack on their trading system.
    Bit by bit they picked up the pieces and stuck their tentacles in Jaosns companies in need of capital.
    Trumps assertions against Japsn ,and China along with his opposition to the Republicans /Obama/Clinton alliance for TTP is a direct hit on the International Jews .

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