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0 thoughts on “Jeremy Corbyn's 'long-standing links' with notorious Holocaust denier and his 'anti-Semitic' organisation revealed”
  1. I posted this comment on the paper’s comment section for that article. I’m 99% certain they’ll censor it. But here it is for readers here:
    To deny something would mean you refuse to admit what you know to be the truth. Paul Eisen is a very decent man and anyone that reads his blog on the internet will see that. You will also learn a lot, but most of what you learn will not be approved of by the mainstream media. Like top scientists and historians that have done in depth research on the so-called holocaust, Paul Eisen has come to the same conclusion as a lot of other people – the allies have lied from beginning to end. That is not even disputable. They’ve admitted they lied and in other cases they’ve been caught red handed lying. Most if not all people that use the term “holocaust denier” have never read anything about it other that low grade newspaper articles. The “holocaust” has already been disproven and some of the people that disproved it are in jail right now, just as Galileo was put in jail for proving what the Catholic church didn’t like centuries ago. The people that use the term “holocaust denier” would never use that expression if they did any serious reading on the subject and those that would, would be truth deniers.

  2. I am in deep shock that the jew owned Daily Mail would stoop to trashing a man who connects with “truth-seekers”.
    What levels will they turn to next? Scaremongering lies perhaps?

  3. I might be wrong but I am certain that Jeremy Corbyn once stated that he was in fact Jewish

  4. It’s a safe bet that more internees be they Jew, Catholic, Protestant, Roma, Gypsy, Communist, homosexual died by accidentally drowning in the swimming pool at Auschwitz, which existed in the heydays of the camps’ operations and exists today, than in the alleged homicidal “gas chamber” that exists today but did not exist at the time the camps were in operation. What is on display at Auschwitz as the homicidal gas chamber was actually constructed by the Russians (and Polish Communist, perhaps) following the liberation of Auschwitz by the Russians in January of 1945.
    No one at any time, any where has every provided forensically verifiable documentation of name of a Jew; or a Catholic whether Eastern rite, Roman, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox; or Old; a Protestant of any sect whether, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah’s Witness, Baptist, Anglican, Episcopalian, Mennonite; or a Hindu; or a Muslim whether Sunni or Shi’a; or a Communist; or a Socialist; or a Trade Unionist; or a homosexual of either gender executed in a homicidal gas chamber at Auschwitz I, Auschwitz Birkenau, Auschwitz Monowitz, or at Majdanek, or at Chelmno, or at Bełzec, or at Sobibor, or at Treblinka. Not one forensically verifiable documented name of a homicidal gas chamber victim.

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