11 thoughts on “Jeremy Scahill on Sanders”
  1. Good analysis. In a sense, Bernie Sanders is worse than Hilary. Its sad to see many Arab and Muslim Americans getting tricked by this old jewish Zionist when he only sees them as stupid goyim

  2. Sanders is a Kabbutz Jew who’s intensity comes from still believing in ” Marxism ” when the Jews decided to discard this as they grew in power over the Gentile .

    As his kind of politics was just a way to destroy Gentile money \ culture within there Left \ Right Talmudic Dialectic .

    Sanders was unleashed to give the Democrat Liberals a show ,and he took off more than assumed ( a good thing as he does address some important issues others will not ) but his only real role was to keep the Progressive from bolting third party as Nader did with the Greens in 2000….as proper protest against the total sell out the Clintons where to Wall Street \ Neoconservative \ International Jewish Finance .

  3. Bernie Sanders is a Jew and a Hard Core Zionist. He will never change, he is a Lying Jew and that is all we need to know about a person who wants to be in high Office. We need to make all the Jews to emigrate to the land where they belong, HELL

  4. Hope yiu heard the DANTE ARDENZ Podcast Tony ? Your support is always greatly appreciated .

  5. I have never come to a strong enough conclusion about why Sanders is running after it has become too late. I paid him little mind because his hypocrisy rivals that of Clinton, just he has not had as much freedom to act and create chaos as she.

    I. Simply. Do. Not. Trust. Jews. EVER!

  6. Bernie Sanders is a con Zionist Jew. In April, after meeting kosher pope Francis, Sanders fired his Jewish-community outreach young attractive female director Simone Zimmerman. She didn’t insult Muslims or Afro-Americans more than GOP frontrunner billionaire Trump – but had written some truth about Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on her Twitter account on March 3, 2015.

    “Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative politician. His irresponsible, exploitative political theater is yet another demonstration of the ugliest demonstration of national hubris and tone-deafness toward the international community. Shame on you, Bibi, for daring to insist that you legitimately represent even a fraction of the Jews in this world, for your consistent fear-mongering, for pushing Israel, in word and deed, farther and farther away from the international community, and most importantly, and for trying to derail a potential historic diplomatic deal with Iran and thus trying to distract the world from the fact that you sanctioned the murder of over 2000 people this Summer in a war of choice, that a brutal military occupation of millions more continues under your watch, and that you’re spending time and money on ridiculous campaign opportunities like this instead of actually working to address the real needs of your own people.

    Netanyahu insulted our President but also much worse. He doesn’t speak for me as a Jew, an American and as a thinking person. #BibiDoesntSpeakForMe.


  7. I’m sick of people saying we need to audit the fed. Bullshit, we need to end it period. Vampires can’t survive without blood and money is the life blood of the chosen.

  8. If I tried to post something like this focusing on Trump’s praise for Israel and torture advocacy, I would be mocked and ridiculed.

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