Greek Orthodox center torched; graffiti reading ‘Jesus is a son of a whore’ found at the scene
ed note–several things worth noting here–
1. The concept of Jesus’ mother Mary being a prostitute–this did not come out of the blue. This has been Judaism’s teaching for 2,000 years now. Besides the dogmatic position that Jesus’ mother was a prostitute, Judaism also teaches that Jesus was a sorcerer, a sex freak and that He suffers this very moment in hell, being boiled in a cauldron of feces and semen. Every Jew down throughout history has been taught these premises, along with other ‘sweet nothings’ such as ‘Gentiles are donkeys’ and that ‘even the best of the Goyim deserve to be killed’. Every Jew that has been born, lived and died within the last 2,000 years knows these facts, and yet, whenever ‘anti-semitism’ rears up like a fever, as a group they cry like babies without acknowledging that in every single case, ‘anti-semitism’ can be traced directly back to its source, which is anti-Gentilism and anti-Christianity.
And yet, despite the fact that these (and many others) are the putrid, rancid, poisonous teachings of Judaism, we are NOT allowed to discuss this evil mindset as it relates to the present situation in the Middle East or elsewhere. We are expected to swallow the lies put forward by Neturei Karta & others that Judaism is ‘holy’ and ‘devoted to God’ and all the rest of that happy horseshit, and what’s worse is that hordes of Gentiles buy into this, taking it all in, hook, line and sinker.
The Jews who burned this seminary and left this graffiti are ‘good’ Jews in the sense that they are devoted to their religion and its teachings, and anyone coming forward from either the Jewish, Christian or Islamic community and condemning this act, saying it is a ‘bastardization’ of this ‘holy’ religion known as Judaism is either a liar or a fool.
I have come to see the esoteric power of Judaism,in everything connected with them. The symbolism,has real power in all that they do . When one learns their true ideals,and methods,the opaque veil,in which the Jews bamboozle ,falls from your eyes. Every Jew,from the their all powerful elite,which OWNS the money of the Western World,down to the shlep on the street needs to submerge ,or eliminate the true Christ,and either make him disapear ,or morph him,into their God Of The New World Order; Yahweh. I do not take this vandalism lightly. The Jews diety,is a violent one. He is not a ‘God’, of peace. It thrives on blood sacrifice,and violent energy. Will this attack make it into the mainstream media? Will EWTN ,those Vatican 2 “Conservatives”, on the “Ceeeeeatholic Network “, report this? How about the vile 700 Club News,owned by laughing hyena,and Rothschilds business partner Pat ( Peee at) Roberston ? Don’t bet on it. The Jews run the world,by perception,and they must keep the illusion of ‘Godlness’, to the fools who think they are all “Gods Chosen People”. I donotdispute they are such ! Theu belong to a “God”,named Yahweh. Christ called him,a ‘Liar from the beginning”..
@MG EDITOR:Thanks for your introductory remarks. I say that because I am in a bad mood. I just spent half an hour on Amazon, reading Jewish attacks on books that expose their evil. All their spitting and hissing comes down to this…
1. You are an anti-semite
2. You are a racist.
3. You are a hater
If you expose Jewish racism and Jewish hatred of the Goyim, that you are condemned as a hate-filled anti-semitic racist.
“And what’s worse is that hordes of Gentiles buy into this, taking it all in, hook, line and sinker.”
Yes. You can show actual copies of the Talmud to the worshippers of Jews, and it won’t make a dent in their adoration of the Jews that despise them.
Each day it gets worse. There are over 200 major holo-hoax museums and memorials, and their number continues to multiply. So do the number of hoax “survivors.” Canada and England are now constructing holo-hoax museums that will rival or outdo the US holo-hoax museum in Washington DC. Western politicians climb over each other, shouting, “We love Jews!” Governments give special police and military protection to Jews. Christian churches now make the worship of Jewish atrocities the core of their dogma. It started with the evangelicals, and spread outward from there. Left wing “progressives” are as fanatical in their worship of Jews as are right-wing wackos. For example, “progressive” Senator Elizabeth Warren is hysterically pro-war and pro-Israel. She is a foaming-at-the-mouth worshipper of Jewish supremacy, plus the war on Islam.
We’re up to our necks in Jewage, and the level keeps rising.
If I may add to Konrads observations. In addition,to your list of Jew Formula attack,on anyone daring to criticize them,may I add the following slanders used: Mental Ilness, Sexual perversion,marital problems,sexual frustration, jelousy,bitterness, looser,Scat,stupidity, A grammer error,or typo will be fixated upon,as a sign of ‘poor education’. The Jew will never answer the criticism head on,but only,insult,and distract. A Gentile Jew stooge use’s another approach. “Are you in this country?” “Are you a skinhead?” “Are you crazy?” “Nobody thinks like you”My relative fought in WW2”. “They where at Buckenwald,and saw the HOLEEECOST “. “They where at D-Day” ,”They where at Pearl Harbor” My goodness,the entire 70 % DRAFTED US Armed Forces where all at the same place,and all of the time ! The Holocaust is the worlds new religion . These museums built in the ‘face of the undersground 4th Reich,which rules us”. Those “Fascists “, which “own the media.and corporations’, And have “Israel under threat”,are the Temples of our time. What,and who do you worship there The Jews,and through them Yahweh -the ‘Holocaust’,his ‘burnt offerings ! Religion is myth,and the jews have created a new,one,to supplant the gentiles for good !
MG Editor: I’ve done that on Amazon too. Always makes my blood boil. Looking at the serial hasbarats, the same ones for many books, denying the facts.
And the more years we put between now and WW2, the more supposed “survivors” with dubious claims crawl out of the woodwork to flog a fake story and make some money.
That alone should tell people the whole thing is a scam.
I can’t help but contrast these two lines:
“[Only] Two months ago police arrested a 21-year-old Jewish man who had allegedly damaged a cross and sculpture in the Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem.” : “Emergency personnel searched the area but did not find any suspects at the scene.”
And saying anything against them (and their perennial acts of hatred) is OUR hatred? …
This particular line:
“Local Palestinians believe the arson attack was the work of Jewish settlers.”
… just about says it all.
Btw : What would the likes of Hagee/ Harper/ Obama have to say about such a news? Have they EVER said anything in protest of such…?
My usual reaction is the same as always : May the Curse of God on these satans multiply faster than their compound interest! … May God Almighty be angered enough to unleash the most deserving Retribution upon this disease of humanity!
However, the Jews always work through proxy. The sheer number [and kind] of their aides is what would be deserving of an even greater Retribution (as per the Qur’an). And those who do not understand this insist that ONLY the Jews should be our target, and not the proxy-scum/ aides (such as Freemasons of all backgrounds)?
What am I supposed to feel when even [varying-degrees-of-secular] MUSLIMS advise me that my soul’s revolt towards the Jews (for what they doing till date) makes me impatient and “intolerant”?!!!
What am I supposed to think of scores of [evangelical and other] CHRISTIANS who are willing to die [and kill rampantly] for beliefs that were designed/ coined by the very enemies/ (attempted) KILLERS of Jesus (pbuh)?!!!
The Population Distribution has been the SAME since 4000+, 2000+ or 1400+ years ago :
– A SMALL % of JEWS/ Satan
– A MAJORITY of HYPOCRITES (who work for and defend/ sustain the Jews/ Satans)!
The Jews could have NEVER gotten THIS far … if it weren’t for the last group of critters!
To complement Konrad’s [usual, excellent] graphics:
@ #3 : That was a great, insightful comment, Dante, esp. the first part. I agree.
Slightly off topic … or in overarching relevance … this was a great article:
Brother Nathanael
February 24, 2015 @ 9:37 pm
Dear Real Jew News Family,
I am SICK AND TIRED of the COWARDS who can’t seem to tell it like it is:
JEWS…NOT “corporations” NOT “presstitutes” OWN and RUN the Media. Period.
Why can’t they say it?
What is Paul Craig Roberts, Tom Feeley (the miserable atheist and with heart problems at that), Gerry Celente, and the Saker/Faker, AFRAID of?
That they will offend CHRIST-KILLERS? That they will offend LIARS and DECEIVERS?
I, +Brother Nathanael Kapner, am NOT AFRAID to STATE the TRUTH.
Even though YouTube BANS my Videos, NO ONE except for posts my Articles, and I get DEATH THREATS all the time, I WILL name the wicked JEWS who have ruined America.
I don’t care. I will DIE for the TRUTH. Jesus Christ IS THE TRUTH!
“Jewish Control Of The Catholic Mind – Interview With E. Michael Jones”
I don’t even want the Jews’ worst nightmare to be realized. I don’t want another holocaust or hatred of the Jewish people as a whole. Gives them more of an excuse to live in their eternal vengeful victim complex and use that as an excuse for racism, murder, and theft. But seriously, I don’t even want Jews totally defamed or out of a job. The ones doing the major damage are in high positions, and even persecute their own jews who speak out against Zio Nazism. Actually from what I understand, Zionism feeds on anti semitism, so we would be playing into the Elites’ hands by taking it out on the average one blinded by ignorance, lies, and tribalism.
But the contemporary elite Jews, and Jewish influence in media, military, industrial, government etc. need to be “cut down to size” if you will in the same way that the largely Jewish owned controlled media puts down muslims or Christians. Don’t push a violent hate crime, but make them eat some humble pie. They do it to Christians and muslims through the media all the time.