THE DAILY MAIL – Jesus Christ (PBUH) would be banned from speaking at universities if he was alive in 2016 along with other ‘non-violent extremists’, a leading Oxford professor warned yesterday. Professor Timothy Garton Ash complained that Britain has become ‘too feeble’ at supporting free speech and insisted that the public must stand up against self-censorship.
What is non-violent about burning all non-Christians alive for all eternity? To do that to anyone is the ultimate and most horrific extreme form of violence possible. But he is GOD so he can do that? I don’t think so. I don’t think he is God or that Jesus ever existed, the demonic real Jewish messiah is yet to come, and Jesus never fulfilled all the prophecies required to make him qualified as the real Messiah of the Jews anyway, so he is at best a mere pretender to the position of Messiah of the Jews, and an unsuccessful one at that, especially seeing as he was invented in 325 AD, Apollonius of Tyana having been the real first century leader, the ultra extreme Jew who controlled the Essenes, a sect so racist that they largely shunned even other Jews because they were polluted from having had contact with the Romans. Just check out the prophecies that Jesus never fulfilled, that he was supposed to fulfil if he really had been the real messiah, or even existed. .
Some people think that Jesus burning every non-Christian alive forever after this life is non-violent I suppose because they sort of wish it away, or sweep it under the carpet, as it is not ‘real’ to them in this material life, or believe the 1984 talk that that kind of thing is a justifiable aspect of God’s love, which it can never be in truth, as the real God is not a screaming psychotic full of twisted vengeful hatred. The very reality of heaven and hell is what that entire religion is based on, so if hell does not exist, then neither does the heaven that the non-historical Jesus promised.
Read ‘Missionaries, They Do Not Know What They Are Doing’ by Hugh Fogelman, he proves that the ‘original’ Bible scriptures never said anything different to Jesus saying that disciples were not to go amongst the Gentiles or Samaritans.
AMORC has published literature that lists the over 20 different church councils that changed the contents of the Bible over the centuries. Only later was the Bible changed to read that Jesus was for everyone, long after people had already been made to worship a cult and a book that served only Judaic interests, without ever being allowed to read that book themselves. When the Bible became publicly available, it had to be changed, and it was, to carry on the con., as Christianity was just a NWO Jewish psyop initiated through the Jewish Piso family influencing the heads of Rome
Christianity was the Jewish NWO con of the day, as Jews infiltrated and heavily influenced Rome back then just as they infiltrate and control the Rome of today, the purpose being to partly familiarize everyone with certain aspects of Judaism and to subjugate all the constituent religions within the Roman Empire, that being essential to Jews taking hold of them, later to completely control them through Christianity and now even many other religions under the overriding influence of Judaism to fight the wars for Israel and the Jews on their behalf.
Personally, I would ban Jesus if he came today, as a Jewish messiah is nothing to do with anyone but Jews, and the Zohar states that when the Jewish messiah comes, all Gentiles on the Earth will be exterminated and sent to hell under the Angel Duma, that coming after a period of enslavement of all Gentiles under the Jews, and that is physical, and more real to the senses of the human being, and they are implementing parts of that plan right now in readiness for the completion of it when their messiah comes, which many rabbis are preparing for even now.
That is why Gentile people had to be made to welcome the Jewish messiah, never realizing that when he really does come, they will all be physically annihilated, and far worse than that, their souls will all be imprisoned in a hellish state of consciousness also.
jesus did not come to the world to be messiah of el jewos
jesus came to save mankind from the jews – the evil, satan
@ #2 by 5 dancing shlomos
But surely, we must look at what the Father of Jesus, who Jesus said he was one with, actually does.
What are the qualities of that God? Does Jesus in the fairy tale Bible not say that all ‘unrepentant’ sinners will be burned alive repeatedly for all eternity with no cessation? What kind of psycho is that? Is he better than ‘the father of lies’ that Jesus mentions some of the Jews were following instead of their real father, the God of the Old Testament and the Torah.
Obviously, the God of the Old Testament is the same father that Jesus was acknowledging as the real God, and he was not saying that the Jewish God was Satan, he was saying some of the Jews were not really following that God, but another more negative personality. But how negative can these characters get before you have to acknowledge that Yahweh and Satan are one and the same and completely demonic, and nothing to do with the real God at all.
You have obviously never experienced any further spiritual contact than these demonic beings, they are all you know, so you need to call out beyond that limited scope of experience and call on the real God to manifest to you, and he is most definitely nothing to do with Jesus or Yahweh or Allah or any Satan. But you have your silly rule book, I know.
For being in Krishna, accepting His universally compassionate teachings, the Christians and Muslims would literally have me burned alive repeatedly, unceasingly for all eternity, for no real purpose or reason at all, and the Jews would also torture me in hell in various ways, probably the same as Jesus mentions, as when Jesus talks of hell, he is taking his lead from the jewish teachings alone.
You are not yet living, because you are not yet awakened by the real God, so you are spiritually inert still. No one can live spiritually when they agree to be party to torturing not only one person, but many more than their own number in eternal flames, they do not even take a single step forward in spiritual terms, but an ever-continuing infinite number of steps away from God, as the intent to go along with such vile and unnecessary torture of so many of God’s children is an abomination in the real God’s eyes.
To me, the Christian belief in the necessity of literally burning people alive eternally is also the ultimate in demonic nature, just the same as the Jewish belief in essence, there really is no real difference between you all, when we are looking at the intent to torture masses of souls in burning hell for all eternity.
What takes place on this Earth in the span of a mere few decades is literally not even one drop in a vast ocean compared to burning someone alive repeatedly for all eternity. You should think about what that must feel like, and reconsider if that is really necessitated.
What is GOOD? What is EVIL? What does evil is what evil is, and Yahweh and Jesus are as demonic as you can get. And Isaiah 45:7 says all actions committed by who you would claim to be Satan are in fact committed by Yahweh, who is stated by Jesus as being one with Jesus.
In the Bible, we see Jesus saying brother will be set against brother, and the Jews did the same black magic on the Egyptians, in Micah, setting brother against brother, pure black magic, nothing else.
Remember too that bit about how the law was created in order that man be made to sin, sinful events themselves actually being made to occur in increased number, beyond the will or intent of those whose bodies were made by the Jewish God to commit those sins, so that when man’s body and mind are punished, his spirit repents and is brought to righteousness, so as the sin was increased, so was the grace increased, so the perverse Bible theory taught. Yet what of those who are made to sin, do not accept Jesus, and then are made to suffer for those sins in eternal hell, when Yahweh and Jesus really committed those sins? Is that good? Is that justified? Is that necessary? The answer to all those questions must be no.
You must snap out of the 1984 mentality that tells you something is good and love because it has a label stamped on it that says ‘GOOD’ and ‘LOVE’, when what is intended to occur is unmentionable sick torture of the vast majority of all living beings on this planet in the next life in hell.
Krishna and Buddha do not burn any people alive for all eternity in any hell, yet Christians, Muslims and Jews call them Satan, even so. Maybe the bigger and badder your God is the better he is, eh?
But the real God is supremely powerful nonetheless, and can defeat any spiritual rival, yet nowhere do we find in more ancient literature that God intends to separate even a single person from Himself for all eternity, as all souls dwell within Him and are are connected to Him for all eternity, as parts and parcels of Himself, so He would never hurt anyone forever like that, as that would be completely counterproductive, unneccessarily sadistic, and completely purposeless, and would not benefit anyone in the slightest.
So what is good, what is the nature and purpose of God to you?
The Abrahamic ‘God’ is someone who is supposedly so powerful He can burn someone alive forever, wow, I am truly sad that that is so impressive for some people. He is no God.
And that Abrahamic God’s intention to burn all non-devotees alive forever comes ridiculously and hypocritically, right on the back of the command by Jesus to forgive 70 times 7, rendering the Bible a complete nonsense, which shows an unimaginable degree of completely unnecessary violent savagery, seeing as the Jewish Lord himself says he and he alone creates all good and all evil, so why punish anyone at all in hell for that, and why not punish himself, seeing as he is doing it, and not the Satan? See, if the Jewish Lord, the father of Jesus is committing all good and all evil, as Isaiah 45:7 states clearly, then it is the responsibility of that Lord alone, and what happens in the physical world should not therefore be blamed on any non-Christians, non-Jews, and non-Muslims.
Isaiah 45:7 King James Bible
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
Christians say that Jewish scriptures prophesied the coming of Jesus, and cite those prophecies, even though they were not all fulfilled as required for him to really have been Jesus. And they really did invent the Jesus of the Bible in the Nicean council held by Bishops under the directive of Emperor Constantine in 325 AD, himself heavily influenced by the Jewish Piso family to create such a false religion to unite many faiths as one throughout the Roman empire, to draw them ultimately to servitude to Judaism, as thoroughly intended, as occurs today.
Read ‘The Diegesis’, Rev Taylor 1829
Nowhere on the Earth was Jesus prophesied except in Jewish scriptures, which is kind of strange when considering the ridiculous assertion that he came for everyone in the world. Had he come for Gentiles, he would have incarnated among them and taught among them, and he would have been prophesies in some Gentile religion or other.
And you really should take note of the contents of that Hugh Fogelman article. Unless you are a Jew, you have no business waiting for a messiah prophesied in Jewish scriptures to come. The Jewish scriptures tell people that the messiah is predicted a messiah of the Jews alone.
unable to read your full comment. time.
the small, incomplete, g-d of the OT, st paul called it rubbish, is not the same God as the God of the New
total, absolute opposites
one is vengeful, jealous, lying, deceiving, violent, small listing of qualities).
God is love, forgiveness, equality, mercy.
not the same.
Jesus came to save mankind from the first, satan, and satan’s religion, judaizm.
not just st paul and marcion rejecting the OT, early christians wanted nothing to do with that book of evil..
the old and the new should never be bound together.
one does not come from the other
that was a fabrication to judaize christianity.
christianity now desparately needs to be de judaized.
as does the whole world
You are erroneous in your understanding. The God of the Old Testament is the God of the Jews and the same God of Jesus. The Satan he referred to is not intended to be taken as the Old Testament God, and Isaiah 45:7 has a more subtle meaning, that the entirety of all material action, good and bad, including the material action of ‘Satan’ is brought into being by the will of God, to usher the Jews back to Him.
So the God of the Bible Himself is the one who ultimately makes all material events occur, as the creation of the Law itself reveals also. What we think of as Satan in this world actually is God in one sense, as God clothes all beings in this world, even the angel called Satan, and it is His substance re-revealed as material mayic substance in this world that acts on the material plane as the bodies and material minds of everyone, those material bodies being made to act by God as He wishes in response to the individual and communal desires of the spiritual minds of our souls within those bodies, which He maintains ultimate control over, the substance of those bodies ultimately being Himself that we are immersed in, as we mistakenly misidentify ourselves with Him, with that gross and subtle substance of our material bodies and minds, and try to control it.
Jesus said he had not come to oppose or deny, but to fulfil every word of the Law, that Law being in Deuteronomy, the book of the Law, it having come from the Old Testament God of the Jews, so clearly, the Father that Jesus said he is one with is indeed the same God.
When you say the God of the New Testament is the complete opposite of the God of the Old Testament, who was vengeful and violent, how can you possibly hypnotize yourself to accept that?
Have you no feelings at all for all those who will be consigned to the eternal flames? What about your eternal brothers and sisters? Even though they sometimes kill each other in this world, what is killed is not their real selves, not their eternal souls, this is just a temporal dream-like reality being played out before us, and even though sometimes in some lives we are made to fight against each other in armies, this is just the dream of maya, we live forever.
Aren’t you prepared to allow them reincarnation to get themselves straightened out to come back to the spiritual world with you? Does one lifetime of misery inflicted upon you and others necessitate a whole limitless eternity of suffering in hellfire? Of course not, and to condemn others to that appalling suffering is an infinitely greater crime than that which may have been inflicted on you.
Albeit, that does not deny that armies are needed to fight the evil of the Jews or any other mindless terrorists in this world, as to demonstrate spiritual adherence to the good, and demonstrate nobility and self-sacrifice for the good of the whole, to maintain the Earth for future generations, is part of being with God also. Sometimes it is good to lay down one’s ‘life’ for that purpose, and anyway, the substance of this material body and dimension is not our life anyway, it belongs to someone else, to God, we really have no right or good purpose to be in these bodies in one sense, as they are designed to ultimately stop us wanting to be in this dimension in the first place, despite any temporal material pleasures they may offer, as the suffering on this plane in these bodies is far greater than any pleasure that these bodies may bring us.
However, this dimension is created to indulge those who wish to experience the potential of life away from God, so here we are, but when someone creates some material suffering for us, that does not create any justification to create infinite spiritual suffering in eternal hell for the other person concerned, though lower planets exist on a temporal basis to straighten out the more hateful and violent souls who have lost their spiritual minds, and those places exist for them to be sent to after this life if they refuse to quit their nastiness, and there are always spiritual teachers on those planets, it is just that in this age of Kali Yuga, chaos is occurring, the prison gates of the lower planetary systems have fallen down, and the lunatics are roaming free, incarnating inappropriately on higher planets to terrorize everyone, and that too is by God’s arrangement to quicken our own spiritual pace.
The God of the New Testament who Jesus says he is one with is going to burn all non-Christians alive forever without ever stopping. To say that that is love, forgiveness, equality, and mercy, is completely without any justification at all, and the Abrahamic belief systems that all hold such insane beliefs are in fact responsible for much of the world today being clinically insane.
Besides, in the real spiritual world, not the false Abrahamic conception of it, no soul is covered in a conditioning external material body, the souls in the actual spiritual dimension having no further requirement to be covered in such devices, which are in fact acting in a machine-like manner, according to the laws of karma, as is revealed in the Bhagavad Gita of Lord Krishna, and in the ancient vedic astrological science of jyotish.
Only in material planets are souls required to wear such external devices, which can act like like climbing frames offering a pattern on which a soul may develop more suitably, different frequencies of consciousness and activity taking different vibrational forms, and are designed ultimately to propel people to choose to desire to wake back up out of this mayic dream,
The religions of the Abrahamic faiths state that in their heavens, the inhabitants wear external bodies still, so even the Christian, Muslim and Jewish heavens are not the spiritual world at all, just grander material planets than this one.
In the spiritual world itself, all spiritual desires come into being instantly, if you desire to fly through the spiritual sky above any spiritual Vaikuntha planet for instance, Lord Krishna Himself will immediately become a living spiritual aircraft for you to do that, of living gold, emerald and lapis lazuli, and transport you through the blue skies there which are filled with gentle spiritual lightning, and everyone has an open heart there, their desires fully in harmony with those of God, and they are all able as individuals with individual wills to choose to share communal pastimes together as they wish, in a perfectly harmonious manner there, completely free from any conflict, suffering or anxiety, so there are no damping devices such as external regulatory material bodies necessary there.
Just think what would happen if a Jew were to enter the spiritual world of Vaikuntha, as the Vaishnavas call it, or Sach Khand, as the Sikhs call the same place, and desire that all non-Jews in that dimension be immediately killed? In this material world, there are restrictions which have to exist in the form of the limiting material bodies and material conditions, so that the Jewish desire, for example, to immediately exterminate other races and peoples is restricted from being able to occur, despite the many nuclear weapons which they have designed and created just for that purpose. People like that never enter the spiritual world until they fully repent and choose to interact with other souls properly, within and through the real God, knowing that all souls are parts and parcels of God eternally, without any beginning, every soul being a tiny expansion of Krishna, the Lord God Himself.
im done
take it up with st paul, marcion, the early christians before the jewing of christianity
In 150 AD, long before 325 AD, 325 AD being when people think ‘Christianity’ became Jewed, one of the early ‘Christian’ saints stated that God’s joy in heaven is not complete unless he can constantly observe the constant pain and suffering of the ‘sinners’ in hell being burned alive continuously, and that neither is the joy of the ‘saints’ in heaven complete either unless they too can also constantly witness the ‘sinners’ being tortured by being continuously burned alive, and he said that even a mother in heaven above gains joy seeing even her own son, now a sinner in hell below, being punished in such a way.
That is not spiritual in the slightest, think about it, it is in reality really sick stuff straight of the mind of someone who ought to have been restrained in a top security prison mental hospital. That is what Christians will be engaged in after this life according to that ‘saint’ from 150 AD, and it is complete insanity, wake up.
Before you say that ain’t so, check out these many Christians who say it is so, and it has been from the very beginning of Christianity, it is no ‘perversion’ of it, it always has been a Jewish psyop from year one.
Minucius Felix, fl. 230 AD
“Nor to these torments will there be any measure or termination. There the sentient fire burns limbs and renews them feeds on them and nourishes them.” –Octav. 35.
Cyprian 258 AD
“The wretched bodies of the condemned shall simmer and blaze in those living fires.”
Also, about AD 240, Tertullian of Carthage accepted the existence of the eternal soul, and the existence of endless torment of the immortal soul of the ‘wicked’, that being parallel beneath the eternal blessedness of the ‘saved’, with continuous consciousness after this life
“During the time of the early Apostolic Fathers, Christians believed hell would be a place of eternal, conscious punishment. In Ignatius of Antioch’s letter To the Ephesians (ca. A.D. 117) we read: “Such a one shall go in his foulness to the unquenchable fire” (16:2). Likewise, in the Epistle to Diognetus (ca. A.D. 138) we read: . . . when you fear the death which is real, which is kept for those that shall be condemned to the everlasting fire, which shall punish up to the end those that were delivered to it. Then you will marvel at those who endure for the sake of righteousness the fire which is for a season (10:7-8). 40 And 2 Clement reads (ca. A.D. 150): Nothing shall rescue us from eternal punishment, if we neglect his commandments (6:7). And again: ‘…when they see those who have done amiss, and denied Jesus by word or deed, are punished with terrible torture in unquenchable fire (17:7). Finally, in the Martyrdom of Polycarp (ca. A.D. 156- 60) we read: And the fire of their cruel torturers had no heat for them, for they set before their eyes an escape from the fire which is everlasting and is never quenched (2:3). And again: You threaten with the fire that burns for a time, and is quickly quenched, for you do not know the fire which awaits the wicked in the judgment to come and in everlasting punishment (11:2).”
“150 AD Justin Martyr: “[Jesus] shall come from the heavens in glory with his angelic host, when he shall raise the bodies of all the men who ever lived. Then he will clothe the worthy in immortality; but the wicked, clothed in eternal sensibility, he will commit to the eternal fire, along with the evil demons” (First Apology, 52).
“150 AD Justin Martyr: and we say that the same thing will be done, but at the hand of Christ, and upon the wicked in the same bodies united again to their spirits which are now to undergo everlasting punishment; and not only, as Plato said, for a period of a thousand years. And if any one say that this is incredible or impossible, this error of ours is one which concerns ourselves only, and no other person, so long as you cannot convict us of doing any harm. (The First Apology of Justin, Chap. VIII)
“150 AD Justin Martyr: And hell is a place where those are to be punished who have lived wickedly, and who do not believe that those things which God has taught us by Christ will come to pass. (The First Apology of Justin, Chap. XIX)
“150 AD Justin Martyr: while we affirm that the souls of the wicked, being endowed with sensation even after death, are punished, and that those of the good being delivered from punishment spend a blessed existence, we shall seem to say the same things as the poets and philosophers. (The First Apology of Justin, Chap. XX)
“150 AD Justin Martyr: For among us the prince of the wicked spirits is called the serpent, and Satan, and the devil, as you can learn by looking into our writings. And that he would be sent into the fire with his host, and the men who follow him, and would be punished for an endless duration, Christ foretold. (The First Apology of Justin, Chap. XXVIII)
“150 AD Justin Martyr: Nor can the devils persuade men that there will be no conflagration for the punishment of the wicked; as they were unable to effect that Christ should be hidden after He came. But if they believe that there is nothing after death, but declare that those who die pass into insensibility, then they become our benefactors when they set us free from sufferings and necessities of this life, and prove themselves to be wicked, and inhuman, and bigoted. For they kill us with no intention of delivering us, but cut us off that we may be deprived of life and pleasure. (The First Apology of Justin, Chap. LVII)
“150 AD Justin Martyr: the unjust and intemperate shall be punished in eternal fire. (The Second Apology of Justin For The Christians Addressed to the Roman Senate, Chap. I)
“150 AD Justin Martyr: assuring him that there shall be punishment in eternal fire inflicted upon those who do not live temperately and conformably to right reason. (The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians Addressed to the Roman Senate. Chap. II)
“150 AD Justin Martyr: And they, having been shut up in eternal fire, shall suffer their just punishment and penalty. For if they are even now overthrown by men through the name of Jesus Christ, this is an intimation of the punishment in eternal fire which is to be inflicted on themselves and those who serve them. For thus did both all the prophets foretell, and our own teacher Jesus teach. (The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians Addressed to the Roman Senate, Chap. VIII)
“150 AD Justin Martyr: And that no one may say what is said by those who are deemed philosophers, that our assertions that the wicked are punished in eternal fire are big words and bugbears, and that we wish men to live virtuously through fear, and not because such a life is good and pleasant; I will briefly reply to this, that if this be not so, God does not exist; or, if He exists, He cares not for men, and neither virtue nor vice is anything, and as we said before, lawgivers unjustly punish those who transgress good commandments. (The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians Addressed to the Roman Senate, Chap. IX)”
From those in favour of not imposing eternal suffering on sinners;
Some other history below of hell in early Christianity with views of people who think God should change his sentencing plans, though Jesus himself was clearly in favour and of definite intent to impose such suffering on ‘unrepentant sinners’ as eternal hellfire;
The Jews ran the first version of Christianity through the Essenes, a hardcore Jewish sect which was entirely devoted only to the Jews, under a very different leader to the Jesus Christ who was only invented later, there having been around 800 pretenders to the role of the anticipated Jewish messiah at that time, and when the New Testament gospels and other books added to make the New Testament were faked, as evidenced in ‘The Diegesis’ by Rev Taylor in 1829, the Jewish Piso family and other Jews heavily influencing Emperor Constantine decided to Judaize the 20 or so different religions practiced in different regions throughout the Roman Empire at the Nicean Council in 325 AD, a JWO NWO move, as has been practiced again and again to consolidate Jewish deep state control over as much of the world as possible
This was done to do what was re-emphasised by the British Jew Freemason Lord General Cornwallis in 1781, when he stated to his brother in the craft, fellow Freemason, American George Washington, at the time of the American War for Independence, that over the next two hundred years in America, another revolution would take place, in which all religions practiced in America would be made to serve the purpose of the Judaic religion, even without knowing it, and that that would be orchestrated by the British Freemasonic royal family, who are of course, Jewish bloodline themselves, even with Queen Elizabeth II today being the Governor General of the Protestant Christian Church of England, as Queen Victoria many years ago stated how she was descended from the House of David, the Hebrew King David of the Bible, and we see young Prince George recently having received a Torah scroll commemorating his birth, and we see that Prince Charles was circumcised by the rabbinical chief Mohul of all of Great Britain no less, a very Jewish thing to have done.
You can see that the situation of Jewish control over all religions practiced in Britain was already surely in effect to all intents and purposes, and the English East India Company, which was effectively the government of India at that time, was also trying to undermine the religions of India at this time and make them more amenable to the Judaic conception, so it was something occurring in many places in the world no doubt throughout all of the British Empire at that time, and surely, not just through those powerful and influential British who were crypto-Jewish or under the heavy influence of the Jews.
Jews run Christianity, they always have done, they created it in the first place, and beat it into total submission, with the exception of a few sincere, but mistaken people who sadly think that there is still merit in Christianity, like compulsive gamblers addicted to buying lotto tickets every week, always thinking they will really win, that they will really get to heaven, they will not, not by that approach. And Christianity was never anything different, it was always intended to serve only the Jews and not the Gentiles, and to lead the Gentiles following it only to spiritual destruction.
Why do you think they garrotted William Tyndale to death and then burned his body when he translated all of the Bible and saw what was really in it, all the stuff the priests would never allow their parishioners to read? Before he died, he said “How I would that the King’s eyes be opened”. The Catholic priests were NWO JWO agents, consciously or not, and even those who Protestants who followed were much freer from delusion. No one should be killed for allowing people to read a Bible surely? The Protestant ‘reform’ in England started in 1529 and was completed in 1536, which was also when Tyndale was executed.
An extremely talented young man with an MA in 7 languages from Oxford University, obtained at the age of 21, Tyndale published his Bible in 1525, The Greek N.T. had been printed in 1516 and was translated and printed in German by Martin Luther in 1522, and what was contained in those translations, would of course, have been limited by those scholars’ ability to understand the subtle, often Shakespearian nuances of language in the original manuscripts, leaving the way open for certain wishful thinking to be later impressed upon the pages of those translated Bibles as scriptural fact. I say this because there is indeed evidence of difference in the meanings of Bible passages in the Bibles of different languages even today, and modern scholars have found that the real meaning of certain passages in the modern Bible is completely different when the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts are translated properly, and much of Tyndale’s original translation was indeed totally rejected, never to be included in the later King James Bible.
Thinking of Hugh Fogelman’s ‘Missionaries, They Do Not Not Know What They Are Doing’, I think that is part of what William Tyndale saw, and they burned every single copy of his translation, except for one alleged copy which is preserved in a museum, with only a portion of Tyndale’s translation later being used for the King James Bible.
True scholars of ancient Greek and Hebrew will tell you anyway that what is contained in the Bible today is often very much different to what it is really intended to say when translated properly, but that is yet another issue. If you speak with a Christian from the Czech Republic for example, and discuss the Bible with them, you will find that sometimes they will not know the Bible passages that you refer to, and that is because they are very differently translated in their languages to give very different meanings, so there again, we see another way in which the Church is kept in compartmentalized groups of understanding, deliberately or not.