Yep! That was blasphemous! I am not quite sure what the point was though?
Other than maybe we don’t have to worry about the Jews tarring down Jesus’s accomplishments.
Because the Gentiles seem to be doing a fine job on their own now?! Maybe?
Dont worry Rasul Allah Isa. Allah will send these kykes to hell.
Even if you weren’t Christian, even if you were an atheist, a Buddhist, whatever–what could there possibly be about Jesus that would make someone go out of his way to revile him?
The Jews talk like this of Jesus in private,but not in public. The gullible Christians -brain washed by paid off clergy,and misreading of the nasty Old Testament do not know this…the Zio-Christain,Evangelical,Vatican 2 Catholics the worse. This is the Jew,in full bloom. They hate Jesus Christ,in total..why? HE WAS A BREAK FROM ALL THEY STOOD FOR-and when the world opens up to this fact,it might get liberated. See:HOW JEWS MOCK CHRIST- Real Jew News.Com.
The Jews keep their hatred of Christ today,well hidden. They bury this is total silence.So they take him on,by bribing off Christianity,to alter His image. This is a revealing slip. The Jews would love to pummel Christ 24/7,like Adolf Hitler-their most effective earthly enemy..but are to clever for that-until now?
This is what Christians must tell the Judaists every day:
Moses was a mentally deranged black thug. He was a killer who killed an Egyptian. He was a negro as the AFrican pharaoh thought of him as one of his own. He was mass murderer and a mass pedophile. He was a black barbarian.
The Judaists are deranged to worship a mentally deranged black criminal like Moshe.
Moshe is in hell in boiling excrement. His mother was a whore.
I am a Christian Apostolic and Roman
Spain and the opusdei ..
I find it very funny and slightly offensive ..
that disappointment
Why do Christians have more sense of humor?
when they attack our religion
and we find it offensive if they attack our personal belief
Yep! That was blasphemous! I am not quite sure what the point was though?
Other than maybe we don’t have to worry about the Jews tarring down Jesus’s accomplishments.
Because the Gentiles seem to be doing a fine job on their own now?! Maybe?
Dont worry Rasul Allah Isa. Allah will send these kykes to hell.
Even if you weren’t Christian, even if you were an atheist, a Buddhist, whatever–what could there possibly be about Jesus that would make someone go out of his way to revile him?
The Jews talk like this of Jesus in private,but not in public. The gullible Christians -brain washed by paid off clergy,and misreading of the nasty Old Testament do not know this…the Zio-Christain,Evangelical,Vatican 2 Catholics the worse. This is the Jew,in full bloom. They hate Jesus Christ,in total..why? HE WAS A BREAK FROM ALL THEY STOOD FOR-and when the world opens up to this fact,it might get liberated. See:HOW JEWS MOCK CHRIST- Real Jew News.Com.
The Jews keep their hatred of Christ today,well hidden. They bury this is total silence.So they take him on,by bribing off Christianity,to alter His image. This is a revealing slip. The Jews would love to pummel Christ 24/7,like Adolf Hitler-their most effective earthly enemy..but are to clever for that-until now?
This is what Christians must tell the Judaists every day:
Moses was a mentally deranged black thug. He was a killer who killed an Egyptian. He was a negro as the AFrican pharaoh thought of him as one of his own. He was mass murderer and a mass pedophile. He was a black barbarian.
The Judaists are deranged to worship a mentally deranged black criminal like Moshe.
Moshe is in hell in boiling excrement. His mother was a whore.
I am a Christian Apostolic and Roman
Spain and the opusdei ..
I find it very funny and slightly offensive ..
that disappointment
Why do Christians have more sense of humor?
when they attack our religion
and we find it offensive if they attack our personal belief