ED NOTE, Sabba–When Jesus comes back, will He recognize the US military as His army fighting to preserve His message and legacy?
In fact, when Jesus does come back, who will he recognize as ‘his followers’?
Will he recognize Todd Starnes as one of his own? Will he recognize pastor Terry Jones as one of his lieutenant?
Will he recognize the Christian zionists /Evangelical Christians as his foot-soldiers? Or will he recognize the Synagogue of satan as his heir? Unless it is the Naturei Karta clowns?
Are the ‘godless Muslims’ really the enemy of Christ and His holy teaching? How distant are Muslims from the Teachings of the Messiah?
Let us have a quick look!
Jesus instructed his disciples to greet with “Peace be upon you” – the way Muslims do.
Jesus used to pray with his knees and head on the ground – the way Muslims do.
Jesus used to perform ablutions before praying – the way the Muslims do.
Jesus used to fast, refraining from drink and food – the way the Muslims do.
Jesus had a beard – the way Muslim men do.
Jesus used to dress with long garments or tunics – the way Muslims do (less and less though).
His blessed Mother used to cover her head – the way Muslim women do.
Jesus and Mohammed (PBUT): 2 men, one mission. Christianity and Islam are sisters, and let us never allow the third party make us forget this truth because only the Truth can and will set us free.
This is obviously the ongoing jewish attempt to destroy christianity and to transform Jesus into a jewish super- man.
It is a shame that “christians” don’t realize that. Most of the pastors are on their payroll and their sheep are totally brainwashed and manipulated.
I for one think it is useless to go to the churches, where they are preaching the OT and pervert Jesus’ teachings and his life. In Germany it is the same.
If Jesus came back today, he wouldn’t be a Christian. His message of peace and love, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, befriending the outcast, and challenging the Jewish leadership is much too radical for most churches. The Jews have turned Christianity into a weapon and perverted it to their own ends. If there is a hell, I hope Chris Kyle is burning in it.
If Jesus Christ would live today in Middle East, Kyle would kill him on the spot.
What you are seeing is a diablical blending of Jesus Christ with Yahweh . This is deeply Masonic,and began as Jewish subversion into Christianity,long ago.This Judized Christinaity,seems to have first taken off in Holland,where Jews had found haven: John Calvin (Anabaptists) funded by Jews spread it…. England is where it rooted. Oliver Cromwells Puritans. King James masonry,Hanoverian Kings Windsors. That is why Anglo-Philes ,often referred to the Empire as “The New Israel”. Christ apparently warned us about this: “Wolves in sheeps clothing” . “Can a leapord change his spots ?” What Jews cannot slander away;they lead. Lenin (I had a Tea Party Patriot,insist Lenin,Marx,or the Reds had ‘no Jewsih Blood!’),taught ‘leading the opposition’. This is simliar. Blending the message of Christ,with the OT,God,is purely Talmudic Tactically,and Satanic in its deception. Christ is not an “American’. He is not ‘A Jew”,and belongs to not one nation,people,culture,or race. He is not a political party,or temperal ideology. The Jews dualist GOD/SATAN ;Yahweh has that nature. He is dark shadows-Christ is ‘the light of he world”. Please See: BOLSHIVSEM FROM MOSSES TO LENIN : Echart. (I know I repeat this ,bu so excellent,and want all to see) .YAHWEH:God Of TH NWO & Synagogue Of Saturn :YT.
When the Romans arrested Jesus, he did not resist.
In fact, when one of his disciples cut off the ear of a soldier Jesus healed it.
So no, Jesus would NOT thank that sniper Chris Kyle.
American Sniper is a Zionist piece of filth
Judeo-Christianity ,is the ‘sheep in wolves clothing’,Christ warned us about .
Your thoughts about close connection between Moslem and Christian teachings are also my thoughts. But historical development of the peoples with different religions gives deeper understanding.
1. Jews never had material culture. The places where they lived are bare of practically any evidence of architecture, art, etc. They had no interest of making anything that we call civilization. There were no jewish painters, sculptors, metal workers. Instead, they had insane interest in what we call now “human relations”.
2. Moslems, living in the same areas created unsurpassed marvels of civilization, innovation and science. Their “social life”, however, was simple to the extreme. They NEVER EVER had social revolutions (this is an historical fact), understandably because all conflicts were decided locally by a learned cleric.
3. Christians created marvels of civilization. And, mostly, at the period called by jewish communists “Dark Ages” – 900 – 1500 AD, the same period when there was the high art in Moslem culture.
The national characters were formed, with the result that jews developed a pathological envy for peoples in civilized societies, they excelled in theft and in making money, again, based on their phenomenal skills in public relations. They introduced revolutions, degenerate art and, they bought the mass media.
This is the world we live in. Our product – ugly sh-t having no cultural value, no decent workmanship, no trace of its origin, just waiting for the disposal in garbage. What we talk about is “social problems”. Where the hell are our masters?
#4 Alex from Russia.
I agree.
Thank you for this post Sabba1214. Also, all comments here were great. It’s assuring, in the current world scene, to realize that at least here at TUT we have a lot in common.
This is obviously the ongoing jewish attempt to destroy christianity and to transform Jesus into a jewish super- man.
It is a shame that “christians” don’t realize that. Most of the pastors are on their payroll and their sheep are totally brainwashed and manipulated.
I for one think it is useless to go to the churches, where they are preaching the OT and pervert Jesus’ teachings and his life. In Germany it is the same.
If Jesus came back today, he wouldn’t be a Christian. His message of peace and love, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, befriending the outcast, and challenging the Jewish leadership is much too radical for most churches. The Jews have turned Christianity into a weapon and perverted it to their own ends. If there is a hell, I hope Chris Kyle is burning in it.
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Muslim Version || Spoken Word || Response
If Jesus Christ would live today in Middle East, Kyle would kill him on the spot.
What you are seeing is a diablical blending of Jesus Christ with Yahweh . This is deeply Masonic,and began as Jewish subversion into Christianity,long ago.This Judized Christinaity,seems to have first taken off in Holland,where Jews had found haven: John Calvin (Anabaptists) funded by Jews spread it…. England is where it rooted. Oliver Cromwells Puritans. King James masonry,Hanoverian Kings Windsors. That is why Anglo-Philes ,often referred to the Empire as “The New Israel”. Christ apparently warned us about this: “Wolves in sheeps clothing” . “Can a leapord change his spots ?” What Jews cannot slander away;they lead. Lenin (I had a Tea Party Patriot,insist Lenin,Marx,or the Reds had ‘no Jewsih Blood!’),taught ‘leading the opposition’. This is simliar. Blending the message of Christ,with the OT,God,is purely Talmudic Tactically,and Satanic in its deception. Christ is not an “American’. He is not ‘A Jew”,and belongs to not one nation,people,culture,or race. He is not a political party,or temperal ideology. The Jews dualist GOD/SATAN ;Yahweh has that nature. He is dark shadows-Christ is ‘the light of he world”. Please See: BOLSHIVSEM FROM MOSSES TO LENIN : Echart. (I know I repeat this ,bu so excellent,and want all to see) .YAHWEH:God Of TH NWO & Synagogue Of Saturn :YT.
When the Romans arrested Jesus, he did not resist.
In fact, when one of his disciples cut off the ear of a soldier Jesus healed it.
So no, Jesus would NOT thank that sniper Chris Kyle.
American Sniper is a Zionist piece of filth
Judeo-Christianity ,is the ‘sheep in wolves clothing’,Christ warned us about .
Your thoughts about close connection between Moslem and Christian teachings are also my thoughts. But historical development of the peoples with different religions gives deeper understanding.
1. Jews never had material culture. The places where they lived are bare of practically any evidence of architecture, art, etc. They had no interest of making anything that we call civilization. There were no jewish painters, sculptors, metal workers. Instead, they had insane interest in what we call now “human relations”.
2. Moslems, living in the same areas created unsurpassed marvels of civilization, innovation and science. Their “social life”, however, was simple to the extreme. They NEVER EVER had social revolutions (this is an historical fact), understandably because all conflicts were decided locally by a learned cleric.
3. Christians created marvels of civilization. And, mostly, at the period called by jewish communists “Dark Ages” – 900 – 1500 AD, the same period when there was the high art in Moslem culture.
The national characters were formed, with the result that jews developed a pathological envy for peoples in civilized societies, they excelled in theft and in making money, again, based on their phenomenal skills in public relations. They introduced revolutions, degenerate art and, they bought the mass media.
This is the world we live in. Our product – ugly sh-t having no cultural value, no decent workmanship, no trace of its origin, just waiting for the disposal in garbage. What we talk about is “social problems”. Where the hell are our masters?
#4 Alex from Russia.
I agree.
Thank you for this post Sabba1214. Also, all comments here were great. It’s assuring, in the current world scene, to realize that at least here at TUT we have a lot in common.