ed note (Tony)…If you had any doubt about the meaning and definition of the Latin phrase ‘Cui bono’,…….
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Shut up, *Jew.
See this Jew? She is a the epidomy,of prejudice,and hate. Her venom allowed because,she is a Chosenite. Her views revealing those of the Neoconservative;a Jewish “Left”,creation,which pre dates the rise of “Islamic Terrorism”. Take note: The EU,is something the Jews always did not like (its current form flawed ) but the concept of a united Europen consciousnes scares them. They like divides to exploit, This is,where the Zio-Christian nonsense of Europe as ‘the beast’,comes in. It is not:Israels symbol is 666:The Star oF David;not Europe. The Jews are always ready to exploit an incident. They use cause,and effect,and every human emotion possible. Watch Rothschilds FOX,and Wolf Blitzer :AIPAC employee before that ) get her on. The :”Murikans”,will eat this up.
She didn’t mention that the best way to counter Muslim “Terrorism” would be to nuke Israel; there was never radical Muslims ’till the terrorist, supremacist, usurping, terrorist, pariah of Israel was founded.
And please; anyone with more than 10 brain cells know Muslims had nothing to do with 9-11; MOSSAD did it, along with the Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon, the USS Cole & Liberty, and most likely most of the others she lists. Maybe Muslims did a couple, but how can you blame them?
It’s the Jews who are the living, terrorist devils! And why was a pic of that vile jew posted? I’ll have nightmares now from seeing that lying, disgusting, ugly bitch. She makes Pam Gellar look like Miss Universe.
There are no other true solution for Europe, Europe must repent and stop sinning! Only then could it return to the Christians values, including the rule of law. What good is it to close the borders, but let all the filth come in the country through the web, TV and mainstream medias? Besides she seems to believe that Islam came after the Koran while it is the other way around; this is why the traditional muslins don’t interpret the Koran the same way as the wahhabites and their offsprings takfiris. The mother and provider of all terrorists is Saudi Arabia. But it would not be sufficient to erase Saudi Arabia from the map because contrary to what all Muslims believe, the Koran was modified from the beginning … and more than once! Please learn the facts about the Koran: the muslims that invaded Spain in the 8th century didn’t know the Koran, nor Mohammed and not even the Mecca (the prayers were turned towards Jerusalem)!
That will be the day your zioness. It won’t happen. Give it up.
Dante Ardenz, you know heaps more than I ever will, but – if I may say it, you will need to write correct English, even though it may not be your first language, in which case have it as good as your first language, otherwise the effect is diminished.
Imagine what will happen to a Muslim if he/she chooses to express a similar rant against the Jews of Europe, South America and North America!
You God-damned scum have already mostly succeeded on that front.
Those are all directly false-flagged by mossad themselves, or their creations, the wahhabisteins from yehudi arabia.
Notice how she puts anti-jewish in there…
The following para I reproduce whole from theoccidentalobserver.net for August 2014 because substitute America, and Canada, and western Europe, and the UK, for Australia, then it’s absolutely no different, is it ? Were this question to be put to PJ-P, how could she answer differently ?? She couldn’t. This is her Good Muslims thesis;
___ The Jewish writer Peta Jones-Pellach is not alone in expressing the view that Australian Jews should always back the Muslim minority in any conflict with White Australia, arguing that “We recognize that our ongoing harmonious acceptance into the Australian community depends on forging bonds with the increasing numbers of non-Jewish Australians who might be our theological opponents or even our enemies.”[ii] The supposed benefits to Australian Jewry that multiculturalism has bestowed – most notably the diminished threat of the emergence of a mass movement of anti-Semitism from White Australians — is seen as having far outweighed any negative effects of large scale Islamic immigration such as the fact that: “Some Australian Jews fear that migrants arriving from Muslim countries will contribute to anti-Semitic currents in Australia, inflame extremist groups and pose a threat to the relative peace they currently enjoy.”[iii] ___
So, here we have one Jewess, PJ-P, messing up European peopled countries, only for us to find another Jewess being timely with her solicitude of our alarm at the sudden turn of events, sternly proffering a multi point program as to how to deal with Bad Muslims !
I am quite sure these two women could do a role reversal for a joke, and know it would be on us.
As this snake woman gives her apparently innocent, “saviorish” spiel … THIS is what her overlords started in the background :
Let’s remember, it’s all connected… and staged by these liars.