‘Israel invaded somebody else’s territory,  took people’s homes and did many of the things that the Nazis did to the Jews’


ed note–we’ll forgo the usual extended commentary for something ‘short & sweet’, as the old saying operates.


Yes, ladies and Gentile-men, there are those we might refer to–at least with regards to certain topics, as ‘righteous Jews’. They are ‘abnormalities’ of a sort in that all the ‘Now go and slaughter Amalek and spare them not, but put to the sword every man, woman, and suckling child’ does not resonate with them, at least with regards to what the Pirates of Judea are doing to the defenseless Gentiles in the Middle East.


But it must be noted, ladies and Gentile-men, just as we stated above, that Judah-ites of this type are ‘abnormalities’. They are like the alligator who does not have an appetite for hunting, killing, and eating defenseless animals, but instead prefers a vegan diet.


The mistake that far too many make in getting a rational grip on this thing known as ‘the Jewish problem’ is in their taking the few lone exceptions and using them to neutralize the well-established, generalized rule or else to use these ‘abnormalities’ as ‘proof’ that ‘authentic Judah-ism’ forbids what is taking place in the Middle East by the ‘fake Jews’ running the Jewish state.


So, to be fair to ‘abnormalities’ such as Shawn Wallace, the highly-esteemed Drs. Jeffrey Sachs, Norman Finkelstein and the HANDFUL of others who deserve crowns of glory for having rescued themselves from the morally-paralyzing grip of the Torah Judah-ism that has destroyed so many of their ‘extended family’, let us all celebrate the fact that miracles DO exist, even if they are small in number, and that sometimes, SOMETIMES, a leopard can change its spots and that there are ‘righteous Jews’ amongst us trying to do the right thing and against all the odds.





Famed Princess Bride actor Wallace Shawn claimed that Israel’s actions in its war against Hamas in Gaza were an ‘evil’ worse than the Nazis, in an interview with The Katie Halper Show podcast last month.



The 81-year-old stated that Israel ‘invaded somebody else’s territory, took people’s homes and did many of the things that the Nazis did to the Jews.’


‘You can’t be more evil than what they’re doing,’ Shawn said. ‘They are doing evil that is just as great as what the Nazis did and in some ways, it’s worse because they boast about it. Hitler at least had the decency to try to keep it secret… the Israelis are proud of it, and it’s demonically evil. You can’t be more evil. And anybody who doesn’t recognize that it’s evil, I can’t properly communicate with that person.’


Shawn added: ‘I can imagine that some Israelis who are today in support of what their country is doing in Gaza or the West Bank, even some of them might in 10 years wake up and say, ‘Why did I justify that?”


‘Of course, [Israelis] must consciously or unconsciously know that every single day they are making the hatred increase. And the hatred level is something we can’t imagine,’ he further expressed.


‘The whole world knows that they are starving people, preventing children from getting medicine on purpose, and bombing hospitals,’ he said. ‘If you don’t see that it’s evil to do those things to other human beings, then you’re in a different universe for me.’



Hamas’s October 7 attacks


Only days after Hamas’s attacks, Wallace began criticizing the Jewish state. ‘I don’t really believe in revenge, and that’s what this is,’ he said, according to the Hollywood Reporter. ‘Obviously, like anyone who is Jewish, millions of my relatives have been massacred. You would think that would teach everybody from that background that this is a tragedy that should be avoided and hatred against particular groups is wrong. Many people don’t seem to have picked that up.’


‘What’s happening right now is certainly one of the most deliberate cruelties inflicted on a group of people that I can remember and that my own government has supported. Even in Vietnam, there was a whole elaborate explanation that people gave, and they didn’t quite admit that they just were slaughtering the innocent,’ he reportedly told the Washington DC crowd in 2023 at a rally led by Jewish Voices for Peace. 

2 thoughts on “Jewish actor Wallace Shawn claims Israel is ‘demonically evil and worse than the Nazis’”
  1. I would add Max Blumenthal, Katie Halper, and Aaron Mate to the list.

    ed note–we agree, although as Gentiles, what we have to remember is that despite their being on the right side of things with regards to Israel, that on other issues of equally existential importance, including those within social, cultural, traditional, and political realms dealing with issues such as illegal immigration, abortion, cultural Marxism, etc, they are NOT on our side and thus must be held at arm’s length and not given ‘free and open access’ within the sancta sanctorum of Gentile societies and political machinery.

  2. I don’t know much about this website in depth, i’ve only been linked here a few times, but it’s not fair to judge a group of people by the acts of some of the people. It’s incredibly difficult to have a divergent opinion in the left wing because of how you get attacked and he just voiced one. Look at how radical the differences in response to Trump has been between American Jews and Israeli Jews – everyone is not the same, don’t judge them as such! Dont say ‘all Jews are bad’ be specific which Jews, saying or doing what! Judge not let you be judged yourself and give the decent people who are in a group that may not always be doing perfect things a chance to stand up to change things for the better without cutting them down!

    ed note–au contraire, it’s perfectly fair to judge a group of people based upon the acts of some of its people.

    –Al Qaeda has been designated a terrorist group based upon the acts of some of its people.

    –ISIS has been designated a terrorist group based upon the acts of some of its people.

    –The Jewish Defense League/Jewish Defense Organization have been designated terrorist groups based upon the acts of some of their people.

    Now in the case of the Jews, what has been so striking since Oct. 7th is HOW FEW of them have come out and condemned the atrocities taking place in Gaza, unlike those VERY FEW AND VERY BRAVE individuals such as Wallace Shawn, Profs Sachs & Finkelstein and a SMALL HANDFUL of others.

    The rest, and by that, statistically we mean 99%, have stated quite loudly and quite proudly that they are in full support of it, so it would obviously be a safe bet for any logical, rational person to conclude that ‘yeah, there is a well-supported generalization here that indicates an obvious trend’.

    As the ed notes attached to the story make clear, VERY CLEAR for anyone who bothered to read them, there are ‘exceptions’ to that ‘well-supported generalization that indicates an obvious trend’ and we clearly noted those exceptions.

    To say however that because there is a 1% or less variation to the rule that somehow the rule established by the other 99% should not be discussed is tantamount to saying that since not all snakes are poisonous that we should not take heed of those that are.

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