ed note–no in depth commentary necessary other than to say the obvious, which is that these people are just plain nuts and unfortunately by virtue of their power and control over the media and the culture that the media creates, are in the position to infect the rest of the civilized world with their madness
OY Vey Jews NEVER STFU. Please God get them OUT of OUR nations
How does sticking chewed gum on her body “evoke the Holocaust?”
Jew Jew want chew chew.
??? Wtf??? ???
Only a Jew would get this much attention for a mentally retarded bitch sticking wads of chewing gum all over herself and then ramblimg on about her private and the holler co$$$t. Belongs in an insane asylum with the whole lot of them.
Hannah Whore (for money) Wilke. No one in their right mind cared or cares what you thought about anything. The only explanation why you got any ‘air time’ is because you were an intelligence services asset who got paid to be “radical”. That was exposed, but only partially, by Frances Stonor Saunders. (“The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts”)
Thankfully she has gone on to meet her maker.
Like mother, like daughter. What kind of daughter would do this to her own mother? And what kind of mother would permit her daughter to do this to her?
Wilke’s grants were from NGOs that are known as intelligence services fronts.