Sabba – Now that didn’t take long. Soon we will learn that the SOD, like the English Defense League, have been created by a jew and, just like the cretins of EDL, they will come out of their judaic closet, with their Baphomet-Viking logo and chant that the true Scandinavians will never abandon Israel.

Odin belongs to Germanic/Norse mythologies, those mythologies which are fueling the dreams and hopes of most of the self proclaimed ‘white’ nationalists. For reasons which are still rather obscure to me, these white nationalists have elevated the Germanic/Scandinavian culture and people to the highest pedestal. The Viking and/or the Teutonic Knight have become some role model, the blue print for the new ‘white’ Man.

We all know about the jewish role in the slave trade in the Modern era. We even love to remind ourselves of it. But few know or want to admit that those who managed the slave trade during the Middle Ages were these same Germanic/Scandinavians that the white nationalists worship. But unlike the jews, who were their main customers, the Scandinavian and Germanic slave hunters were only trading WHITE SLAVES.

Yes, the Vikings and the Germans were the greatest slave traders of their time and their victims were mainly CHRISTIAN Eastern European people, the Slavs, and this is where we got the word ‘slave’ from. The Soldiers of Odin and the Jews working hand in hand is nothing new and is rooted in their old slave trade partnership.

Are the Viking and the Germanic/Teutonic knight still a role model?


2 thoughts on “Jewish Defense League Now In Partnership with… The Soldiers Of Odin”
  1. 😂 Lol. White nationalists are so retarded. I use to listen to them on occasion, until I realized that they were basically just like Jews. Their mentality is identical to that of the Jew.

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