Black Lives Matter platform calls out Israeli crimes.
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Black Lives Matter platform calls out Israeli crimes.
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Excellent, showing solidarity with gaza victims
I bet George Soros never saw this coming. Like Frankenstein’s Monster, it’s creator never realized his creation had a mind of it’s own and self awareness. The same is true for Hezbollah. It was manufactured by Israel to infiltrate Palestinian opposition, then became self aware of it’s Master and turned against it.
Sometimes when you least expect it, Justice, however insignificant, does Prevail.
Apparently they have not read the Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews. It uses the evidence documented by Jews themselves to demonstrate that elite Jews started slavery and benefited the most from it. That money was used to start the central banks as well. They also lied and said ALL blacks in America are from Africa. All humans are from Africa if you go back far enough. Blacks are from here. Many of us are Moors. America means A-Moor-ica. Amerigo Vespuci is just the lie that Europeans use to cover up their crimes. This is our land. We are being occupied by the US corporation. The truth can never remain hidden forever. You know it’s true.
See how fast the black lives matter movement stops getting love from the jewmedia
Rock on Black Lives Matter!!! You respect level just rose up miles in my book.
@Eugene – You forgot to mention that even Christianity was manufactured by Zionist Jews. Let’s go a little further – even biblical G-d was also manufactured by Jews.
Now, if Jews can perform so many miracles, and claim that Ahmadinejad was Jewish – then they can also claim that Sheikh Nasrallah and Mark Glenn were also manufactured by Israelis, right!
But then comes the SIX MILLION question – how come Hizbullah operatives are not as stupid as Israel’s top leaders?
On August 2, 2016, Israeli newspaper YNet reported another saga of Israeli leadership stupidity. It involved MK Amir Peretz, former defense minister, MK Tzipi Livni, former foreign and justice minister, and Mossad ‘sex-pot’, MK Maj. Gen. Eyal Ben-Reuven and Tomer Weinberg, member of Israeli tank crew who survived an attack by Hizbullah fighters in which six Jewish soldiers were killed an two captured while attacking Lebanese village of Aitaa al-Chaab in South Lebanon along Israel-Lebanon border.
The Zionist idiots were tricked into giving interviews over Israeli defeat in 2006 at the hands of Hizbullah fighters by an Italian reporter Michela Moni posing as a reporter with ANSA news agency in Rome assigned to make a documentary for the UK’s BBC channel.
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Only sociopaths would be ‘outraged’ at the truth
Hey Rabbi, the black folk are waking up. You Zionist liars are being found out. 911? One day soon it’s coming. Better build a good shelter.
Dog biting the hand that feeds it, oooooops.
“Mowing the grass” is the Kosher preferred Rabbinical term rather than “genocide”
Tizpi a “sex pot”??? Gaaaad you must be so horney?