Mercurial Conservative Talk Radio Host Michael Savage has made an ...

ed note (Tony)…I guess fighting endless wars for Israel is such a high honor, that there is no need to complain.

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0 thoughts on “Jewish Host Says Vets with PTSD Are A 'Bunch Of Losers'”
  1. I went to the site… did a search for “jew”… zero hits.
    For a place called “crooks and liars”… they sure know how not to name the real enemy.

    After a lengthy argument, Savage hung up on the caller and proceeded to attack him. “I am so sick and tired with everyone with their complaints about PTSD, depression. Everyone wants their hand held and a check, a government check. What, are you the only generation that had PTSD? The only generation that’s depressed?”

    Your tribe sure knows about gubmint checks…

    He then blamed America’s problems on those who “cry like a little baby” over depression: “If the whole nation is told, ‘boo-hoo-hoo, come and get a medication, come and get treatment, talk about mental illness,’ you know what you wind up with? You wind up with Obama in the White House and lawyers in every phase of the government, that’s what you wind up with. It’s a weak, sick nation. A weak, sick, broken nation.”

    Let me rephrase it :

    He then blamed America’s problems on those who “cry like a little baby” over depression: “If the whole nation is told, ‘boo-hoo-hoo, come and get a medication, come and get treatment, talk about mental illness,’ you know what you wind up with? You wind up with a jew in the White House and jews in every phase of the government, that’s what you wind up with. It’s a weak, sick nation. A weak, sick, broken nation.”

    Yeah, with the cult infesting the entire apparatus, from the toes to the head, it’s way beyond sick and weak.

    “You need men like me to save the country,” he said. “You need men to stand up and say stop crying like a baby over everything.” He continued that “men are so weak and so narcissistic” that it is “no wonder ISIS can defeat our military.”

    Yeah, we need lowlife, bottom feeding, narcissistic, cowardly scum like you to save us from the cancer you and your cursed tribe brought to the four corners of the world. Reminds one of a “nice nerdy jewish boy named david”

  2. Michael Weiner aka ‘Savage’ the jew spews his ‘words of wisDUMB’. HA!! Classy guy eh? That is if you like kosher crap being slug about in mass quantities. Projection is their often repeated behavior. Whatever he’s pontification on about; as if we need to hear from this poop butt, pompous ass weiner! He’s talking about his ‘fabulous’ foreskin eating cowardly Cult.

  3. What a sorry piece of Zionist trash! I didn’t think I could hate this man any more than I already do, but this takes the cake. American troops have been getting maimed and killed for Israel for the last 13 years and he doesn’t give a damn. If Savage thinks the troops are a bunch of pussies, let him suit up and lead the charge against ISIS himself instead of hiding behind his microphone. He’s a f****** coward. Typical whiny Jew.

  4. This guy is the biggest Jewish Neo Con Narcissus, Brooklyn NY has ever produced!
    He only has a PHD in Botany! Which figures being as his communication skills “sucks!”
    I can no longer hear his show in Cincinnati any more. Because his time slot was replaced by another Jewish Zio Idiot by the name of Mark Levine. Who is even worse! Being as he is a much slicker Zionist, being a Lawyer and all!
    As for Micheal Wiener?
    His 15 minutes of fame are way past up!

  5. I hate this zionist piece of crap him and every last one of them. I was stricken with a bout of depression, which lasted for around 8 wks and out of that came agoraphobia. which is close to PTSD. Thank you very much Mike Savage but I had great health insurance. I was waiting on no government handout as you say. The soldiers who fight Israel’s wars deserve the best treatment possible and PTSD is a real disease. So get your zionist head out of your ass.

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