0 thoughts on “Jewish Politician Arrested On Child Porn Charges”
  1. An informative article. My take-away from it is that:
    — The Tea party is securely in good hands: he had run against a David Greefield, so whoever would have been elected would have been kosher;
    — He is a victim. Not a victim of the Goyim, although surely anti-semieism plays a role in the insistence with which the authorities have pursued him, but a victim of the ineptitude of his fellow Jews, specifically the advocates of lowering the age of sexual consent, who have nothing to show for their efforts so far.

  2. Just think. If the NWO/JWO were to be put in place how free these creeps would be to practice their sicknesses…

    Anyone who does not make the connection between the behaviour of creatures like this guy, the Talmud’s teachings on pedophilia, and the current destruction of Western morality and the pimping of our children to sex and war, is sadly in need of an eye opener.

    Face it, they want the age of consent lowered until children, as full sexual beings, can “freely ” decide to have relations with disgusting men. You think this is not part of the Frankfurt objectives? It is very much so….

  3. The “Tea Party”. Rebels without a clue. From its inception it was Kosher. It had one function,like Cromwell’s New Model Army. Mobilize a mob ,for the Jews. But these cretins “love freeeedom”.If this dirty Jew had not been caught,I can just see them lionizing him,across the country ….Israel,and Jewish Capitalism is all they care about,and being able to “burn their trash,and do without healthcare”….”Hitler had healthcare,and that makes it evil,you know”. I bet some consider Kidde porn,a Constitutional Right! “Don’t Tread On Me”.

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