Mossad said to have listened in on secret Egyptian transmissions using radioactive batteries supplied by Zalman Shapiro of NUMEC
ed note–If the names Zalman Shapiro and NUMEC sound familiar, they should. Shapiro was the one who stole US nuclear material and had it shipped to Israel so that she could develop her nukes to be used as instruments of blackmail against the entire world.
What it also reveals is that there is substantive, substantial and justifiable reason for Gentiles to not trust Jews in places of sensitivity, and especially anything related to the well being of a nation. Even mean old Pharaoh in the book of Exodus remarked on this fact, to wit–
‘And Pharaoh said to the people of Egypt ‘Behold, the Israelites have become to powerful…Come, let us deal carefully with them, or else they will multiply and in the event of war, they will join themselves to those who hate us, and fight against us…And so the Egyptians appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard labor…’
The Hyksos/Habiru were not slaves, they were an abomination. Best go to and explanation of the Hyksos from Ralph Ellis. Almost of of Judaism is plagiarized except for the slaughter of others for their own gain. See Amenemope for the proverbs, the Ramses, Thutmose, Akhenaten,… Israel and most of the Abrahamic faiths are fraudulent. Also, look up Esa of Edessa, Mohammed who was poisoned, the history of those that came after Martin Luther and totally Judah-ized the new testament, the creators of the new testament (the Flavians and Rome), Rome’s wars on “heretic” faiths for their own wealth and power struggle, christian schism of 1035, the history of the Fatima movement, and other earliest christian faiths that are now being wiped out by NATO and Israel in Syria, Iraq, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt…