TIMES OF ISRAEL – I am a Jewish supremacist. Please don’t misunderstand me. Jews are just as foolish and myopic as everyone else. In fact, frequently, Jews are worse. It is bad to claim clean hands while subjugating a native populace under military rule. It is worse when the subjugators are the “Chosen People.” I am not a Jewish supremacist because of Jews, I’m a Jewish supremacist because of Judaism.
More bullshit psychosis from psychotic satanic Jews
Such pathological sickness cannot be cured. It must be eradicated.
We the gentiles are supreme. We will kick their asses.
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Joseph Aaron Stang … Lawyer and Business consultant. “After making Aliyah, he became involved in the Muslim Zionism Organization.” ‘Aliyah‘ meaning immigration to Israel and ‘being called upon to read from the Torah’.
God oh God, protect and defend us from religious zealots like Mr Stang. If you can hold yer stomach long enough, it’s worth reading though. It does give you an insight into the Talmudic mindset which allows practitioners to hold two contradictory ideas their heads at the same time and fail to see any contradiction. Or to use George Orwell’s term for it … ‘double-think’. Pure Talmudism.
Thuswise is Stang able to admit Judaistical ‘supremacism’ while at the same time championing Judicism as a ‘universal’ faith, uniquely qualified to bring enlightenment to ALL, not just its unfortunate adherents. Here we go… “Authentic Jewish supremacy is religiously anti-expansionist, anti-racist, and demands true justice.”
What a croc of old cobblers. Looked in the mirror lately, Joseph?
Thing is, the ONLY thing that allows such intelligent idiots as Joseph to spout forth this tripe is the FACT of Jewish control of the world money supply. And the charging of interest thereupon. In fact, Judaisticalism can be seen, at root and in essence, as the Religion of Usury. Usury is parasitic by its very nature. Judaisticalism is ALL ABOUT the elevation of parasitism to some kinda divine purpose…
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.” – Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
“I am a Jewish supremacist. Please don’t misunderstand me”
Oh I don’t think anyone is likely to misunderstand you. It is known as arrogance on an infinite scale!
And the chances of you and your type being the divine cure to anyone else’s delusions of supremacy are exactly zero.
This is for real. The jews want their ideology to take over the world to make their God universal. The jews would be on top obviously if they are going to do this. Now I see the motives of yahweh destroy individual nation a for a jew run world