Ed-note (Sabba) – The most accurate score really is “Jews 6 000 000 – Armenia 0″…


  1. What unit of account you using here, Sabba?
    Deaths? Or Lies?
    Numbers mean nothing unless you denominate the Unit of Account.
    Who was the referee in this particular game?
    The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
    Hmmm. That’s a very impressive name.
    And they decided that a Turkish gentile has a right to question Armenian gentile accusations of Turkish mass killing of Armenians.
    Freedom of thought and freedom of speech allows such questions to be asked and – one can only presume – to be thoroughly investigated to determine the actual facts.
    Fair enough, eh?
    But German gentiles have no right to question Jewish accusations of German mass killing of Jews!
    Indeed it is a criminal offence to do so.
    And the criminal courts will allow no evidence to be presented in order to determine the actual facts.
    And one presumes the European Court of Human Rights endorses this aspect of German justice.
    Me no understand!

  2. “Jews 2 – Armenia 0” is because this particular case has been brought to the European court of human rights for the second time and for the second time the ECHR has decided that it is ok to deny the armenian genocide. The ECHR stands by its first judgment. As for the 6 000 000 vs. 0: I think this is pretty self explanatory!

  3. This world is upside down. We are forced to believe that 6 million Jews were gassed and burnt by the Germans which never happen. but we are denied to say that more than 2 million Armenians were sadistically tortured, cut their hands off and killed by the Turks commanded by their masters, Jews.
    Looks that the Jews are behind all these atrocities and lies. They manipulate public opinion and our governments.

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