By Uzi Baruch and Tova Dvorin


Yossi Dagan, the head of media relations for the Samaria Regional Council, filed a formal complaint Tuesday with the Government Press Office (GPO) against a CNN reporter for equating the terrorists involved in the Har Nof massacre with the victims.

According to Dagan, American CNN reporter Ben Wedeman was responsible for the headline describing the massacre under the headline, “Israeli police shot dead two Palestinian civilians” – when, in fact, the shooters were Palestinian terrorists who killed four Jews and wounded eight others as they prayed the morning service before being killed in a gun battle with police.

Dagan charged that the headline was a serious violation of international journalism ethics, and called to revoke Wedeman’s press license and, generally, bring anti-Semitic coverage of terror attacks by foreign journalists to an end – permanently.

“There is no reality elsewhere in the world where journalists can report a terror attack in this style,” he stated. “This rule should also apply to foreign reporters in Israel. There is good and there is bad, there are killers and there are victims.”

“The media arena in recent years has become an equally important battlefield for Israel, and it must use all the tools at its disposal to demand certain baselines in its media coverage,” he continued. “Coverage like this legitimizes the next murder; whoever loses in this loses the next war as well.”

Dagan also noted that the Samaria Regional Council has been closely scrutinizing foreign media coverage of events, and that this represents a disturbing trend.

CNN‘s strange headline is a direct continuation of a series of other reports in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that appeared recently,” the letter said, and noted for example that the report on the car rampage near the Jerusalem light rail last month by the Associated Press began with the title “Israeli police shot a man in East Jerusalem.”

0 thoughts on “Jews Feign Outrage: Wants CNN Reporters License Revoked”
  1. Well Dear Israeli Jewish Zionist media juggernaut, what is the history of your truthful fact’s ?
    Holohoax was a big one, the Bolshevik Jew’s was Huge in Russia of 65 million White Christians murdered, 911 ripped my emotions, all of our congress are liar’s too, &&& biggest lie of all……the Jewish Zionist’s in Israel act like they are the Real Hebrew’s….the Real Israelite’s….The Jewish Zionist’s are Liar’s from the day is long….so, would You believe one iota any media from them ?? NOT I !!

  2. ‘Benny the Butcher’ and his band of psychos probably have something to do with these recent attacks.
    They’re timing them so Bibi can hide behind the Ferguson, MO reaction to the upcoming Officer Wilson Grand Jury proceeding, which will most likely not call for arresting Wilson, which will probably lead to more protests and violence.
    Benny lamented that Israel didn’t take advantage of the carnage in China’s Tiananmen Square to murder some more Palestinians and steal some more land while the world’s attention was elsewhere.
    Benny won’t let this opportunity go to waste.

  3. According to Dagan, American CNN reporter Ben Wedeman was responsible for the headline describing the massacre under the headline, “Israeli police shot dead two Palestinian civilians

    So just one word is enough to have your livelihood revoked? The reporter in question is a full-fledged member of the satanic tribe. Those who don’t toe the line 666% are skinned alive.
    This reporter is there to make sure israel survives, by throwing out tiny tidbits of meat to calm the Gentile hordes… but this “dumb” jew wants total subservience of the JEWISH media, even to the detriment of the work done by the “smart” jews.
    If there weren’t any Gentiles living in the area, they would feast on each other. That’s their nature, they can’t help but destroy and corrupt.

  4. Someone said it was okay for these israeli and Jew folks to cry and cry and complain until they get their way with everything.
    Must have cost a lot of $$$ and lies to get to that place.

  5. How they squeal if anyone even thinks of playing with their precious PR! Meanwhile, freedom of speech around the globe is to be hushed so they can continue this reign of terror? Not under my watch.

  6. See how the Jew manages language? They understand the power of words,and their effect . This is Talmudism-twixt Orwell. The Jew reveals himself,by projection. What they do,is what they accuse others of.What theu aspire to,and conspire to do,is what they have in mind. .”They were liers from the beginning’. Christ. “Death Camps”,”Aggressors”,”Freedom”,”democracy”,”terrorsist”,”Holocaust”,”NAZI”,)them not used in Third Reich”,”aryan”(not used either),and other phrases they manage in THEIR media. One goes off the reservation,an inch,and they want him crucified !

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