Two days after huddling with advisers about plans for a presidential run at his home in Delaware, Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday made a short unannounced trip to Washington, D.C., to meet with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) at his Naval Observatory home.
Warren, a liberal icon who for months has been urged by the Democratic Party’s progressive wing to mount a presidential primary challenge of her own, notably has held off on endorsing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the party’s current frontrunner for the nomination. Warren’s said the race remains wide open.
Biden press secretary Kendra Barkoff didn’t deny the meeting, nor did she point to any official government business that would have been discussed. CNN first reported the meeting.
Were Biden to run, he’d have to cobble together a coalition of support very quickly, and even implicit backing by Warren could electrify support for him among progressives. Any potential support of groups that had been rallying to draft Warren for the 2016 race could help provide some infrastructure for a Biden campaign that would be very far behind on organizing if he made a late entry.
Warren’s support could also exploit perceived vulnerabilities that Clinton has on economic issues, in being seen as too much of a moderate. Part of the Biden argument, if he launches, would be on his record of middle-class values, and Warren could help him graft that to the support she’s generated among progressives, particularly younger ones, for taking on the banks and speaking out on income inequality. That she’s perhaps the second most-prominent woman in the Democratic Party would only help him make the argument against Clinton.
Warren spokeswoman Lacey Rose didn’t return a request for comment.
Biden’s expected to make a decision sometime in the next five to six weeks.
Biden was back in Wilmington, Del. by the end of the day.
Mr “ya don’t have ta be a jew ta be a Zionists.”.
“Middle class”, the mantra of today’s bought, and paid for kosherized puppets.
Who are they kidding ?
Has the poor disappeared?
Has the “Middle Class ” expanded? No
The Jewification of the US, since the ROTHSCHILDS Fed, in 1913, wars for the Jews ( The Jews won WW 2, a war I tried to prevent”. Ambassador Kennedy, to De West Hooker, See Jews Killed JFK, You Tube ), social upheaval and decontrol/glabalism, has redefined Middle Class “..to what poor was before deindustrialization.
Biden was a total Jew stooge since his election to the Senate at age 30 back in 1972.
With Hillery faltering, he is itching to go,but needs to cool of women with Warren..
No change can ever come until the Jews,are banished from privately financing the US/Wests economy.
That means abolishing the US Fed, and nationalizing the banks.
The AXIS did this, and the Jews began WW 2 against them…Putin is doing this today.
JFK began the steps,and we know what happened to him.
See The Nationalist Solution To Money, Real Jew News, You Tube.
To ad to Imotep’ “I went to Israel (for campaign cash), in 1972, and fell in love”. Joe Biden.
The Jews would jump on this like cream cheese on a bagel.