
There are few experiences that can change one’s perception of the world around them, while leaving indelible memories.

The March of the Living is one such experience.

The March of the Living, a department of Jewish Federations of Canada–UIA, and funded in Toronto by UJA Federation, is an annual educational and identity-building program, which this year takes place from April 12 to 27, bringing students from all over the world to Poland, in order to study the history of the Holocaust and to examine the roots of prejudice, intolerance and hate, while paying tribute to Holocaust survivors who rebuilt their lives despite the unimaginable horrors of the Shoah.

Since the first March of the Living was held in 1988, over 200,000 participants, from 35 countries, including approximately 3,500 from Toronto, have marched down the same path leading from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day. After participants spend one week in Poland, it’s off to Israel where they participate in a Yom Hazikaron ceremony and celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut.

“The Adult March is so important; it allows the adults to experience what many of their children have experienced before them – bearing witness to the atrocities of what our parents/grandparents and other relatives lived through,” says Abe Glowinsky, Chair of the 2013 Adult March.

“It also presents a central and important theme – the connection of what arose from the ashes of the Holocaust to our homeland, Israel. Most importantly, however, the opportunity to march – side by side – with Holocaust survivors, in the same footsteps they carved out 70 years ago in ghettos and concentration camps, was truly a humbling experience,” he adds.

Registration for this year’s March of the Living is based on a first-come, first served basis, so if this unique and unforgettable experience is on your bucket list, sign up today, as the deadline to register is Monday, November 10th. And participants on this year’s Adult March will also have the opportunity to take part in special commemorative programs as 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. They will also visit the recently-opened Museum of the History of the Polish Jews, in Warsaw.

“There are no words to describe the array of emotions that I experienced while on the March of the Living,” says Emma F, a participant on the 2011 Adult March of the Living. “Many members of my family had walked through the gates of Auschwitz and now I have retraced their footsteps. It seems ironic to think that during the war people arrived at Auschwitz against their will and now people around the world choose to honour their memory by marching here again. Arriving in Israel from Poland was an amazing way to tie together our past, present and future.”


0 thoughts on “Join Thousands From Across the Globe on the 2015 Adult March of the Living”
  1. Gotta keep the hollowcost gravy train alive ,huh ? I’d much rather walk in solidarity with those who are truly oppressed,the Palestinians.

  2. If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD THEY KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would they build “camps” hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, medical and other ancillary facilities. Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble? The jewish communist Bolsheviks did just that with the non-communist civilian populations of the conquered countries in the communist orbit.
    Something BIG “stinks” in this whole jewish “holocaust ™” deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made “deals” with the Nazis in order to make life “uncomfortable” for jewish Germans.
    The establishment of a “homeland” was a Zionist “dream” since the 1800s. What better way to encourage “emigration” to a barren land than to make things difficult for the “cream of German society” (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” is out . . .
    The so-called jewish “holocaust ™” has been turned into a de-facto “religion” in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish “holocaust ™” truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the “tribe” that FEAR the real truth of the jewish “holocaust ™” being exposed is evident.
    When the truth about this historical event comes out, it will change much of the world’s perception about those that are using this event as a “cash cow” that “keeps on giving”. . . “there’s NO business like “SHOAH business”.
    Jewish complicity in this event is carefully “covered up”.
    It is curious to note that jewish interests will hunt down and imprison a 90 plus year-old German “camp guard” while looking the other way when their “own kind” was involved in truly brutal actions. Camp “capos” and “sonderkommandos” (who were primarily jewish) come to mind. Not one of these jewish “collaborators” has been brought to (jewish) justice. I guess blood is thicker than water.
    A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question “official” jewish “holocaust” orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the “official” jewish “holocaust” story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to “all things holocaust”.
    Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment. . .
    If people only knew of the planning that took place (among those of the “chosen”) to engineer the jewish “holocaust”, there would be a pogrom of massive size. You see, the jewish “holocaust” was necessary in order to force the establishment of a jewish state. In this case, the ENDS justified the MEANS. There have been many “holocausts” of much greater misery throughout human history, yet the jewish “holocaust” is the only one that counts . . .
    Many jews will never be satisfied with knowing that those that commit evil deeds on earth in this lifetime will pay for it in the next life . . . they have taken vengeance from the Creator and appointed themselves the exacter of vengeance (in contradiction to mosaic law but not their anti-gentile talmud).
    jews are vengeful people that will never pass up a chance to “make a buck” by screwing a gentile (goyim) out of money or property. jews were hated in Germany for taking advantage of the non-jew Germans between the two world wars. The average German did not have a pot to piss in while his wealthy jewish neighbor was trading food for land . . . taking advantage of the jewish bankster situation in Germany.
    Look at the “commercialization of the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” while the much larger communist (true) holocaust is conveniently forgotten. To assure a continuing supply of jewish “holocaust ™” “survivors”, jews are tattooing their ATM (oops, I mean “camp” numbers) on their children and grandchildren.
    Since the jews declared war on Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933), the Germans had no choice but to complete the Zionist plan of marginalizing German jews (to say the least).. This fulfilled the Zionist plan of forcing German jews to emigrate to Palestine while making the world grant jews a “homeland”–Israel.
    Zionists have been predicting a jewish “homeland” for the last two-hundred years while predicting a “holocaust ™” of 6 million for the same amount of time. The ACTUAL number of non-combatant deaths in the European theater of operations is approximately 731,000, NOT 6 million (official International Red Cross figures).
    Regarding that “holocaust ™” “showplace” Auschwitz, there are engineering inconsistencies in the design of the so-called “gas chambers”. The doors are not of a gas-tight design; it would have been impossible to retrieve the bodies, and there is no means to ventilate the rooms after the so-called “gassing” took place”. From an engineering standpoint, these are very serious errors that would have caused the deaths of the “operators” of these supposed “gas chambers”.
    American execution expert, Fred Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, surreptitiously obtained samples from the purported “gas chambers”, had them tested and published his results. The absence of methylene blue in ALL of the samples, save one, was PROOF that the “gas chambers” did not exist. The one positive sample was taken from a room used to disinfect clothing.
    Mr. Leuchter was rewarded for his search for TRUTH by his professional and personal character assassination by those of the “tribe”. He lost all of his federal and state contracts, and was prosecuted under an obscure Massachusetts “law” for “practicing engineering without a license”–a law which had never been used before or since. . .
    It is no secret that after WW2, the Soviets attempted to “create” the “death camps” for propaganda purposes. Yes, there was extreme deprivation and suffering–many people perished. However, the prime cause of death was typhus. As allied bombings destroyed most of the infrastructure, typhus was at epidemic levels. THIS is what caused the massive amounts of human deaths . . .NOT gassing.
    After the end of WW2, these same “camps” were used to intern German civilians. These German civilians were subject to much greater deprivation and suffering than the previous “occupants” of these “camps”. In fact, jews were controlling these camps, at the behest of the Allied forces, and were vicious in their treatment of those interned. For more reading on this, obtain and read the book “An Eye For An Eye” by John Sack.

  3. “…it allows the adults to experience what many of their children have experienced before them – bearing witness to the atrocities of what our parents/grandparents and other relatives lived through…” What is the meaning of this sentence… illogical…
    As for this march… well… the day Israel will be peaceful and will stop genociding palestinians and do everything to take off the freedom of the goyims… then we could talk.

  4. “Jews act like Nazis now.”
    I see. So you believe Jewish lies about Nazis, WW II, the “holocaust,” and so on.
    Jews and their allies claim that the National Socialists were evil monsters who sought to conquer the planet. And you believe the Jews.
    Lies about the “holocaust” and “evil Nazis” comes from the same source. If you believe one, then logically you must believe the other.
    If you believe that the Nazis were “uniquely evil,” then logically you must believe in the “holocaust.”
    If you do not believe in the “holocaust,” then logically you cannot hold that the Nazis were “uniquely evil.”
    QUESTION: if we eliminate the “holocaust” myth, then what precisely was it that supposedly made the National Socialists uniquely evil in world history? All the major belligerent countries had labor camps, and vied for power.
    Here is how the average American thinks…
    AVERAGE AMERICAN: The victors write the history books.
    ME: Really? Are there any exceptions?
    AVERAGE AMERICAN: No, it’s a universal law. It’s the nature of society. And every society thinks it is immune from this phenomenon.
    ME: No exceptions?
    ME: Are your sure?
    AVERAGE AMERICAN: I’m positive.
    ME: Okay, what about all the negative claims made by the victors against Nazi Germany? Are they lies too?
    AVERAGE AMERICAN: No, those are exceptions.
    ME: But you just said –
    AVERAGE AMERICAN: You’re just being contrary. Goodbye.

  5. The nerve of the Jews,and their stupid gentile lackeys. They just must keep it up. The International Red Cross Report Of 1948 stated:”When inspecting camps for DETAINED ENEMY CIVILIANS-NO HOMOCIDAL EQUIPTMENT WAS FOUND”. Count Bernodotte head of that organization,(who met with SS Chief Himmler to help Jews during the war),was later assasinated by the IRGUN in Palestine ,while he attempted to mediate that conflict in 1952! Convienant ! His killer? Future israeli PM Shamir ..that has gone into the memory hole! The Holocaust as presented is pure hokum. The stupid still fall for it,and think that Adolf Hitler upon assuming power just threw Jews into ovens from 1933-take note how the older one finds a repeater of this bunk-the higher the death toll,and type of victim! At one time ,when Jews were less brazen,the bunk was ‘millions of Catholics,handicapped,” than Gays were added for effect. All of this was,and is POLITICAL. Boy NAZI Germany,a small country in relative terms with a high population density,was very busy ! Simon Wesenthall threw out the ‘6 million figure’Jews,than added ‘5 million others’. Debra Lipstadt Jew expert on the subject admits this ! Raul Wallenberg,author of THE DESTRUCTION OF EUROPEAN JEWRY ,admited that ‘No Hitler order to kill anyone was ever issued ! “It sort of just happened”. Than you add the lieing Army Vets who made up whay they saw. I asked one if he wore a gas mask upon entering the ‘gas chamber’,and he turned red! The Germans were big into specialized uniforms ,and equptment -where are the HAZMAT SUITS,and GAS MASKS ? Ever hear of them? Ever see them? The International Jews DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY in 1933,and agitated against Germany tll they got the British And French WORLD EMPIRES to declare waron them-September 3,1939. HITLER NEVER THREATENED OR ATTACKED THEM ! He did not want that war ! They rejected all NEGOTIATIONS ! not he. The Allies still staggerd under the Great Depression-Germany,and Japan ;led the way with ZERO unemployment ,by throwing the International Jewish bankers out ,and printing their own currency ! All Hitler wanted was a moderate settlement on the Versaille Teaty which had cut up Germany ! but the perfect Jewsih Storm of hate had to be unleased … learn the truth about WW2,and hate the Jews MORE ! SEE: THE BAD WAR.COM;HITLERS WAR-David Irving Action Report.Com. THENATIONALIST SOLUTION TO MONEY- Real Jew News.Com You Tube. HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER You Tube. HITLERS WAR :WHAT HISTORIANS FAIL TO MENTION : YOU TUBE. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD :You Tube. BEN FREEDMAN WARNS AMERIACA ABOUT THE JEWS-You Tube. And why the jews at war wit all of us-the way they relish death- Yahweh God Of The New World Order-Synagogue Of Saturn You Tube. LEARN-DEFY -FIGHT!

  6. Hey Georgio- Stop insulting ‘NAZIS’,by comparing them to Jews. To Jews WE are all “NAZIS”. Learn the real history please. Using the Jew version of National Socialists against the Jew merits nobody anything.

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