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0 thoughts on “Jon Stewart Labeled ‘Most Disgusting Jew On The Planet’ By Pamela Geller, US Activist Banned From Entering UK”
  1. She’s as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. Her face looks like something you’d find on the wall of a cave. Neanderthal woman full of cobra venom.

  2. Talmudic Usury – Steer Policy & Cintrol Narrative To Maintain Control Of Purse Strings / Zionism Vs. International Jewry / Jew On The Right Vs. Jew On The Left / Irrational Jew Vs. Voice Of Reason Jew / Whatever It Takes, Steer Policy & Control Narrative & Purse Strings…

  3. Interesting. I would be hard pressed to pick a winner for that distinctive title; but certainly Pam Geller is herself far higher in the list of contenders than is Jon Stewart!

  4. hehe. I am not a Stewart fan but this skit is truly brilliant. The big treat is it is available to view in Canada! As for Geller and her ilk, what more can we say about that critter that has not already been said over the years?

    When I first began blogging long long long ago (before Adam and Eve) I remember stumbling across her site and being visually sucked in by the art she posted at the time. It was so… different. But when I read her stuff, and I was barely Jew-wise at the time, I was repulsed!

    Anyhow, Jon just got himself a little “Jesus star” for that skit!

  5. Jon Stewert is shocking great. He truly takeson the Jews ! It is genuine,and not a false flag. He cannot stand the Zio-Christians /Republican ,Tea Party, Jew lovers (They fight all new Hittttlers ,you know ) and I think THEY woke him up,to the Israeli Lobby itself. Just get on You Tube,and see. Is he becoming another Brothetr Nathanael, Gilad Atzman,or late Ben Freedman ? Talk about disgusting! Pam Geller ,as more bad plastic surgery ,than John Kerry ! See the Jew attitude ? In their realm ,you must conform to the main Jewish line. No self criticism is allowed ! That is why ,one cannot look for “Anti-Zionist Jews”, Jews ,or “Good Jews” “Not all are the same “. I assure you, they are,and must be ! LEFT/RIGHT,Athiest/Religious, all work together as a subjective ONE ! Being a Jew comes first. Everything else is mere tactic.

  6. Well, people have no control on how they will look when they are born (and earlier than that actually. But women that desperately try to appear younger than they are, is a comedy unto itself.

    Sure, take care of yourself and health but to gob on make up, and trying to hold back aging can sometimes lead some people into a realm of the twilight zone.

  7. Jon Stewart calls people who question 911 official story as misguided, pushes vaccine and is a practicing Gatekeeper whose brother runs the NYSE, he’s filthy rich and if anyone of us were to threaten his cash flow with truth. We’d get snark and defusing humor courtesy of Jewry Talmudvision soapbox… Jon Stewart is still a separatist Jew who works for them. Entertainment Industry is Organized Crime, you won’t hear that truth from Jon Stewart as well as many more, I find Gatekeepers even more damaging, they string folks along and lull you back into apathy with fake sincerity, and I’m fed up with it. If I have to hear one more day of “And then what did Jon Stewart say???” Jon Stewart has been on for 17 years, his first guest was Howard Stern, they’re buddies… It’s all a scam, like fake wrestling. Int’l Jewry will be Victors and maintain control of purse strings until something very bad happens…

  8. HA HAH! Konrad Sir your pic is always so dope! Aggreeee with @Michael Bailey and @Konrad Sir!

  9. I agree Stewert is still a Jew,in all ways: But he has been very tough,on Isreal . I take gold when I can find it,an he has broken a taboo. Young people really like,him,and he has woken some up. MS Gellers attack is real,and they are after him. I do know his show will not be in next year !

  10. Is that what the apprentice make up ladies practice on at her local funeral home ?

  11. Two heads of seven with Liebovitz pitching the same objective to a different audience.

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