ed note–it goes without saying, but for the record we’ll say it anyway.
ISIS, ISIL and whatever new acronyms for ‘Islamic terrorism’ that the powers that be will undoubtedly come up with in the months and years ahead are creatures of Mossad, CIA, MI6 and other agencies/entities tasked with getting the whole ‘clash of civilizations’ up and roaring. Therefore, anything that these trained attack dogs do–including the killing of this Jordanian pilot–can be traced backwards to those who gave the kill order.
That Jordan is now ‘in the game’ and has now attacked targets within Syria fits perfectly within the plan/paradigm for general instability of the Middle East. The general aim is to get goyim killing goyim, and ideally what they would like to see is Christian goyim killing Muslim goyim and vice versa, but if for the moment they have to settle for Muslim goyim killing Muslim goyim, that will suit as well.
Have you seen this video Fox Jews is showing on its website?!?! We’re expected to believe that the boogeyman man spent what my friend in the film workers union estimates to be over 100k in production cost to scare us? Jesus, are people that gullible?
This is a continuation of their false flags how many did we have in the last two months……
Every nation has to pay its dues to empire by arranging whatever action it can as mg writes to further the agenda of the Satanic war mongers of Jewish Supremacy.
Pushing for a sunni/shia civil war………shame on anyone who helps Pax Judaica against their brethren.
This will be a worldwide disaster that will also lead to an attack on Pakistan thanks to India becoming one of the leaders of a system of caste supremacism in thought and ill will, unless the many thinkers people among them prevail.
stop this travesty.
Imran N. Hosein
“Our Islamic eschatological view is that Pax Judaica is not possible without (such) a nuclear war which, it is hoped, will wipe out both Russia and her NATO rivals. Our view is that Dajjāl’s/(Anti-Christ’s) ‘day-like-a-week’ will commence with the Malhama(World war) when Israel emerges from the nuclear holocaust to succeed USA as the ruling State in a post-nuclear world.”
“Islamic State released a video showing a captured Jordanian pilot being burned alive”
It showed nothing of the sort. Like the picture of the smiling child supposedly watching the murder in a projection screem It shows nothing of the sort.
The videos and images remind me of those old WWII photos with “captions” as proof of German atrocities. It is the same old script, same old propaganda.
“For a time perhaps we might be successfully dealt with by a coalition of the Goyim of all the world, but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plugged up. We have set one against the other the personal and national reckonings of the Goyim, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth over the past twenty centuries.” – Protocols of Zion.
So, does this mean Jordan will no longer train or provide logistical support to ISIL?
I read yesterday that CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said Da’ish doesn’t like to be called Daesh. He would know, right? Wolf sets the record straight!
Saudi Slush Fund
Article is dated 6/2014 with an interesting analysis. The game on the ground has changed in seven months with Saudi Arabia’s principle objective failing. However, not discussed in the article are Jordan’s western neighbor’s interests which appear to be on track today.
Kittie Kittie, he wants a name that impugns the Islamic Faith.
You have to admire the Pavlovian response the Jew is able to provoke in the unthinking goyim, it’s quite masterful. If only the world would wake up. If only the Uma were really United.
Great editorial again, from MG. Completely agree. The clash of civilizations has apparently taken off already. And there are some interesting/ connected developments thereto …
[@ Sister MJ … I’m elaborating with reference to your comment as well …]
Firstly, this latest Jordanian drama was a Hoax (not a false flag) … and it carries the usual subliminals/ hints. E.g., To the world’s imperialists, ‘cages’ are for ‘goyim/ animals’, right?! … Also, in religious traditions (Hadith), “the world is the True Believers’ prison”. Further, the burning of a ‘pilot’ could imply travel restrictions for ‘some people’ up ahead … etc.
Secondly, please observe these Quranic verses and their numbers:
6:65 – 6:66 —- “Say, “He (God) is the [one] Able to send upon you affliction from above you or from beneath your feet or to CONFUSE you [so you become] SECTS and make you taste the VIOLENCE of one another.” Look how We diversify the signs that they might understand. … But your people have denied it while it is the truth. Say (O Muhammad) “I am not over you a manager”. ”
66:6 —- “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a FIRE whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.”
PLEASE note the selection of verses that just happen to have “666” in them!! PLEASE note the contemporary relevance of the Highlighted words (and connect the dots — End Times, Confusion will prevail, Sectarian Conflicts will prevail and lead to killing… etc) !!… When the oppressor ‘hints’ like this, people should have no doubt that the End Times are already Here! … And Netanyahu’s insolence over US/ Congress, and the whole world obeying/ worshipping Israel, are just some of the many signs that Pax Judaica is here and just needs their “mammoth human sacrifice” (aka WW3 Holocaust) coronation ceremony!
We are actually up against an enemy that is super well-versed in ALL Scriptures (Gospel, Qur’an, Hadith) and use it this way (a kind of ‘foreshadowing’), through hoax events, to laugh at how ignorant most humans are about their Holy Books, and how they can only memorize their Scriptures but not always “see” them in world events! … I stated this when I joined TUT, that the Jews have studied all our Scriptures (and bought out ALL clergy scholars except the rare few like Imran Hosein (rah.a.), e.g.) and are “testing” mankind! … Please review the verses again, and see if you can see the Antichrist Yahwey trying to play ‘god’ by enacting Divine verses (and sending down afflictions that confuse and divide) for his latest ‘divide and conquer’ game!
[On this note: Cross-Crescent needs to work together. Those who are really well-versed in the Bible should look out for similar correlations/ enactments in past, present and future events.]
Next …
Abdullah II of Jordan is a scum Mason, and part of the “Family of 300” that constitute the Jewlluminati! Some time back, I shared a Prophecy/ Hadith with TUT about how “the worst humans from among the Romans will be placed upon the Levant”! Abdullah’s mother is a Brit, and I’m sure a little digging will reveal this masonic connection with the British Monarchy’s most vile interests:
“On November 23rd 2010, the late Shaykh Nazim of Lebanon declared all Arab regimes will collapse (like dominoes). The Tunisian revolt began exactly twenty five days later, on Dec 17th, 2010, which started the domino effect/ Arab Spring in the Arab world. According Shaykh Nazim, the Arab Spring marked the beginning of a major political shift in the Arab and Muslim world, which will eventually result in a return to MONARCHISM.” https://ahmedamiruddin.wordpress.com/category/politics/ This article also points out how Canadian Foreign Policy has been moving evermore towards supporting Monarchies, and a rise in Sufi movements in Canada makes it a much safer country for Muslims (than America). The article further stipulates some (questionable) things regarding how, in the coming future, EVERY Muslim must ultimately gravitate to a form of Shi’ism (by following ‘Ahlul Bayt) otherwise they will no longer be Muslims!!!
While I keep my mind open, reserve my judgment (as usual) and filter things (as usual) … the key messages cannot be missed. Implications? The whole world has already been shifting towards “A Grand Monarchy” (please see the featured article’s last line, where Safi Kasaesbeh calls Abdullah II a “wise Monarch”) — clearly, the Antichrist Dajjal’s Pax Judaica HQ Israel! And since America is not wanting to go the Monarchy way (drama!), it is JUST the (premeditated) casus belli to turn America into a Gaza 2.0 wasteland! (Let’s see if this pans out).
As a Jordanian pilot was pseudo-burning, guess who was visiting Washington?
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein (middle name Ra’ad = ‘Thunder’!), UNHC for Human Rights :
A JORDANIAN (what are the odds!), Zeid was previously Jordan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York (2010-2014), and was Jordan’s Ambassador to the US (2007-2010)! How darned co-incidental, right?!
And he was visiting the US to discuss the ISIS problem! … He said : “Mere bombing against Takfiri terrorism is not enough to root out the scourge, and “a reassertion of TRADITIONAL Islam” is needed to accompany any measures to curb such terror.”
“What is needed is the addition of a different sort of BATTLE-line, one waged principally by Muslim LEADERS and Muslim countries and based on IDEAS – on a reassertion of traditional Islam in the everyday NARRATIVE of Muslims.”
Any thinker Muslim will tell you that this has a bad smell to it! … “Traditional” refers to Hadith (the Books that have been corrupted in many ways), and it cannot supersede the Qur’an’s authority. Also, PLEASE note his emphasis on the word NARRATIVE! … [A really cautious thinker will ask if this is overarching what the British-Facebook-Soldiers are doing in controlling NARRATIVES??!!]
MY THOUGHTS? … Well, he just implied (in UN-style passive speech/ unspeak) that henceforth : the SELLOUT, SCUM, Lackey Leaders of Muslim countries will now EVEN control the FAITH NARRATIVE (as it connects to worldview, politics, etc.) TOP DOWN, Commie-style, even covertly if necessary. Emphasis will be given on “traditions” that were the norm AFTER Islam got corrupted, lost it’s soul and became “lukewarm” and “ritualized” and “jelly-fish-like”! …
This sounds like sowing the very seeds of future Sectarian conflict (because the Shia rely more on Hadith/ Traditions, and Sunnis more on the Qur’an … and Wahhabism/ Islamism/ ISIS more on Judeo-US Pharisees)!! … And ANY future Resistance Movement from True Believers or men of Understanding will be QUICKLY labeled as ‘Takfiri’/ Extremism/ ISIS and then (ironically) annihilated by ISIS itself, through staged battles!
How Bizarre! … This guy’s salary comes ultimately from the same pot that pays ISIS. And some ISIS (secret service agents leading local duped scum) get paid up to $1,000/ day! … How Bizarre!
Back to the featured article, and ISIS. This video (at 1:15) shows that the recent US defense budget hike (to fund ISIS) was almost EXACTLY THE SAME as what was pledged (Cairo, Oct 2014) for rebuilding Palestine and then withdrawn — $5.3 Billion! … How WICKED is THIS?
@ Sister MJ … back to your thoughts. In light of all your comments I’ve been reading for a while now … you may be a genuine, ethical and protective sister in Faith … but please do not expect te same out there (esp. in ‘Muslim’ countries today)! The decent, righteous Muslims (Civilians) have all been killed by now, displaced as refugees, or have fled.
Muslim countries today (with a FEW exceptions, like Mr. Ahmadinejad) are led by pure, unadulterated SCUM Hypocrites, Rothschild-wannabes … [just as prophesised[ … low-life upstarts, greedy sellouts, immoral hypocrites and arrogant traitors! They have NO fear of God or the Hereafter — they want replace the KING in the Heavens and become kings themselves! … Look into thousand years of history, not just a hundred, and you’lll see — whatever land the Jewlluminati have invaded, they destroyed teh decent peope and selected rabble from the worst [Spiritual] mettle/ backgrounds to rule those countries! This is Colonization101… and it’s no different from what you see in the Judeo-West, where most leaders are originally ‘redneckish’. You must realize … people are people, after all, no matter where you go on the globe! Once you understand/ see the patterns (throughthe lens of Divine Guidance) the whole world will seem all the same… and each country’s intricacies will become more predictable. … All in all — ALL nations are in teh same kind of trouble. We’re all in this together!
If you read Timothy 2 in the New Testament, you will realize how strikingly similar some End Times’ predictions of Christian Eschatology are to Islamic Eschatolgy (Hadith)! … People will become dumbed-down, apathetic, loveless, prone to wickedness/ envy/ killing, averse to goodness… the trustworthy will be deemed untrustworthy and viceversa. You remember how Hadith prophesised that the leaders and Scholars/ clergy of today will be the worst people on earth! … And all that just means further genocide of true Believers by ‘moderates’.
Because ‘Moderates’ actually means ‘Hypocrites’. And Hypocrisy is THE problem plaging the world today — both Christian and Muslim worlds, because they’re all controlled by the same Satan/ Jews — and past an extent, Hypocrisy becomes out-and-out deliberate disbelief, DECEPTION and war against God!
And in this war against God, the US Civilians will have to rise up first and stop their Government! Because EVERY TIME a genuine movement from sincere Muslims occurs, the brothers face double trouble — from their own Govt. as well as form the West, which will steal their identity and unleash ISIS on them! Those brothers cannot progress until the good people of the West rise up … or until Imam-al-Mahdi arrives! … May Allah be with these rare men. … However, they must be careful not to get manipulated and duped into (e.g.) Neo-Nazi type movements (which happens when the Governments emotionally manipulate the frustrated/ oppressed and offer them ‘outlets’ such as controlled revolutions which only function as “controlled oppositions” to the Jewlluminati, like ISIS)! On this note, what began as Daesh should’ve done everything to separate their identity from the ISIS scum! [Remember, teh British secret service is called SIS, and just add different letters before it and see what you get).
Until then, we must do everything to build unity (within the Truth Movement/ Resistance). I admire people who can self-reflect/ self-rebuke and speak out to the ‘soul’ of humans, like Gordon Duff’s last article that said :
“As an American, hearing military officials who are, by career choice, forced to lay down their lives tell me they are afraid to speak up no longer seems incomprehensible and conflictory.
Our institutions, be they churches, governments, social organizations, philosophical belief systems, they have all failed. We are mammals who eat our own young, this is the truth of it.
We are not “our brother’s keeper,” we keep nothing at all.
Expect the unexpected, a fate so horrific that it is unimaginable. It will be earned, be assured of that. Apocalypse? Not hardly! Your g-ds will die with you.”
You must realize that it’s not any/ very different in Muslim countries. Humans in general have abandoned Faith, Grace, Empathy, Selflessness and Protectiveness :
However, speaking from my own life experience … any attempt to raise self-reflection/ self-critique will be met with hostility, and Muslims calling you an innovator or hypocrite or worse (and hence the recent appearance/ flaring of ‘Takfiri’ stuff, you get it?)…! … There’s no real unhindered/ open-minded discourse left in Muslim countries (at large), except a among few sincere people (who are quickly detected and rooted out in today’s surveilled world).
And my personal Belief has always been this : if we don’t self-reform and strive, then we can’t ever blame the online police or people like Zeid (aforementioned) who ‘systemically’ change all our narratives and [thus] fate! … And my beloved Sheikh Imran Hosein has abrogated his take on teh timeline of our fate, in recent times. Some years ago, he used to say that the Antichrist Dajjal will come in the next 20-30 years. Since last year, he stated that he foresees it to be earlier than that. (Remember, in the End Times, even ‘Time’ will have no blessing/ barakah).
And I’ve come across many thorough deductions and ‘signs from the Jews’ that point towards 2016 as teh Armageddon year!
I end with a contrast bewteen two similar and inspiring thoughts — one a saying by Prophet Muhammad (saas), and the other is from Jesus (a.s.) :
— “None of you are a true Believer until you wish for your brother what you wish for yourself!”
— “Do unto others …” … “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother!”
P.S. There’s a prophecy that India will be conquered by Imam-al-Mahdi right before Jesus arrives! That’s why [the powers of] India are petrified and defensive about the whole Idea of Jesus’ return! [Remember: India is a sister to Israel, and Israel’s real agenda is religious and Israel’s real Foreign Policies are to undermined/ undo the End Time prophecies. Verify this for yourself and then tell me if I’m wrong.]
Also, MJ: you stated that the Judeo-powers-that-be are out to impugn Islam. Interestingly that was Obama’s stance/ statement today on Press TV, on the issue of ISIS. This is suspicious, of course. There are layers of reasons as to why he is taking a stand for Muslims (after having bombed more Muslim countries than any other president)!
Also, on a wide open thought … I wanted to share this video for thoughts … a bit like : “what if this WERE true”?
[Judging by how many times this channel got taken down by JewTube … it may well be legit!]