ed note–as always, a laundry list of ‘must knows’ contained in the news story below that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to know about this.


Firsto, as much as Gentiles–and in particular those who consider themselves ‘Christian’ in their posture–are inclined to react with outrage over Smotrich’s statement, the fact of the matter is that his position–as a devout follower of Torah Judah-ism–on starving to death 2 million innocent people is as unremarkable as a dog barking or a cat meowing, and the reason it is unremarkable is because he is telling the truth about what it is that his Judah-ism teaches and commands.


In other words, L&G, don’t blame the messenger for bringing an unpleasant message. Rather, go to the source of that message in rationally ‘dealing’ with whatever ‘unpleasantness’ this message carries, in this case, the Judah-ism itself that for the last 3,000+ years has been KRISTOL CLEAR on what is to be done with Gentiles, and especially those who in any manner ‘get in the way’ of creating this ‘Jewish State’, to wit–


‘…Destroy them totally, make no treaty with them, show them no mercy, and save alive nothing that breathes…’


Now, the reason that no one professing his/her ‘Christian’ orientation has any business being shocked, surprised, outraged, offended, etc to what Smotrich said is because to those posturing themselves as Christians, the ‘source’ of Smotrich’s statement–the Old Testament–where the commandments are found to–


‘…Destroy them totally, make no treaty with them, show them no mercy, and save alive nothing that breathes…’


 –is considered to be just as holy, valid and unimpeachable as are the commandments which Jesus Christ Himself left, including ‘love your neighbor as yourself…’


Again, don’t blame the messengers, i.e. the Smotrichs, the Ben Gvirs, the Netanyahus and the rest for what they say and do, L&G. They are ‘good Jews’ for doing so, given that theirs is a ‘faith’ that commands in the most gruesome and barbaric fashion the mass murder of those ‘outsiders’ who get in their way, no different than what was practiced by barbaric cultures that existed in the Americas prior to the arrival of the Europeans, to wit–





Times of Israel


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich implies he believes that blocking humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip is ‘justified and moral’ even if it causes 2 million civilians to die of hunger, adding however that the international community won’t allow this to happen.


‘The only reason we are bringing in aid because there is no choice,’ Smotrich says at a conference in Yad Binyamin hosted by the Israel Hayom outlet. ‘We can’t, in the current global reality, manage this war as we would like to. Nobody will let us cause 2 million civilians to die of hunger even though it is justified and moral to do so. What can we do? We live today within a certain reality, and therefore what we need is international legitimacy for this war.’


He argues that Israel must regain full control over what exactly enters the Strip, saying he opposes the stance of the military and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on the matter and that ‘I don’t know if the prime minister doesn’t want or isn’t managing to rein them in.’


The far-right minister adds that while he supports Israel resettling Gaza, he hasn’t demanded that this be defined as one of the war’s goals. He argues that if Israel hadn’t pulled out of Gaza in 2005, the October 7 massacre would never have happened.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said it is unrealistic to resettle Gaza, angering far-right allies.

One thought on “Judah-ism is as Judah-ism does–Smotrich says it is ‘justified and moral to cause 2 million Gazans to die of hunger, but the world won’t let us’”
  1. “The far-right minister adds that while he supports Israel resettling Gaza”
    That sentence needs to be further clarified — after they have genocided all the indigenous people of the Holy Land that have been domiciled there for thousands of years, along with all history, including OUR LORD AND SAVIOR’S birthplace, life, death, and resurrection–then they can start building their already purchased beach front properties on top of tons of Palestinian rubble and bodies–for more of THEIR PROFANITIES to take place.

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