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well i watched this fn’g clip… Kyle like all ‘snipers’ are deranged feces of the Warrior Culture. Their not fit to walk the same path as civilized people. Shoot the snipers and mercenaries first.
This is why when God takes out his wrath for all the murdering done, based on lies, which had NOTHING to with “protecting America,” it’s going to be horrific. America has a blood curse on it. Old $hitbag Kyle got a taste of that wrath when a fellow soldier blew him away on a firing range. The best thing Americans could do is repent of this evil, denounce it! But they are too beguiled by Jewish sorcery and the spiritual witchcraft of these movies. America one day will be seared in nuclear fire. We deserve it. Ask God for mercy and repent. Murder is murder.
The matrix sure is promoting AMERICAN SNIPER: Beware! Hollywood Films, are more of a weather vane of Jew intent,than their ‘news’media. They are planning a big war !
Someone said: “Before serving your country, determine who your government is serving>”
Anyone with any intelligence sees that the U.S. is serving Israel’s interests. Is that a cause
worth killing for, Kyle?