ed note–all one need do in putting this into its proper context is to imagine a Palestinian, Iraqi, Syrian, or Lebanese assassin gunning down one of Israel’s ambassadors for any one of the hundreds of massacres perpetrated by the Jewish state and the wall of screeching that would erupt if an article justifying it were to appear in a newspaper such as the NY Daily News such as this one written by this ‘proud Jew’.
If I describe those humanoid reptiles as reptiles, am I insulting reptiles ??
If the German National Socialists had really done as we have been told, surely they would have executed the Jewish assassin Herschel Grynszpan for the calous murder of the German Ambassador, yet they did not, as he was still alive after the war, yet but of course, the controlled media still said he had been killed.
I think Mr Putin is getting a clearer and clearer picture now of exactly who and what Israelis really are, and hopefully, what Judaism really is.
Only a greasy jew could interpret things as such, through the haze of self-serving lies & hypocrisy.
These supremacist jews are cruising for a bruising.
Well the name of the author should tell you everything. Well what else could one expect from a jooish piece of filth, a veritable excrement encrusted footstool of Beelzebub. The narrator displays no respect for the departed and talks like a psychopath, an under-current of hubris and hatred fills the entire essay, and he makes comparisons with the murder of the German ambassador in 1938, a full year before the start of WW2 but already 5 years after the declaration by the nation of the Kharzars ” Judea declares war on Germany”. What I do not understand is why the Germans sat on their hands…………. they could have gathered ALL the filth of the European continent and wiped them out on an industrial scale…….. imagine how much fertilizer 20 million of them would have made ????? Well Kuntzman, you inbred paedophile, payback for your crimes against the goyim is gonna be a bitch ! BUT we won’t forget you.
Looks like this proud Jew would like to see Turkey and Russia duke it out. I saw that the ambassador apparently didn’t have any blood in him. When IsraHell kills you see blood everywhere. False flag comes to mind.
One question. Why is there not a speck of blood anywhere? That is my main question ~ this obviously Donmeh Jew is that fabulous a shot that his bullets to the brain don’t produce blood spatter? Just asking. Not proposing this is a hoax… just asking.
Ed note–this is the problem with people such as our generation who have grown up on Hollywood special effects. Blood is not an automatic given with guns and bullets. I have killed many deer with high powered rifles that do much more damage than a pistol, even at close range, and with no blood whatsoever.
#1, Mr. Reynard, you are insulting ANYTHING when you compare those folks to it. Sharks, snakes, cockroaches, leeches, etc etc are all honest creatures of nature and do not deserve such a nasty rap. The same goes for all plagues…. honest forces of nature. But the tribe? Not so much….
I don’t know what video’s you were watching Gordon, but I clearly saw lots of blood……….lots. The Ambassador was on the reieving end of a full clip, is a minimum of 9 rounds, and if it was a Glock or similar, then it was close to 14 or 15, which given the close proximity of the attack, mean’t that the rounds passed thro’ him. This was a state sponsored terrorist act on the Turks part, plain and simple.
We clearly haven’t been watching the same reportage. At least two video’s show the ambassador lying in a large pool of his own blood, at the same time the assassin is screaming at all and sundry in Turkish. Who would benefit if the Ambassador was still alive ????????? Anyone who suggests that THIS act is a false flag is clearly not thinking logically, or otherwise.