‘Support for a Palestinian state strengthens the terrorists working to destroy Israel, so rest assured that after the monsters are done with us, you will find them on your doorstep.’


ed note–The Jews know that the events of Oct. 7th were the result of what they themselves have done, both in terms of brutalizing the Gentiles of Gaza (and elsewhere) leading to the inescapability of ‘social physics,’ meaning that for every action (of injustice) there is an equal and opposite reaction on the part of the victims, or, in other words, ‘ye reap what ye sow’, as well as them knowing what was about to take place that day and allowing it to happen.


Intimately, they know, THEY KNOW, that it has been their aggressive, violent and duplicitous behavior against Gentiles for thousands of years that is the cause of all historical ‘anti-Semitism’ and of their never-ending list of ‘woe-is-me…woe-is-me…’


And yet, despite knowing all of this, they simply refuse–REFUSE–to repent, rehabilitate themselves, drop all of this ‘Judaic World Domination’ nonsense as it is promised in their Torah Judah-ism and to instead live in a state of peace with the Gentiles of the world.


WHICH MEANS, ladies and Gentile-men, that the OpEd below needs to be seen for what it actually is–a veiled threat on the part of the Jews that if the Gentiles don’t ‘get right’ with ‘yahweh’, the violent deity whom the children of Israel worship, that they–the yahweh-ites–will make sure to bring about some version of what they did to themselves on Oct. 7th as recompense for the Gentiles refusing to stand idly by as the Jews engage in all their blood-lust fantasies.




Danielle Roth Avneri for Jpost


It is doubtful whether the European countries, which declared their support for recognizing a Palestinian state this week, delved into the chilling video that was revealed, in which the brutal abduction of our female observers to Gaza is documented.


If the Europeans spared a few minutes of their precious time, they would discover again what they seem to have forgotten: that on October 7, hundreds of terrorists infiltrated and massacred, raped, and kidnapped hundreds of innocent Israeli citizens.


Surely, the polite Europeans would have noticed that the terrorists belong to an organization known as ‘Hamas.’ The same organization that now warmly welcomes their decision to recognize the state of Palestine.


There is one fundamental difference between us and those countries: this brutal terrorism has already reached us, but not yet them. Anyone with eyes in their head knows it’s only a matter of time.


They, who naively speak diplomatically, are convinced that the way to achieve peace and stability in the Middle East will come by giving a huge gift to a terrorist organization that was established with one goal – to destroy us. Well, our friends in Europe, peace is made with countries that really strive for peace, not with extreme, fundamentalist Islam.



They do not yet know


The leaders of the peaceful European countries do not (yet) know what an exploding bus is, what a giant bulldozer attempting to run over people, what a passing vehicle shooting at innocent citizens at a bus stop, what a family whose children are hiding, trembling in fear and terror in the wardrobe lest they be slaughtered by human animals.


If those prime ministers and government members were anxious for their lives and the lives of their families, or God forbid, if they woke up in Norway, Ireland, or Spain to a cursed morning like October 7 – then they would think differently.


If those same thousands of terrorists were to break into homes in Seville, Dublin, or Oslo, pull Carlos, Frank, or Jan out of their beds on a holy holiday morning while wearing pajamas, and drag them with blows and at gunpoint on a motorcycle into a bloodthirsty crowd, they must have internalized that the peace they are sure they will achieve with the help of the establishment of a Palestinian state is realistic only in dreams. Dreams in Spanish of an Israeli reality that they will never understand.


In Europe, they invest a lot in children’s education and in the development of citizens’ culture. In Hamas, on the other hand, they invest in educating children to kill Jews. Babies suckle this culture from the first pacifier that enters their mouths, and they grow up on the knees of a monstrous Torah of murder and slaughter.


Burning babies, raping girls and women, abducting civilians into tunnels and torturing them there, executions in front of family and friends, massacring young people who came to spend time at a party alongside documenting these moments of happiness with shouts of victory – for them, they are the fulfillment of the pathway to their main idea: establishing a state.


Support for a Palestinian state strengthens those who work for the destruction of the State of Israel. After they are done with us, they will continue and spread to the West, to classical and non-classical Europe, and in general, wherever they manage to set foot.


European leaders, don’t be naive. Don’t say, ‘It won’t happen to us’. Even here, with us, there were once Israelis who thought that this would not happen to them. They also found out the hard way that the terrorists are not asking for peace, only control that will be achieved by gaining territory.


And remember dear Europeans, none of these monsters will shed a tear for a decapitated head, neither in Beeri nor in Barcelona.

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