Humanity today awaits to see what is next. Nuclear war? Decimation through viral infection? Economic disaster? Racial and religious wars?


ed note–Again, were things ‘right’ in the world and were the 7 billion Gentiles populating God’s green earth ‘right’ in their collective head, this piece would feature as THE topic of discussion 24/7 from every pulpit in every church and mosque and from the mouth of every pope, priest, preacher, pastor, imam, etc. Furthermore, it would feature in the most prominent newspapers and would be the daily discussion in those ‘pressers’ where presidents and prime ministers address the daily concerns of their citizens.


Sad to say however that outside of 2 websites–the nutter located in Israel and the one tiny website here that studies this mental affliction known as Jtosis, it will get no discussion, even though the key to understanding the various ‘mysteries’ of all the instability and breakdown of today’s world are found within the reality-detached, snarling words of our deranged follower of Judaism.


First and foremost to keep in mind is the fact the snarling follower of Judah-ism threatening the future survival of the ENTIRE GENTILE WORLD is not some janitor, waiter, cashier or door greeter at Walmart but is a RABBI. Like a symphony conductor armed with his sheet music and his baton, it is he/they who set the tone for the followers of Judah-ism viz what they think/believe and thus HOW the various ‘musicians’ making up the Judaic Dys-harmonic Orchestra  BEHAVE in the world, including those individuals operating on a geo-political level such as Bennett, Netanyahu, etc, etc, etc. 


As such, those ‘policies’ put forward by the likes of Bennett, Netanyahu, etc, etc, etc, and then put into motion and backed by the force of law begin with themes/ideas emanating out of the mouth of the rabbis such as the deranged author of this piece, the very same ‘ruling class’ whom Jesus of Nazareth described as being–


‘…children of their father, the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and the father of lies’…


In this case however, all can rest assured with 666% certainty that despite the magnetic pull towards dishonesty, deception and duplicity that attends all Judaic ‘discourse’ that our ‘good rabbi’ is indeed telling the truth viz what he and his ‘peeps’ have in store for the rest of us unwashed Gentiles living on God’s green earth, just a small sampling of which appears in the piece below, to wit–


‘…The life raft of survival in this world for gentiles depends upon the degree to which they acknowledge, respect, uphold, defend, support, extol, glorify, aid and abet the Jews, both as the Creator’s chosen nation and as individuals…’


Ok, so we’re gonna ‘cut right to the chase’ here as the old saying goes.


The followers of Judah-ism are absolutely, positively, and without any doubt, come hell or high water, dedicated to realizing–meaning ‘making real’–the various teachings and commandments found within the Torah, i.e. of a Judaicly-centered world and with ‘Jewish values and ethics’ as outlined within the Torah implemented viz force of law.


This ‘realization’ will not be done ‘democratically’, nor will it be done ‘peacefully’, but rather with all the violence and evil that accompanies many of the other black-mass ‘masterpieces’ of Judaic malice, whether it the overt Gentile-cide that took place in Bolshevik Russia or whether it is the ‘Holocaust of all Holocausts’ as manifested in the Judaically-mandated slaughter of the innocents that takes place today known as Murder, Inc.


‘…For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…’


Covid–or ‘Corona’ as it began its life in the world–was concocted in an Israeli bio-weapons lab where, according to former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, they were creating ‘doomsday machines’.


‘Corona’ appeared on the world stage a mere 2 days after a certain POTUS named Donald J. Trump announced his plans for resolving the conflict in the Middle East between the followers of Judah-ism and the Gentiles presently sitting atop the land which the Jews believe belongs to them and to them alone, a conflict which the followers of Judah-ism believe MUST TAKE PLACE TO ITS COMPLETE FULFILLMENT if this predicted/prophecized ‘golden age’ of Judah-ism is to occur.


For those who are only now beginning to realize the depth of the danger that all face as a result of the deranged, delusional and–one might rightfully argue–DIABOLICAL nature of what these ‘children of their father, the devil’ have planned and are thus waiting for the heavenly marines to arrive and save us all, temper such hopes–The alligator is already in the house, has grown to full size and at present is basically unstoppable, as events are proving on a daily basis.


The time for ‘remedying’ this problem was 2,000 years ago when the alligator was a mere hatchling and when the fateful choice was made to bring it into our ‘house’ as a pet while not considering what it would be and what it would inevitably do to us all when it grew to full size.



Rabbi Nachman Kahana


This week’s parashah reading relates the most dramatic and significant episode for the existence of Am Yisrael and for the world at large – the receiving of Hashem’s Torah. In fact, this particular parasha can be characterized as ‘to be or not to be’.


Hashem stipulated a fundamental provision underlying the entire spectrum of creation, i.e that–


If the Jewish nation will accept the Torah at Mount Sinai the universe will continue to exist. However, if the Jews reject the Torah there would be no justification to maintain this material world and all matter would return to nothingness.


Another Midrash commentary states that Hashem uprooted Mount Sinai and held it over the heads of the Nation, declaring, ‘If you accept the Torah all will be well, but if you reject it then here will be your place of death’.


The Jewish worldview is that the importance of Am Yisrael and our observance of the ‘letter and spirit’ for creation cannot be overstated.




Ignorance and stupidity


We humans are born totally ignorant, and it is our obligation and responsibility in the years Hashem allots us not to add stupidity to our ignorance. Unfortunately, the great majority of humanity falls into the trap of believing that they are learned and intelligent, when in fact, they are far from both.


Rabbi Shimon teaches that when Hashem informed the heavenly angels of his intention to create a being half-spiritual and half-animal to be called Adam (Man) the angels separated into two groups to voice their opinions about the ‘new boy on the block’, with shared natures of good and bad.


The angel Chesed (compassion) agreed that it was worthwhile to make Man because he would be capable of acts of compassion. Emet (truth) opposed on the grounds that such a creature would always seek the path of least resistance and would live a life of falsehood. Tzedek (justice) agreed of making Man because he would be capable of acts of justice. The Angel of Peace disapproved on the grounds that man’s animalistic instincts would overcome his angelic ones, and he would shed oceans of blood. Hashem, after hearing the pros and cons of His angel committee, ‘took truth and thrust it down to earth’.


What does this mean?


Hashem rejected the opinion of the pro-mankind angels and agreed in principle with the opposition, as stated in Genesis 8, 2 that ‘every inclination of the human heart is evil from birth’.


As demonstrated from the first day of creation, when Adam and Chava were expelled from Gan Eden within the first three hours of their existence, also causing the ultimate death of every human being yet to be born. Kayin murdered his brother Abel not long after. Ten generations down the line Hashem’s Quality of Justice emerged and caused the destruction of all humanity save for one man – Noach and his immediate family, and the innocent species of the animal world. Not long after Hashem dispersed the ‘family of man’ to the four corners of the earth, because they were plotting to make war on the Creator himself.


But Hashem had already decided to create Man, so He had to find a way of hope for His new and multi-complex species to survive for 6000 years. He would take His ultimate truth, the Torah, and thrust it down upon a particular people forcing them to be His agents in giving hope for mankind’s and the physical world’s survival – the descendants of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’akov, the Jewish nation, through the Torah way of life.


This is the background of our parashat where Hashem held Mount Sinai over the heads of our ancestors and declared that if they refused to accept and keep the Torah, they would die there.


Over time nations and empires successively rose and fell due to their arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity. They failed to learn from their predecessors that the life raft of survival in this world for gentiles depends upon the degree to which they acknowledge, respect, uphold, defend, support, extol, glorify, aid and abet the Jews, both as the Creator’s chosen nation and as individuals.


As long as a nation showed respect and fidelity to the Jews, that nation would be blessed; but each turned its back and betrayed us. That was the point of no return for any nation that sealed its fate to descent from the stage of history and give way to another would-be ‘reich of a thousand years’.


In descending historical order: The present United Nations. England used their League of Nation’s mandate to prevent the establishment of an independent Jewish state and closed the escape route for European Jewry during the Shoah. Germany, and Russia before them. The Ottoman Turks, Christian Spain; the Crusaders, Christian Byzantine, Rome, Greece, Persia, Babylon, Assyria, etc.


We met them all, and they are now or soon will be mere chapters in the history books that we Jews will write.


At this juncture in our return to Eretz Yisrael, we are witnessing the metamorphosis of the western world democracies as they change their colors to blood-red anti-Semitism; slowly but surely. In academia, and the workplace, attacks on Jewish sites and institutions, degrading the State of Israel as being apartheid, and worst of all pointing out our dire sin of building a kindergarten in the land where the Jewish Bible was written. The kindergarten, which initiates a phone call from the State Department after being informed of its existence by the US Embassy in Yerushalayim, to take down this warmongering structure – Now!


Humanity is presently perched on a seam of history awaiting a meaningful event yet to unfurl. Nuclear war? Decimation of half the world’s population through viral infection? Economic downturn, plunging all mankind into poverty? Racial and religious wars?


One thing is certain. In all of these scenarios Israel will be a major player, and the Jews who comprise the State of Israel will reap the fruit planted by our ancestors beginning with Avraham through Torah at Sinai, Eretz Yisrael, destruction, exodus and redemption in our day.


The gentile world will either be on the right side of history and exist, or resist its Godly flow and bow out of human history.

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