ed note–as always, L&G, a laundry list of ‘must-knows’ contained in the essay below that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to study and understand.


Firsto, as we say often on this humble little informational endeavor, the fact that the author of the piece below is this SEEMINGLY unassuming and unpretentious ‘cleric’ within the Jewish community is a mirage of sorts, and a dangerous one at that.


He is the brother of none other than the late Rabbi Meir Kahane who–during his own time here on God’s green earth (before he died and went home to hell where he belongs) served as the spiritual guru for nutcases such as these–



–and others who at present occupy the highest positions of power within the government of Benjamin Netanyahu and who are hell-bent on putting the pedal to the medal in seeing WWIII/Armageddon get started.


Furthermore, and we cannot stress this point strongly enough, what needs to be understood is that as much as defenders of the Jewish State constantly paint it as a ‘democracy’, it ISN’T.


It is a theocracy that–for the purposes of masking its true identity, wears the outward appearance of being a western, liberal, secular entity, but which in reality, just as her name indicates–is the ‘state’ of the Jews where the spiritual/religious energy that animates ‘Jews’ and makes them what they are, namely–




–functions as the operating system that electrifies all functions on the hard drive of this ‘Jewish State’.


And the fact that political leaders, not the least of which include the following–



–take their ‘cue’ from the Rabbinical class (the real power brokers behind this anti-Gentile criminal conspiracy known as ‘La Kosher Nostra’) means that whenever creatures such as Kahana have something to say that carries with it Apocalyptic undertones (such as the essay below) the world should sit up and take notice, given the fact that nutcases with the capacity of incinerating all life on God’s green earth, including this guy–



–are listening intently and obediently as well…


Now, as far as some of the particulars contained in the piece below, nota bene the following–


The rabbi is not a prophet, a psychic, or a ‘seer’. When he makes predictions such as those appearing below, including WWIII, ‘intercontinental ballistic missiles’ that can hit America ‘within minutes’, as well as making comparisons between today’s Gentile civilizations and the same ‘Tower of Babel’ destroyed in the Hebrews’ Bible, understand that these ‘predictions’ are based upon those discussions he has had with those holding positions of power who possess the ability of bringing these things about.



Rabbi Nachman Kahana


Ten years ago, I wrote in a whisper to ‘prepare for the day’.


Five years ago, I wrote in a voice a few decibels higher to ‘prepare for the day’.


Now my voice is hoarse from screaming, to ‘prepare for the day’, namely by ‘SENDING YOUR SONS TO ISRAEL!’ To yeshivot, universities, the army, to a kibbutz, or even to just relax on the beach in Tel Aviv. They will be indebted to you their whole lives.




China, Russia, Iran, Islamic Jihad. Millions of homeless refugees filling your streets and gardens; internal threats to peace and democracy by growing Arab and Moslem residents; economic uncertainty, etc. Each of these factors when taken alone and certainly in unison, will force democratic governments to upgrade their militaries, initially by increasing military conscription.


Your sons, and later on also your daughters, might plan for a spring in Paris, but will find themselves in Marine boot camp on Paris Island, South Carolina, or other bases where Jews might not be very welcome.


As events continue to evolve on the international stage, the draft is inevitable.


I recently read a report entitled: ‘Europe turns to conscription as threat of wider war with Russia grows’ by Radina Gigova of CNN that reads as follows–


‘Before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, many, including Kyiv, were skeptical that a major war could return to Europe. More than two years on, another shift once unthinkable is underway on conscription.’

‘Several European nations have reintroduced or expanded compulsory military service amid Moscow’s mounting threat, part of a range of policies aimed at boosting defenses that are likely to be scaled up even further.’

(Including Germany which has already taken steps to radically increase its military – NK)

‘…The risks for a larger war in Europe have been rising after Russian President Vladimir Putin finally resorted to open conflict in Ukraine, pursuing his aim to recreate the Soviet empire, said Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.), who served as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe.’

‘So we’ve now got a war in Europe that we never thought we would see again,’ said Clark, who led NATO forces during the Kosovo War. ‘Whether this is a new Cold War or an emerging hot war is unclear,’ he continued, but ‘it’s a very imminent warning to NATO that we’ve got to rebuild our defenses.’


True, the next president of the US will probably be Mr. Donald Trump, who has a tendency towards isolation, letting the European countries ‘break their heads alone’.


However, the distance between Western Europe and the US east coast measuring 3,461 miles (5,570 km), and the distance between the west coast and Asia measured at 5,311.76 mi (8,548.45 km) are now measured by the minutes it takes for an intercontinental ballistic missile to make the hit. Even an ostrich has a limit to how long he can hide his head in the ground!




Part B: The Day the World Began To Die


On Friday the 19th of July, the UN’s International Court of Justice (?) delivered its advisory opinion with respect to the legal consequences arising from the ‘policies and practices of Israel in Judea and Samaria, the Golan and East Yerushalayim’.


Their ‘learned, objective’ legal decision was that Israel’s presence in Palestinian Arab territories is a violation of international law, and that therefore ‘The State of Israel is under the obligation to bring an end to its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible’, meaning that Israel must evacuate all of its settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem (soon to be a million people) and pay reparations to Palestinians for damages caused by the occupation.


The ICJ said Israel’s ‘policies and practices amount to annexation of large parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory’, which it said was against international law, adding that Israel was ‘not entitled to sovereignty’ over any part of the occupied territories.


Among its other delusional conclusions, the court said Israeli restrictions on Palestinian Arabs in the occupied territories constituted ‘systemic discrimination based upon race, religion or ethnic origin’. It also said Israel had illegally exploited the Palestinian Arabs’ natural resources and violated their right to self-determination.


The court also advised states to avoid any actions, including providing aid or assistance, that would maintain the current situation.


Our Prime Minister swiftly issued a blunt statement rejecting what the court had determined: ‘The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land – not in our eternal capital Jerusalem, nor in our ancestral heritage of Judea and Samaria’ (the ‘West Bank’). No decision of lies in The Hague will distort this historical truth, and similarly, the legality of Israeli settlements in all parts of our homeland cannot be disputed.’


No other country has yet to protest these decisions. The court’s findings will now go to the UN General Assembly, which will decide how to respond.


The court’s findings and the silence of the world community are declarations of war against the omnipotent Creator. Rashi (Bereishiet 11) writes that the generation of the tower of Babel declared war on the Creator by seeking to terminate all connection with spirituality.


Today, the world in its silence, turned its back on the Torah (Bible) and on the fact that the Jewish people lived here and controlled the land for close to 1500 years before being exiled by the Romans. And never a day passed when the Jews did not pray for our return to Zion. And there was a continuous presence of Jews in the land for all the years of our exile.


On the day of July 19, 2024, the world began to lose its soul, and will soon pay for it with its body.

One thought on “Judea Snarls–‘The day the world began to die’”
  1. Schlmo has Bible prophecy all backwards and sounds like one of the perps that hung Jesus by the Nails…
    SchmellMo Fear, it is palpable…

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