ed note–


Ok, first things first, and that being the case, the very FIRST thing that must be noted is the ‘who’ of this little vignette–




Now, for those who fail to understand or grasp the significance of this, we’ll start off with an old truism that spans the entirety of human history and human behavior–


‘Where the head goes, the body follows…’


The Jews as a group, to some degree (lesser for some, greater for others) follow the leadership of the rabbis. Like an army that follows its Generals into battle, the Jews take their cue from that ‘higher power’ that has always operated as the ‘final authority’ in Judaic life, the rabbinical class.


Having said that, if one seeks to understand Judaic behavior–both at the individual and collective level–then one must understand Judaic thought processes, and to understand these, one must look at where these thought processes originate, which is with the Torah and with those who disseminate/decide/dictate what the Torah teaches, i.e. the rabbis.


Having said this then, let’s examine a little more closely what our RABBI has to say…


Within his very first paragraph he is laying out the ‘real estate’ part of Judaism’s plan for the world. He discusses a land ‘flowing with milk and honey’ and what is to be done with those living there, i.e. that they are to be ‘replaced’.


And remember, according to the ‘deed’ as it was originally given several books/chapters/verses previously, it is a MUCH larger piece of real estate than simply the tiny slice/sliver as it exists today, in that it represents the ENTIRETY of the Middle East, from the Nile to the Euphrates.


Also note what appears very early-on in this discussion–


‘Hashem’s chosen nation’.


This is of vital importance to note/understand on several levels–


1. ‘Chosen nation’–Israel, Judea, whatever name we want to use in describing it, never was/is not now/never will be intended to be merely a ‘homeland for the Jews’. Jewish prophecy going all the way back to the very beginning of the delusional affair was/is very clear on this–It is supposed to be the headquarters of all human affairs in the world with Joo-roo-salem as the epicenter.


What this means is that in order for this to take place, in addition to all the non-Jews in the region being destroyed/moved out and–as our deranged Rabbi stated very clearly–‘replaced’, it also means that other world powers challenging Israel for world supremacy must be brought down, as indeed the world is witnessing right now with America and as was predicted/warned by the Jews themselves in one of the (many) prophecies guiding everything we are seeing now, to wit–


‘The Gentiles and their kings shall come to your light and to the brightness of your ascension…


You shall drink their milk and draw milk from the breasts of their kings…


Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks,


And the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and vinedressers…


As you devour the riches of the Gentiles they shall boast of your greatness and surrender unto you all their gold and incense, and the children of those who persecuted you shall come bowing down to you, while all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet…


The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you, as your gates remain open, day and night, so that the wealth of the Gentiles may be placed at your feet while their kings are led in humble procession before you…


For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed… ‘Book of Isaiah


The other important ‘protocol’ that needs to be examined and understood concerning the ‘chosen’ aspect of what the Rabbi mentions is that it is this aspect–Judaic narcissism/self-worship (and all the attending anti-Gentile behaviors & acts of violence against non-Jews/non-Hebrews/non-Israelites that flow from that narcissism) functions as the SOLE reason for ‘anti-Shemitism’, both today and yesterday, and going all the way back to the very beginning of the affair where ‘Abram’ and his wife Sarah were kicked out of Egypt after it was discovered that they had lied to Pharaoh and caused his whole household to come down with ‘a plague’.


The reason that this–Judaic narcissism–needs to be understood for the important role that it plays not just in all of history, but indeed in the politically-tectonic events taking place now is that as a result of this narcissism, the Jews as a group have not/do not now/never will engage in the recuperative process of healing themselves as a people due to their utter refusal to ‘heel’ themselves in a humble posture before those they have injured because–as the rabbi makes clear–the Jews are an innocent people in all cases, given that they are ‘chosen’, a belief he makes Kristol clear in saying that ‘trying to understand the reasons behind life’s tragedies’ related to ‘anti-Shemitism’ is ‘futile’.


A few other important takeaways and protocols–


‘If we had remained in our land, we would now be geometrically more than twice the population of China.’


We can all imagine the trouble we would be in today if indeed this were the case, considering just how bad things are now viz the problems that the Jews as a group cause in the world when their numbers are relatively low. Indeed, it is somewhere between definite and for-sure that had the Romans not come along and acted as the right arm of a concerned Mother Nature the human race would today be extinct.




‘World War Two was the extension of Hashem’s decree that the evil descendants of Esau should do away with one another. That Esau should devour Esau – Russians should kill Germans, and Germans should slaughter Englishmen, Ukrainians should kill Americans, and Americans should kill the Turks, ad nauseam.’


This is of VITAL importance for all Gentiles with a keen interest in their own future survival to understand.


In the Judaic mind as cultivated and maintained by the Rabbis, Esau–who had his inheritance stolen from him by his brother Jacob (Israel) through the generationally and time-honored Israelite process of covetousness, lying, fraud, theft, etc–is seen today as–


drum roll please–


Europe and all its peoples, culture, Christian religion, political systems, etc.


And part of Judaic prophecy as predicted by the very same ‘Ovadya’ (Obadiah) mentioned by the Rabbi is that Esau and his descendants are to be destroyed by none other than the descendants of–


drum roll please–


Jacob, the Jews, to wit–


‘On Mount Zion there will be deliverance, and it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will reclaim its possession. Then the house of Jacob will be a blazing fire and the house of Esau will be reduced to mere stubble, for Jacob will set it ablaze and consume it and no survivor will remain from the house of Esau, for the LORD has spoken.’ Obadiah 1:18


We’ll leave it up to the reader to do the rest of the puzzle-work in figuring out just how it is that ‘Jacob’–meaning Israel and the Jews–plan to become that ‘blazing fire’ in ‘consuming’ the house of Esau, leaving ‘no remaining survivors amongst his descendants’, but here’s a few hints–




And, last but certainly not least–




Rabbi Nachman Kahana for Israel National News


And Hashem said, ‘I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt and their cries because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So, I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey and to replace the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.’


Hashem informs Moshe that the next stage in His Divine plan is to take the Jews out of Egyptian bondage and to bring them to Eretz Yisrael where they will coalesce into one unified nation under Him.


However, there is a major omission in Hashem’s message–where are the Torah and mitzvot (religious deeds)? Indeed, the omission speaks louder than any articulated message. Torah in the Sinai Peninsula desert or in any other galut (diasporah) is no more than preparation for its actualization in Eretz Yisrael on a national scale.


Mount Sinai and the unprecedented revelation of the Torah to mortal man was a preparatory step for becoming Hashem’s chosen nation.


A nation is defined by a particular geographical area (all sanctified areas and entities have defined lines, like the Mishkan and the Bet Hamikdash), and its citizens speak a common tongue and have shared ideals and a way of life.


This fundamental principle of Judaism has yet to be accepted by many spiritual leaders in the galut. It is tragic that, as they walk down the path of blunders, they continue to drag their innocent adherents with them.


As the galut is shutting down day by day, the Geula calls out to Rachel Imenu’s children to return home.


Why the Shoah? And what are its lessons for our nation today?


An apparatus that grades the relative severity of calamities has yet to be invented, so we cannot know which catastrophe caused greater and more lasting damage to Am Yisrael – the 210-year enslavement in Egypt, the destruction of the two holy Temples or the Shoah.


In actuality (except for research historians), it really does not matter because at the end of the day what is real is the grotesquely small number of Jews in the world today. It bears witness to what we have experienced in order to be Hashem’s chosen people.


The accepted number of 15 million Jews is fake news. The true number is closer to 10 million, when half or more of the so-called 5-6 million Jews in the US are not halakhically Jewish. The present 10 million Jews whose lineage began over 3500 years ago pales before the fact that populations increase geometrically by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, rather than arithmetically by 1, 2, 3, 4. If we had remained in our land, we would now be geometrically more than twice the population of China.


Where was Hashem throughout all of this? How did He let it happen? What is the message for the Jewish nation then and now?


I could easily answer these questions if I knew why Hashem created the material world with human beings filled with such evil in their hearts. However, since we cannot fathom the profound thoughts of the Creator, it is an exercise in futility to seek to understand the reasons behind life’s tragedies.


After having said the above, I humbly offer my personal thoughts concerning the Shoah (Holocaust) – thoughts that allow me to maintain some semblance of rationality in an irrational world. I have penned my ideas in previous essays; but the more I write about it, the more I understand what I was thinking.


Why the Shoah? And what are its lessons for our nation today?


The Shoah is the most barbarous calamity to befall the Jewish nation. Its devastation outranks even the destruction of the two Batei Hamikdash (temples).


Jewish religious text explains that the destruction of the first Bet Hamikdash was a calamity of the first order. However, even within the context of this punishment, Hashem showed His mercy by venting His anger on the wood and stones of the structure rather than permitting mass murder of His people.


So, the unescapable question: how did it come about in Hashem’s world that six million Jews, including one-and-a-half million children and millions of God-fearing Torah Jews, were sent to Olam Haba (the next world) through the chimneys of Esav’s death camps?


It would be flippant and irreverent to answer that the Shoah was punishment for their sins. Since all Jews are mutual guarantors (kol Yisrael arayvim ze la’ze), why was it only the Jews of Europe and parts of North Africa who suffered that fate, whereas the Jews of the U.S. and Eretz Yisrael were not only spared but also prospered?


The Gemara (Bava Kama 60a) explains the underlying meaning of the verse (Shemot 22:5):


‘If a fire spreads to weeds (in another’s field) and devours bales of wheat or uncut wheat or the field, the negligent perpetrator must make payment.’


The Gemara explains that “weeds” are the (Gentile) evildoers of the world and “the bales of wheat” are the righteous of Am Yisrael. When Hashem decrees that the “weeds” be destroyed, the free hand of the Angel of Death begins with the coveted “bales of wheat” – the righteous who happen to be there among the evildoers.


I reject any allegation that my Jewish brothers and sisters sinned to any degree that justified the horrors of the Shoah. Some “experts” at counting other peoples’ sins place the blame on assimilation. However, never has Jewish history encountered the numbers and rate of assimilation and intermarriage found today among the Jews of the United States. Nevertheless, they continue to thrive. Other sin counters put the blame on Zionism, while others on the lack of Zionism.


It is common knowledge that World War Two was a continuation of World War One, following an extended but ultimately failed ceasefire. World War Two was the extension of Hashem’s decree that the evil descendants of Esau should do away with one another. That Esau should devour Esau – Russians should kill Germans, and Germans should slaughter Englishmen, Ukrainians should kill Americans, and Americans should kill the Turks, ad nauseam.


The Jews were turned into smoke and soap because the leash on insanity was released, and the Jews were caught up in it BECAUSE WE WERE THERE!


And we were there because we did not understand that when Esau kills Esau, it is no place for Ya’akov (Jacob) to be.


When the inhibitions of hatred are released, then the ever-present hatred toward Jews rises to the fore and Esau thirsts to put an end to Ya’akov.


If you reject the proposition that the two world wars were death sentences decreed upon the goyim by Hashem and we were swept into it just because we were there, you are left with two very bad options:


Either the Jews of Europe sinned to such an extent that 1,500,000 little children had to die, or the whole matter is so beyond our comprehension that we should just continue building bigger and more expensive holocaust museums and get back to living.


If a Jew lives in a depraved gentile society, then no matter how frum or how erudite he may be in Torah, he might get swept up in the tsunamis and 9/11’s of that nation. The Jews of the Shoah were victims of the unbridled hatred of the Christians because we were there.


The people of the US are on the brink of civil discordance and anarchy which could quickly lead to civil war. There are many Blacks who would think nothing of fomenting a holocaust against the “privileged” Whites, and many Whites who would be happy to do so for the Blacks. But both sides would not hesitate to do so against the Jews who will be drawn into the strife because they are there.


The clear lesson echoing from the Shoah is that when Esau is battling Esau, it is no place for Jews to be.


In circumstances like these, it is every thinking person for himself. Once the genie of hate emerges from its bottle, there will be no way to return it to oblivion.


The prophets Yoel and Ovadya (Obadiah) declared “In Mount Zion there shall be refuge”.

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