And, ONCE AGAIN, please, ladies and Gentile-men, consider the fact that our unesteemed Hebraic author, Max Boot, pic’d below with the same porn star Stormy Daniels who was used/utilized with great fanfare in trying to bring disrepute to the person and Presidency of DJT–

–is a card-carrying member of the same NeoConservative gang acting as adjuncts and assets for Israel’s intelligence service, Mossad, and tasked with the very specific duty of utilizing their various positions within both the mainstream media and whatever high-level official positions they hold within the USGOV to push forward Israel’s agenda of war in the Middle East against the Islamic world and of territorial expansion.

Also note, just as we have pointed out on this website thousands of times over the last 5 years, that this same NeoConservative gang has–FROM THE VERY MOMENT THAT DJT DESCENDED THE ELEVATOR AT TRUMP TOWERS AND ANNOUNCED HIS CANDIDACY FOR THE OFFICE OF POTUS–moved heaven, hell, and everything in between first in trying to deny Trump the Republican nomination, then in trying to prevent his election, then having failed in those endeavors, moving against him on a daily basis within a mainstream media mafia which they own/control whole hog, lock, stock and barrel, followed then by a NeoCon-instigated Impeachment, followed by a pandemic whose origins are doubtless to be found at the Nes Ziyyona Germ Warfare facility in Israel, and then a stolen election.

And again, at the risk of over-repetition, none of the political upheaval that has taken place over the last 5 years should have been a surprise to anyone billing themselves as ‘woke’ to the ‘JQ’. The very same cast of characters responsible for 9/11 and its ‘war on terror’ aftermath, the very same people who gave us ISIS and the Arab Spring were/are THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who moved/maneuvered against DJT from the very beginning, and yet, despite what was a mountain of evidence indicating the nature of the conspiracy against DJT, and again, all of it due to his plans for affecting a ‘911 U-Turn’, entire swaths of those proudly boasting of their ‘woke’ status added their voices to those of the NeoCon cabal, that includes not only the Hebraic writer of this piece, but as well, others of similar ‘pedigree’ such as Bill Kristol, David Frum, Jennifer Rubin, Eliot Cohen, et al.

Now, as it relates to the specifics of what our Israeli spy writes below, again, the concerted efforts on the part of the NeoCon cabal trying to affect Trump’s removal from the White House via the mechanism of either Impeachment or of the 25th Amendment when he only has a few weeks left in his term indicates they need him out of there before he can put into motion whatever legal countermeasures he is planning to do, which could–among other things–include use of the US military or even–as over-the-top as it may sound, the arrest of half of Congress for the same charge of ‘treason’ which POTUS DJT SPECIFICALLY indicated in a tweet early last year.

Also note, the very last line appearing in the piece below written by the Israeli spy Boot, to wit–

It is now clear that the only people who have been suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” are those who have refused to acknowledge the danger from this American fascism.

There is only ONE group of people whose ‘default mode’ is beating the drum of Hitler, the 3rd Reich, Naziism and ‘fascism’, and we all know who they are and why they do it.

And to those ‘woke’ members of the ‘911 Truth Movement’ who failed to recognize all the road signs indicating the nature of the ‘GET TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE’ agenda brought forth and executed by Judea, Inc as far back as 5 years ago, what can be said other than ‘congratulations’.


Max Boot

We need to be clear about what has just happened at the U.S. Capitol. This was not a protest by “American Patriots,” the words used by Ivanka Trump in a now-deleted tweet. This was a violent and unlawful insurrection by a seditious mob bent on preventing the House and Senate from certifying the election results that will make Joe Biden the next president of the United States.

This is far worse than anything that antifa or any other left-wing group has done. It has nothing in common with the protests that swept the country last year after the killing of George Floyd — and which Republicans cited as evidence of an impending communist revolution. The invasion of the Capitol was a genuine and terrifying attack on our democracy the likes of which we have not seen in our lifetimes.

We also need to be clear about who was responsible for this attempted coup: not just President Trump but also his enablers in the executive branch, Congress and the media.

Trump invited his followers to come to Washington on Wednesday for a “big protest” premised on the false assumption that the election was stolen from him. “Be there, will be wild!” he tweeted on Dec 19. On Tuesday, he tweeted: “I hope the Democrats, and even more importantly, the weak and ineffective RINO section of the Republican Party, are looking at the thousands of people pouring into D.C. They won’t stand for a landslide election victory to be stolen.”

When his followers did show up on the Mall on Wednesday, Trump incited them further, telling them: “We will never give up. We will never concede. It will never happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore.” He castigated his own vice president, Mike Pence, for refusing to exceed his constitutional authority by not certifying the electoral votes of states that Trump lost. “We are going to have to fight much harder,” Trump said, and urged the assembled multitudes to march on the Capitol.

It is on Trump’s head that by Wednesday afternoon, his followers had surged past the overwhelmed Capitol Police to invade America’s citadel of democracy. The scenes that unfolded looked like something out of a horror movie, with police clashing with the attackers and members of Congress having to stop their proceedings and flee to safety.

Pleas from his own aides and members of Congress from both parties finally led Trump to issue a mealy-mouthed videotaped appeal to the mob to “go home.” But he refused to give up his false and incendiary claims that the election was stolen, and he paid tribute to the odious attackers: “We love you. You’re very special.” This was very much reminiscent of his ambivalent response to the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 — “very fine people on both sides,” he said.

The leader of our government is inciting an assault on it. He is resorting to mob rule to tear down the rule of law. This is sedition, and it cannot be ignored. Congress needs to finish certifying the election results and then move on to the urgent business at hand — impeaching Trump for a second time. There are only 14 days left in his term, but that is enough time to act — not only to remove Trump from office but also to prevent him from running again. This is precisely the kind of “high crime and misdemeanor” that the impeachment clause of the Constitution was designed to address.

Or, failing that, Pence and a majority of the Cabinet can invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump. Perhaps now that the vice president and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been terrorized by Trump supporters, they will understand the danger that this aspiring authoritarian poses.

But whatever happens with the president, we must never forget the responsibility of his enablers for the ugly events of Wednesday. This would never have happened if Fox “News,” OAN, Newsmax, Mark Levin, the Daily Wire and all the rest had not been spreading poisonous lies to allege that the election was stolen. This would never have happened if more than 100 members of the House and at least 13 senators had not endorsed those theories by announcing that they would not certify the election results in battleground states that Trump lost. Members of the Sedition Caucus such as Sens. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and Josh Hawley (Mo.) should see their careers crash and burn, as Sen. Joe McCarthy’s did, for their shameful and cynical assault on the Constitution.

This was a day of infamy for American democracy. We can only hope that some good comes out of it by causing a backlash against the Trumpist attempt to pervert our most vital institutions. Many of us have been warning of the danger for years — only to have our words dismissed as overly alarmist, even hysterical.

It is now clear that the only people who have been suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” are those who have refused to acknowledge the danger from this American fascism.

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