2 thoughts on “Just in case you thought that WW3 with Russia was some wild-eyed conspiracy theory…”
  1. Total psychopaths-much like the generals facing Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis. If Trump becomes president and lives long enough to actually take over, one of the first things he’s got to do is immediately sack the generals making statements like this and if the pentagon refuses, address the nation that the military is attempting a coup against the commander in chief.

  2. Such gravitas! Such rolling cadences! Such commanding use of rhetoric! And so many medals!
    “I wanna be clear to those … try to oppose the United States. I wanna be clear to those who wish to do us harm. I wanna be clear to those around the world … want to destroy our Way of Life(TM).’N that of our allies and friends … yada yada yada … We will BEAT you harder than you’ve even been beaten before!”
    What a fuckwit. Where was this guyed schooled? At the same college attended by this megalomaniac?…
    “Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
    Thus spake the late lamented Ariel Sharon in risposte to the late and equally lamented man o’ peace Shimon Peres after the latter, in an Israeli cabinet meeting, urged the Sharonite to “respect American calls for a ceasefire, lest the Americans turn against Israel”. As reported by the BBC in 2001,
    But we must learn to forgive. We are Christians after all. This mediocrity of a US Army Chief clearly knows not what he says or does. He is a total and utter Zionist tool.

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