The Ugly Truth


January 6th, 2025


Truly, today, January 6,  2025 in the United States of America, is a tyrant’s dream come true…


Not only are the American people the most politically misinformed and disinformed governed population in the world, but as well, the most docile in terms of the tyrannical state that has been built around them and which continues to grow by the minute. 


Yes, they put bumper stickers on their vehicles, with liberals praising the murder of yet-to-be born human beings and their love affair with the colors of the rainbow while conservatives gush with affection for their guns, but for the most part, their political expertise stops there.


And if ever there were better proof of this frightening state of disawareness and disconnect on the part of the average American viz the Deep State concrete walls being built around him/her on a daily basis, it is the overall disinterest/disconcern with what is scheduled to take place on this day, January 6th, 2025, where the legal procedure for certifying the votes for President of the United States is to take place, and just how radically different it may very well turn out to be if the people who have consecrated themselves to Donald Trump’s political destruction get their way.


That the Deep State is dedicated to Trump’s utter destruction is now, 8 years later, as indisputable as water being wet and fire being hot. From the very moment in which he announced his plans for attaining the office of POTUS in 2016, it has been a non-stop seek-and-destroy mission against him that, when applied in the past by the same Deep State against other political leaders around the globe, has usually manifested itself in massive military invasions, assassinations or juntas.


The world has simply not seen the kinds of overt and covert political violence and skullduggery against a single leader (within the West at least) that has taken place since 2016. Non-stop investigations, 2 impeachments, the deployment of a bioweapon, a stolen election, a battalion of lawsuits and criminal charges, a missed-by-mere-millimeters assassination attempt, 34 felony convictions, and now, with what may very well take place in just the next few hours, a ‘legal’ and ‘constitutional’ reversal of the 2024 election results that could see Kamala Harris taking the oath of office on January 20th.


One can already hear the protests and the disagreements–


‘Oh, they would NEVER attempt something like that…That’s just TOO far, even for them…’


And if it can be accurately stated that the American people are the most politically misinformed and disinformed governed population in the world, what’s worse is their short-term memory loss, as if the politically tectonic events of the last 8 years, the highlights of which were just listed a few paragraphs previous, had not already happened.


The mechanisms by which this hypothetical yet completely possible ‘reversal of fortune’ may take place are very real,  very doable, and possess all the necessary ‘thou shalts’ to have it all occur ‘legally’ and ‘constitutionally’ so that all the gears of the Deep State continue to turn in the fashion necessary in assuring its own survival.


In just a few hours, members of both houses will convene in a joint session for the purpose of counting the Electoral Votes for each candidate, Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris. Presently, Donald Trump has 312 votes to Harris’ 226, a lead of 86 votes.


However, if the largest 3 states that went for Trump, i.e. Texas (40) Florida (30) and Pennsylvania (19) were to have their combined 89 votes nullified, Trump would find himself with only 223 electoral votes to Harris’ 226.


3 states, a mere 3 STATES is all it would take to turn the tables on the 2024 election and to see the Deep State declare victory once again over Trump’s plans to ‘Make America Great Again’.


There is a process to this, and one that, yes, was made somewhat more difficult by the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022 that was passed (ostensibly) to prevent the kinds of upheaval that took place exactly 4 years ago today in 2020, and the process would work as follows—


Members of the losing party—in this case the Democrats—are legally entitled to raise an objection to a particular state’s electoral votes for whatever reasons they choose to announce. It has happened in literally every presidential election in the last half century and there is no reason to assume that this time round will be any different. 


The new rules of objecting to a particular state’s votes require that said objection must be supported by ⅕ of each house and must be presented in writing to the Vice President of the United States (President of the Senate) who just happens to be Kamala Harris. Once the written objection is submitted, both houses convene to debate the merits or demerits of the objection, after which time there is a vote to either accept or dismiss that state’s electoral votes from the final talley.


And the only ‘thou shalt’ necessary in annulling that state’s electoral votes is achieving a simple majority of 51%…


Please consider that again, a mere 51%…


Now, skeptics will of course point to the current numbers in the House and the Senate which favor Trump’s party, the Republicans, which suggests a safe buffer, but those numbers are dangerously close to the center. In the House, the Republicans outnumber the Democrats by a mere 5 votes, 220 to 215, and in the Senate the Republicans maintain a lead of 6 votes, 53 to 47.


Which means that in order to attain the ‘simple majority’ necessary to annul a state’s electoral votes during the certification process, the only thing needed would be 3 Republicans in the House and 4 Republicans in the Senate to turn coat and vote with the Democrats.


Let that number sink in…7 turncoats voting to annul the electoral votes of only 3 states is all that would be necessary in seeing Kamala Harris installed as POTUS…


Now, again, all the skeptics and their typical Pollyannic–


‘Oh, they would NEVER attempt something like that…That’s just TOO far, even for them…’


–obviously have forgotten about what has taken place in the last 8 years and the number of times in which Deep State Swamp Creatures from the Republican party time and again voted with Trump’s enemies, from the countless investigations against him to the 2 Impeachments to their acquiescing to the stolen election of 2020.


Remember, it was a Republican, Liz Cheney, daughter of Arch NeoCon warmonger Dick Cheney who sat as Vice Chair of the House Jan 6th Committee that perjured evidence and testimony in trying to bring charges against Donald Trump in trying to prevent his eligibility for running for the office of POTUS in 2024.


Yes, many of them lost their offices in the last election cycle, and others just plain quit, but that does not mean that the Deep State has not and can not ‘turn’ new people, especially if the inducements used in the ‘turning’ process are a combined witch’s brew of ‘existential’ threats such as compromising material of a sexual or illegal nature ‘softened’ of course with the promise of millions (or even tens of millions) of dollars being secretly deposited into Swiss bank accounts set up in Mr/Mrs Congressman’s name.


So let’s ‘do the numbers’ again, L&G…


A mere 3 states having their votes tossed via the process of a mere 7 legislators being ‘turned’…


Not as tough as some might imagine…


Of course, when asked about their vote, whether Democrat or turncoat Republican, all those in favor will say that Trump’s conviction of the 34 felonies leveled against him, coupled with the fact that a mere 4 days from now he will be sentenced to what could be a 4-year prison term if the presiding judge so decides, means that as a ‘convicted felon’, Trump will not be able to muster the kind of political power or respect needed as ‘leader of the free world’, and especially now with as unstable and as dangerous as the world stage is right now viz Russia/Ukraine, the Middle East and China/Taiwan.


Making matters more ominous is the fact that according to press reports, as of the moment of this writing, there is this eerie mood in the House and Senate…


Despite having done so in every recent election cycle, the Democrats this time are saying publicly that they have ‘no intention’ of challenging the election results, are ‘crying uncle’,  and with Kamala Harris promising that she will ‘administer a straightforward transfer of power’.


So, the world is expected to believe that the Deep State is just going to concede defeat, declare that ‘the best man won’ and skulk off to some private corner somewhere for some wound-licking while consoling itself with the bitter-as-bile salve of ‘better luck next time’?


Not likely, L&G.


Now, it is entirely possible, given Trump’s resources, his intelligence, his drive to prevent WWIII/Armageddon and doubtless his friends and allies in high places that he anticipated the scenario outlined herein and has already neutralized the Deep State’s planned maneuvers against him, as many would like to hope is the case.


But remember, L&G, ‘they’ did it before in 2021, so why should anyone expect that ‘they’ can’t/won’t do it again in 2025?


Therefore, the unlikelihood of something along the lines of the scenario outlined herein coming to pass (in some fashion) falls into the ‘water being dry/fire being cold’ category, and for the simple reason that every elected member of Congress with Deep State dirt on his/her hands and who participated EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST DEGREE with the mountain range of illegal acts, not the least of which involves the stolen election of 2020, knows that he/she is very likely to find him/herself behind bars for life.


…And that includes Kamala Harris who will be overseeing the entire certification process…


And therefore, what this means is that this gang of Deep State thieves is likely to do anything, including using the law and the US Constitution to deny Trump his election as POTUS, only this time, instead of it being an illegal theft as took place in 2020, it will be done ‘by the book’.

2 thoughts on “Kamala Harris, 47th President of the United States of America”
  1. If Trump is not confirmed and Harris is installed by some slight of hand what will happen? Hmmmmm I need more popcorn!

  2. IMO, the GOP will have only 2 years to pass bills in Congress, to be signed by the President. Historically, the party that controls the WH, loses the House majority in the midterms. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, all lost the House. This is not partisan, just historical fact. So look for a lot to happen in the next 2 years.

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