0 thoughts on “Katie Hopkins 'Tweets Palestinians Are Filthy Rodents'”
Mr Galloway; I thank you for your work;however I have been at this fight since a boy,and my political-spiritual journey to truth,is long. You sir,are stuck in the LEFT/RIGHT Matrix,and as a “Liberal” send people into circles on the Zionist Issue,just as “the Right”,does. You,and people like yourself assumes that people like Katie Hopkins are ‘for real’,and that “When will Rupert Murdouck stop paying her?” HE WILL NOT…He is a Jew by his mother,and front man for Rothschilds,the masters of Britain/US Federal Reserve,and NATO.SEE:THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA- Real Jew News.Com. He buys media property for them-as you should know,with the JEWISH system of many ideologies serving one- THEM. Katie Hopkins is merely a cog ,in this powerful wheel. When you,and your backers bridge the LEFT/RIGHT prison,and either lEARN,or ADMIT the powers behind al of this,all is theater.
Right on!
Wow-send in MP George Galloway. I am sorry,but I have long leraned not to trust his kind. He was oppossed to Scotish Freedom,and sided with Rothschilds,and their puppert;the Windsors ,on the issue(“The Queen purred like a kitten at the No vote”- Michael Bloomberg-who watched the results with her! HMM?) He is quick to support the Holocaust ‘gassing’,lie,and his “Liberal” arguments against the Jews do not convince them or anyone else. Like the USA’s Pat Buchanan,on the ‘Old,Right” he is only allowed to barely survive,by not going all of the way-and dividing on the Jewish Liberal, Conservative control mechanism. To me :”George give it up”.
Yeah, old George is an A.Z.Z. unfortunately. He happens to say the right things sometimes but for the wrong reasons.
Katie Hopkins, I think you should be more careful when yiu expeess your sick idiot, because the only filthy exict in earth is the Zionest who are the bustereds of all time sice the creation of Asam and Eve ti be frank they are not descedent of Abraham they qre of Satan,
George, when are you going to release OUR video, “The Killing of Tony Blair”. When George, when?
Who in the hell is Katie Hopkins and who cares?
Wall Street’s agenda goes beyond any one election cycle. It has been fighting to turn public pensions into private profits for quite some time, steering retirement nest eggs into investments that are complex, charge hefty fees, and that generate big profits for management firms. And it has been succeeding. Of the $3 trillion in public assets currently in pension funds throughout the country, almost a quarter of that has already found its way into so-called “alternative investments” like hedge funds, private equity and real estate. That translates to roughly $660 billion of public money now under private management, invested in assets that are often arcane and opaque but that offer high management and placement fees to Wall Street financiers.
MOST MEDIA IS TODAY: (Silence–right, for the right).
How about a media personality round table.
1. Jack Kafferty– Supported Obama. Gone from CNN.
2. Lou Dobbs–Open up on views against out-sourcing. Gone from CNN.
3. Anderson Cooper–Open always a fair report. Gone from CNN.
4. Of course the best at digging, Tim Russick. Passed on. Unexpected.
5.Wolf Blitzer, Buffalo MAN, WALKED on a different side of the Street,
very much the company spokesman , Very much Bias toward Zionist.
6.Roland Martin–Lets get with it, Understood a lobby. Gone from CNN.
The National Association of Black Journalists this week issued a statement
voicing concern about a series of black media professionals who have
departed CNN over the course of the last several years.
Is this a case of Zionist control. I would certainly bet it is, How about you.
7. Glenn Greenwald what would you say. HOW ABOUT YOU ALL SAYING IT?
Opinion: Did Wall Street buy this election?
Coverage of the midterm elections has, understandably, focused on the shift in political power from Democrats toward Republicans. But behind the scenes, another
major story has been playing out. Wall Street spent upwards of $300M to influence the election results
. And a key part of its agenda has been a plan to move more and more of the $3 trillion dollars in
unguarded government pension funds into privately managed, high-fee investments — a shift that
may well constitute the biggest financial story of our generation that you’ve never heard of.
Wall Street spent $306 million on the 2014 midterms.
Dear Ronald :The Democrat women you site,are all;including warren inside the Jewish matrix. CNN ;built by iconclast Ted Turner is now under TIME WARNER,whos number 1 stock holder ;a reclusive Israeli Billioniare. (SEE :WHO OWN THE MEDIA- Real Jew News.com) and lousy TV personality Wolf Blitzer) -born Furth Germany 1945-I thought every Jew was gassed?)stays despite LOW ratings,and laughing stock appeal,because he was Executive Director Of AIPAC,and is a duel Israeli/US Citizen. Just like the Huffington Post- both were SOLD out by the owners for HUGE money…. Mrs Huffinington NEW,and she took on Israel,and Wall Street- JEWS. But 350 million shekels are hard to pass up. Ted Turner got shafted,and he admitted it. But the ,man hired Pat Buchanan,Evans & Novak, Jesse Jackson,and Peter Arnett,who were not Zionist favorites. That era,is GONE. Jew Big Brother LIVES ,and RULES !
Edward #7 above) asks who is Katie Hopkins, and who cares?
If I may, I would like to answer. Let me start by explaining some background context to T.U.T. readers who may not have been to England.
Most people in the UK live in the suburbs of big cities. The cities themselves are too expensive to live in, and too small to accommodate the masses. Many city streets are only wide enough for one small car to drive on.
Each day the British masses ride trains and subways into the cities. And each day at the end of their work shifts they ride the same trains and subways back to the suburbs.
It’s like New York, but much worse. In fact, the only thing worse than the UK in this regard is Japan (and I have been all over the world.)
The trains and subways are always packed. They very sight of them is very depressing. Passengers sit like sardines, almost all of them reading trashy bird-cage-liners – i.e. tabloids such as “The Sun,” which is owned by the Jew Robert Murdoch. (His mother was Jewish.)
As I said above, the train-and-subway experience is incredibly dreary. Therefore people read tabloids to pass the time. And the tabloids are always seeking to titillate their readers in any way, positive or negative. There is the “Page Three Girl”: a form of soft porn that shows women in skimpy attire. And there are provocative sleaze-balls like Katie Hopkins, who entertains her tabloid audience by insulting everyone except the Jews that employ her. Ms. Hopkins is a kind of Joan Rivers, and she especially likes to attack other women. She will even taunt female Jews if they are physically better looking than her (e.g. TV chef Nigella Lawson). In fact, Ms. Hopkins will attack almost any celebrity who is better looking that her (which is just about all of them). https://quatloosx.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/katie_hopkins.jpg
People complain about Ms. Hopkins, but they remain fascinated by her. Each day they wait to see what new forms of filth she excretes from the puss-lined, hemorrhoid-stricken orifice between her chin and her nose. This mass fixation stems not from masochism or stupidity, but from boredom and despair. I repeat that the train-and-subway experience is awful. It is surreal, like a weird dystopian movie.
That said, can we forgive Ms. Hopkins as simply a product of her social milieu? No. Here at T.U.T. we are offended not so much by the content of her filth, as by her hypocrisy of her attitudes. Ms. Hopkins maligns all kinds of political correctness except that which upholds Jewish supremacy. For this alone she merits the guillotine. George Galloway agrees, and notes that if anyone suggested that Israel must be bombed, he or she would be jailed as a terrorist.
But it gets worse. England (in my opinion) is a gray, dreary, miserable little island, and it has more Jews than any country in Europe except France. There was a time when the train-and-subway crowd read things like serialized versions of Charles Dickens, or other noted writers. Today the masses have Katie Hopkins and Jews-Jews-Jews. All holocaust, ™ all the time. Thus, Katie Hopkins contributes to the despair and degeneracy.
To cope with their Jew-dominated nightmare, Average Britons endlessly romanticize World War II, and how they defeated the German Wehrmacht single-handedly, thereby restoring the Jewish supremacy that they worship today. https://quatloosx.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/british_veteran.jpg
Has this heretofore unknown creature looked in a mirror lately? That sad face would make a rat nauseous.
your entire comment is so delusional I don’t even know where to begin. Anderson Cooper- is a CIA agent- as he and his boss admitted. his mother is mega-millionaire Gloria Vanderbilt and he has no talent. Dobbs is gone as he outed the NAU.
telling Obama to use a dictator method like the Exec Order to dissolve ELECTED Congress is so stupid I cant believe you wrote it- or mean it. could go on, but why bother. you are an idiot
Well said Konrad
As an ex-Brit, I concur
I couldn’t wait to leave that dreary island and people
@Dante Ardenz : I do agree with you that there are are much larger powers at work here but at the same time exposing their the minions is such a bad thing, I don’t think too many people have the time or brain power to take it to other levels,
SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. 20th century British dramatist.
“This is the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental parasite; in a word: the Jew. (London Morning Post, December 3, 1925)
This craving for bouquets by Jews is a symptom of racial degeneration. The Jews are worse than my own people. Those Jews who still want to be the chosen race (chosen by the late Lord Balfour) can go to Palestine and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being human beings. (Literary Digest, October 12, 1932)
Statements by the Holy Popes that seems to have been well guided:
GREGORY VIII. (1187) Forbade Jews to have power over Christians, in a letter to Alfonso VI of Castile.
GREGORY IX. (1227-1241). Condemned the TALMUD as containing “every kind of vileness and blasphemy against Christian doctrine.”
JULIUS III. Contra Hebreos retinentes libros (1554) ordered the TALMUD burned “everywhere” and established a strict censorship over Jewish genocidal writings – an order that has never been rescinded and which presumably is still binding upon Catholics. Was a powerful condemnation of Jewish usury? It embodies a model legal code to curb Jewish power that was recommended to all communities.
PIUS IV. Condemned Jewish genocidal writings.
PIUS V. Hebraeorum gens (1569) expelled all Jews from the Papal States.
GREGORY XIII. Declared that Jews “continue to plot horrible crimes” against Christians “with daily increasing audacity.”
“All people of the world suffer from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people and the very poor. Then as now Jews have to be reminded intermittently anew that they were enjoying rights in any country since they left Palestine and the Arabian Desert, and subsequently their ethical and moral doctrines as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be exposed to criticism in whatever country they happen to live.”
BENEDICT XV. Warned in 1920 against “the advent of a Universal Republic, which is longed for by all the worst elements of disorder.”
MARTIN LUTHER, 16th century German religious reformer
“But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them.”
“They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpretations. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hoping of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther… On how they love the book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope.
(1) The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder the whole world with the sword. As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do now, if they only could; have also tried it often and have been repeatedly struck on their snouts… Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen; since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they, as can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also find comfort with this: “When the Messiah comes, He shall take all the gold and silver in the world and distribute it among the Jews.
(2) Thus, wherever they can direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice, they wickedly do so. Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the Devil; you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement and enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weszensee and the like. Of course they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly.
(3) A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them.
They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile!
If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is dearer than God himself!
Do not their TALMUD and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their money-lending) from a heathen is a divine service… And they are the masters of the world and we are their servants – yea, their cattle!
I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews…
Should someone think I am saying too much – I am saying much too little! For I see in [their] writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks… No heathen has done such things and none would to so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses – as he possesses the Jews.
Burgensis, who was a very learned rabbi among them and by the grace of God became a Christian (which seldom occurs), is much moved that in their schools they so horribly curse us Christians (as Lyra also writes) and from that draws the conclusion that they must not be the people of God.
Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us! Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1,400 years ago during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by the Jews in all the world. On top of that, we do not know to this day what Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jerusalem! … Yes, we have and hold them captive, as I would like to keep my rheumatism, and all other diseases and misfortunes, who must wait as a poor servant, with money and property and everything I have! I wish they were in Jerusalem with the other Jews and whomsoever they would like to have with them.
Now what are we going to do with these rejected, condemned Jewish people? … Let us apply the ordinary wisdom of other nations like France, Spain, Bohemia, et al., who made them give an account of what they had stolen through usury, and divided it evenly; but expelled them from their country; for as heard before, God’s wrath is so great over them that through soft mercy they only become wicked, through hard treatment, however, only a little better. Therefore, away with them! How much more unbearable it is that we should permit the entire Christendom and all of us to be bought with our own money, be slandered and cursed by the Jews, who on top of all that be made rich and our lords, who laugh us to scorn and are tickled by their audacity!
What a joyful affair that would be for the Devil and his angels, and cause them to laugh through their snouts like a sow grinning at her little pigs, but deserving real wrath before God. (From THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES)
Maybe mild-hearted and gentle Christians will believe that I am too rigorous and drastic against the poor, afflicted Jews, believing that I ridicule them and treat them with much sarcasm. By my word, I am far too weak to be able to ridicule such a satanic brood. I would fain to do so, but they are far greater adepts at mockery than I and possess a god who is master in this art. It is the Evil One himself.
Even with no further evidence than the Old Testament, I would maintain, and no person on earth could alter my opinion, that the Jews as they are today are veritably a mixture of all the depraved and malevolent knaves of the whole world over, who have then been dispersed in all countries, similarly to the Tartars, Gypsies and such folk.”
We all get old and shall die anyway, whether we like or not. Happens to all of us. There is life after life after this earthly one. The loyal Palestinians shall be with God and the true rodents on this planet shall be in hell. This creature above shall not live forever,
I have observed that wicked people who may have looked beautiful when they were younger look so hideous when they are older. And kind people look very beautiful even when they are older.
@ JM (#17 above) ~ You say the Palestinians will have the last laugh. I have long felt that one day all the Jews will be expelled from Palestine, and that Palestinians will occupy their houses and other structures. Palestinians will once again reclaim Palestine. They will tell their children about what it was like under the Jewish boot, but the children will not understand, since they did not go through it. No matter. Palestine will exceed Lebanon in beauty and modernization. Palestinians will establish connections with their racial cousins in places like Crete (Greece). Millions of Palestinians will return from Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.
Meanwhile the Jews will once again wander the earth, looking for a new host (perhaps China) and a new Israel (perhaps Madagascar), while they endlessly weep about “paradise lost.”
JM SAYS: “Wicked people who may have looked beautiful when they were younger look so hideous when they are older.” https://quatloosx.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/albright.jpg
@ Konrad
Oh you are so funny.
I am referring to the picture above.
Your vision for the future for the Palestinians is very heartening. Let us hope the carnage and the jwo plan shall stop asap.
What a ugly person this Katie Hopkins is. I could not read all of her rants too disgusting. People have said that races have been hard on the jews, however, what good to be said about jews. Not a damned thing.
#12. You must learn to read & comprehend, before you run off at the mouth. I never said Dissolve
congress, I stated charge & prosecute for Treason. Of course if they are removed. The
Governor of each State names a successor to fill the term. I did state do away with Home-Land
Security, formed by Bush. Top 4 positions are duel citizenship with Israel, and has been a direct
pipe-line to Israel, they need no spies.
I would guess by your rant, that you are a red-neck, and live where the MEN are MEN and the
SHEEP & SISTERS know it. Mostly don’t vote, if you can not read.
#8, Ronald Walrus,
With your run at the mouth all-caps bullshit screed, calling the likes of AIPAC whores like Hillary, Wasserman & Warren- “democrats of integrity” ?? LOLOL Their advisors learned their trade at the Mossad. then you say:
“4. Of course the best at digging, Tim Russick. Passed on. Unexpected.”
In your stupidity you don’t even know the real name of another corp presstitute whore that you praise… the name of the Clown is Tim RUSSERT, and he was among the worst, ingratiating bootlickers out there. I met this clown at his book signing, where he quickly had me whisked off his podium for politely enquiring into 911 and the missing WMDs. He had body guards strong arm a little old lady out of his presence when she also asked an uncomfortable question.
Wake up you dingbat.
YOU, stupid dunce, should stick with preaching the gospel of CIA agents like Anderson Cooper and leave true discussions that require research and expertise to the majors. You aren’t one. in fact, your comment verifies what a stupid fkkk you are and
There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of these vile creatures.
Israel To Arrest Anyone For Posting Content Deemed “Anti-Israel” On Facebook (Video):
For many years – Israel has been monitoring the social media accounts of pro-Palestinian activists. The Israeli government has a long track record of arresting Palestinians indiscriminately where they can and do detain every day Palestinian citizens in military prisons for up to 6 months without charge. But now they’re actually telling activists they will be arrested for posting content deemed to be “anti-Israel.”
Last week, Mahmoud Asila from the Old City of al-Quds, was arrested for merely posting a picture on Facebook that claimed he was in support of the attacks carried out by the Palestinians against the Israeli forces occurring in the West Bank. Israel called this thought crime “incitement”.
Asila claims that he did, in fact, make the post but he was just voicing his freedom of speech online.
This is drawing plenty of criticism from human rights groups:
Israel to nab Palestinians over Facebook posts
The international law and the four Geneva conventions state that no government has the right to arrest people for their ideas or for what they publish on their pages. But Israel, which is not respecting any international law, will be preventing freedom of speech, especially in Jerusalem al-Quds, to keep controlling the city and humans leading the youth,” Bassem Eid, a human rights activist, told the Press TV correspondent.”
Israel – America’s Biggest Frenemy;
by Justin Raimondo, November 24, 2014
Today [November 24, 2014] is the deadline for the closing of a deal with Iran regarding their nuclear program. No one should be surprised that Israel is marking this deadline with a threat to attack Iran regardless of the outcome of the negotiations. As the Jerusalem Post is reporting on its front page:
– Antiwar.com Original – http://original.antiwar.com –
Israel is America’s Biggest Frenemy
Posted By Justin Raimondo On November 23, 2014 @ 11:00 pm In Uncategorized | 57 Comments
Today [November 24, 2014] is the deadline for the closing of a deal with Iran regarding their nuclear program. No one should be surprised that Israel is marking this deadline with a threat to attack Iran regardless of the outcome of the negotiations. As the Jerusalem Post is reporting on its front page:
“Israel has issued a stark, public warning to its allies with a clear argument: Current proposals guarantee the perpetuation of a crisis, backing Israel into a corner from which military force against Iran provides the only logical exit.”
This is a lie, and is widely recognized as such: the Israelis don’t have the military capacity to take out all the Iranian nuclear sites without American assistance. Aside from that, however, they never attack those capable of hitting back in any significant way, so we can write off this latest threat as just so much kvetching. Yet one has to wonder: is this the way an ally is supposed to act never mind one that we enjoy a purported “special relationship” with?
The reality is that Israel is our biggest frenemy.
For decades the Israelis have lived off our largesse without having to offer anything of value in return unless Israeli interference in American politics is considered of value. We’ve handed them over $3 billion a year in tribute, stood by while they subjected their Palestinian helots to conditions not seen since South Africa’s apartheid, and smiled tolerantly, as one would at an obstreperous child, while they noisily spat in our faces at every opportunity. And what have we gotten in return? Insults, interference, and outright threats â not to mention one of the most effective (and obnoxious) spying operations conducted on our soil by a foreign power.
For years, the War Party has been accusing Tehran of running a secret nuclear weapons program, although no convincing evidence of this has ever been produced. The Israelis and their international assets notably the MEK terrorist group have done their best to doctor up convincing forgeries, albeit to no avail. They’ve run all kinds of interference in order to prevent the normalization of US-Iranian relations. Their goal: to ensure that Israel’s regional monopoly on nuclear weapons remains intact.
Aside from North Korea, Israel is the only nuclear power that has managed to get away with thumbing its nose at the international community over this issue. The Iranians submitting themselves to a strict inspections regime will doubtless turn the worlds attention to the weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Israels leadership a political class increasingly seen as extremist by outsiders. Steadfastly refusing to sign the Nonproliferation Treaty, along with North Korea, the Israelis have managed to maintain what is referred to as “nuclear ambiguity,” but there is absolutely nothing ambiguous about the destructive power of their arsenal.
“Ambiguity” is not a concept that applies to Israel these days. There no doubt about where they stand or what they are becoming. Their latest shtick: taking out the part about being a democracy in their Basic Law, and putting in “no Arabs need apply.” Or, as The Age puts it: ”
“The proposal would mean Israel would no longer be defined in its Basic Laws as Jewish and democratic but instead as âthe national homeland of the Jewish people”
What the great Israeli classical liberal Yeshayahu Leibowitz rightly called the “Judeo-Nazi” trend in that country’s political life has now come to the forefront: they arenât pretending to be the Gallant Little Democracy of the Middle East any more. Nope, they’re coming out of the closet as ethno-religious fanatics, just like their opposite numbers a few kilometers away in the Islamic State. In tandem with the new law, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the introduction of legislation stripping “anti-Israel” Arab activists of their Israeli citizenship, along with their entire families. And so the Jewish State of Israel in the Levant JSIL is born.
In the past, the Israel lobby has offered a number of arguments in favor of maintaining the US-Israeli “special relationship.” And while strategic military and geopolitical factors were a big part of their routine during the cold war era, with the collapse of communism this became less important and so a new party line was trotted out: the claim that we share important values with the Israelis, especially those associated with liberal democracy, i.e. tolerance, diversity, etc. Yet the truth of the matter is that Israel is no longer a liberal democracy: indeed, as they tighten the screws on their Palestinian untermenschen, the Jewish State in the Levant is becoming the mirror image of its authoritarian Arab neighbors.
In politics as in real estate, the dominant factor is location, location, location. In choosing the Middle East as the site of their “Jewish nation,” the early Zionists ensured that their state would eventually lose touch with its European roots and become just another Oriental despotism. The Jewish settlers are said to have transformed the land, but in reality the opposite occurred: the land transformed them.
The Israelis think they are immune from condemnation: they think they can get away with torturing the Palestinians, provoking endless wars, and engaging in the kind of blatant racism that gets Hungary sanctioned as an “illiberal” state. And given the behavior of the political class in America and the West, they have every reason to think this kind of “Israeli exceptionalism” is going to hold, but they are living inside an illusion.
The Israel lobby is losing its grip: the American people â previously inclined to support Israel no matter what show signs of waking up to the danger posed by our Israel-centric foreign policy. In Europe, where the Israel lobby has always been weaker, they are in real trouble. The Israeli’s recent slaughter in Gaza has done much to open the eyes of a new generation to real nature of the Jewish State in the Levant. Thats why the boycott and divestment campaign aimed at Israel is taking hold, despite the frantic efforts of Israel’s amen corner to smear and even outlaw it. (Yes, the illiberal policies of the Jewish State in the Levant are even seeping into the United States a revolting prospect, indeed.)
Israel today is a tyranny on the order of the old South Africa, with one added factor: they are armed with nuclear weapons. As such, the Israelis represent a threat to the peace of the world, one far more dangerous than Iran will ever be. Their pernicious influence on American politics is the biggest arrow in the War Party’s quiver. In the end, as Americans rebel against the regime of perpetual war, this will be their undoing.
You can check out my Twitter feed by going here. But please note that my tweets are sometimes deliberately provocative, often made in jest, and largely consist of me thinking out loud.
Iâve written a couple of books, which you might want to peruse. Here is the link for buying the second edition of my 1993 book, Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, with an Introduction by Prof. George W. Carey, a Foreword by Patrick J. Buchanan, and critical essays by Scott Richert and David Gordon (ISI Books, 2008).
You can buy An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000), my biography of the great libertarian thinker, here.
Read more by Justin Raimondo
Sharyl Attkisson vs. Obama’s Police State, November 20th, 2011.
Israel To Arrest Anyone For Posting Content Deemed “Anti-Israel” On Facebook (Video):
For many years – Israel has been monitoring the social media accounts of pro-Palestinian activists. The Israeli government has a long track record of arresting Palestinians indiscriminately where they can and do detain every day Palestinian citizens in military prisons for up to 6 months without charge. But now they’re actually telling activists they will be arrested for posting content deemed to be “anti-Israel.”
Last week, Mahmoud Asila from the Old City of al-Quds, was arrested for merely posting a picture on Facebook that claimed he was in support of the attacks carried out by the Palestinians against the Israeli forces occurring in the West Bank. Israel called this thought crime “incitement”.
Asila claims that he did, in fact, make the post but he was just voicing his freedom of speech online.
This is drawing plenty of criticism from human rights groups:
Israel to nab Palestinians over Facebook posts
The international law and the four Geneva conventions state that no government has the right to arrest people for their ideas or for what they publish on their pages. But Israel, which is not respecting any international law, will be preventing freedom of speech, especially in Jerusalem al-Quds, to keep controlling the city and humans leading the youth,” Bassem Eid, a human rights activist, told the Press TV correspondent.”
The only way Israel can make any come back, is to confine Netanyahu in a mental institution where he belongs. Then come to grips with getting a Peace agreement.
The American people suggest that the United States discontinue the economic and military aid it has been giving the country since 1948, when it first introduced its Declaration of Independence. To date, the U.S. has given Israel over 233 billion dollars (adjusted for inflation), and comprises 1/3rd of the entire annual foreign aid budget. No longer will the dark money, a Peace agreement must be reached be fore any more aid. If the demands and disrespect for America doesn’t change, it could well be the end of existence for the rogue state.
We as the American people will never forget the KENNEDY assassinations, the attack on US LIBERTY, the 911 TWIN TOWER ATTACK, the threat of taking out OBAMA by Netanyahu & Mossad,
the fraud Intel of WMD in Iraq, The support of money & weapons to ISIS, the Genocide of Palestinians. The WAR Crimes anf illegal occupations.
Fact that 181 Countries of the UN will continue to try & pass Sanctions, Boycotts, and divestment regarding Israel.
We are requesting our government to agree with sanctions & Boycotts, and no further AID.
We also want charges of BRIBERY regarding the intent of giving millions to selected Republican campaigns. Charges for accepting such when the intent is well known.
The United Kingdom of Jews and their crack whores now openly flaunt their victory over your country as well. Youtube; ”BANNED! World War 3 is upon us! (reupload)”
Left and right wings are of the same bird………I really like you George but you need to stand against and for the people who matter not the facile rag mag few who rant and
spew.!! Why can you not take on the hidden hand of power that fuels this divide and rule agenda instead of joining in and wasting valuable time with your gift of the silken words. True Story.
Mr Galloway; I thank you for your work;however I have been at this fight since a boy,and my political-spiritual journey to truth,is long. You sir,are stuck in the LEFT/RIGHT Matrix,and as a “Liberal” send people into circles on the Zionist Issue,just as “the Right”,does. You,and people like yourself assumes that people like Katie Hopkins are ‘for real’,and that “When will Rupert Murdouck stop paying her?” HE WILL NOT…He is a Jew by his mother,and front man for Rothschilds,the masters of Britain/US Federal Reserve,and NATO.SEE:THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA- Real Jew News.Com. He buys media property for them-as you should know,with the JEWISH system of many ideologies serving one- THEM. Katie Hopkins is merely a cog ,in this powerful wheel. When you,and your backers bridge the LEFT/RIGHT prison,and either lEARN,or ADMIT the powers behind al of this,all is theater.
Right on!
Wow-send in MP George Galloway. I am sorry,but I have long leraned not to trust his kind. He was oppossed to Scotish Freedom,and sided with Rothschilds,and their puppert;the Windsors ,on the issue(“The Queen purred like a kitten at the No vote”- Michael Bloomberg-who watched the results with her! HMM?) He is quick to support the Holocaust ‘gassing’,lie,and his “Liberal” arguments against the Jews do not convince them or anyone else. Like the USA’s Pat Buchanan,on the ‘Old,Right” he is only allowed to barely survive,by not going all of the way-and dividing on the Jewish Liberal, Conservative control mechanism. To me :”George give it up”.
Yeah, old George is an A.Z.Z. unfortunately. He happens to say the right things sometimes but for the wrong reasons.
Katie Hopkins, I think you should be more careful when yiu expeess your sick idiot, because the only filthy exict in earth is the Zionest who are the bustereds of all time sice the creation of Asam and Eve ti be frank they are not descedent of Abraham they qre of Satan,
George, when are you going to release OUR video, “The Killing of Tony Blair”. When George, when?
Who in the hell is Katie Hopkins and who cares?
Wall Street’s agenda goes beyond any one election cycle. It has been fighting to turn public pensions into private profits for quite some time, steering retirement nest eggs into investments that are complex, charge hefty fees, and that generate big profits for management firms. And it has been succeeding. Of the $3 trillion in public assets currently in pension funds throughout the country, almost a quarter of that has already found its way into so-called “alternative investments” like hedge funds, private equity and real estate. That translates to roughly $660 billion of public money now under private management, invested in assets that are often arcane and opaque but that offer high management and placement fees to Wall Street financiers.
MOST MEDIA IS TODAY: (Silence–right, for the right).
How about a media personality round table.
1. Jack Kafferty– Supported Obama. Gone from CNN.
2. Lou Dobbs–Open up on views against out-sourcing. Gone from CNN.
3. Anderson Cooper–Open always a fair report. Gone from CNN.
4. Of course the best at digging, Tim Russick. Passed on. Unexpected.
5.Wolf Blitzer, Buffalo MAN, WALKED on a different side of the Street,
very much the company spokesman , Very much Bias toward Zionist.
6.Roland Martin–Lets get with it, Understood a lobby. Gone from CNN.
The National Association of Black Journalists this week issued a statement
voicing concern about a series of black media professionals who have
departed CNN over the course of the last several years.
Is this a case of Zionist control. I would certainly bet it is, How about you.
7. Glenn Greenwald what would you say. HOW ABOUT YOU ALL SAYING IT?
Opinion: Did Wall Street buy this election?
Coverage of the midterm elections has, understandably, focused on the shift in political power from Democrats toward Republicans. But behind the scenes, another
major story has been playing out. Wall Street spent upwards of $300M to influence the election results
. And a key part of its agenda has been a plan to move more and more of the $3 trillion dollars in
unguarded government pension funds into privately managed, high-fee investments — a shift that
may well constitute the biggest financial story of our generation that you’ve never heard of.
Wall Street spent $306 million on the 2014 midterms.
Dear Ronald :The Democrat women you site,are all;including warren inside the Jewish matrix. CNN ;built by iconclast Ted Turner is now under TIME WARNER,whos number 1 stock holder ;a reclusive Israeli Billioniare. (SEE :WHO OWN THE MEDIA- Real Jew News.com) and lousy TV personality Wolf Blitzer) -born Furth Germany 1945-I thought every Jew was gassed?)stays despite LOW ratings,and laughing stock appeal,because he was Executive Director Of AIPAC,and is a duel Israeli/US Citizen. Just like the Huffington Post- both were SOLD out by the owners for HUGE money…. Mrs Huffinington NEW,and she took on Israel,and Wall Street- JEWS. But 350 million shekels are hard to pass up. Ted Turner got shafted,and he admitted it. But the ,man hired Pat Buchanan,Evans & Novak, Jesse Jackson,and Peter Arnett,who were not Zionist favorites. That era,is GONE. Jew Big Brother LIVES ,and RULES !
Edward #7 above) asks who is Katie Hopkins, and who cares?
If I may, I would like to answer. Let me start by explaining some background context to T.U.T. readers who may not have been to England.
Most people in the UK live in the suburbs of big cities. The cities themselves are too expensive to live in, and too small to accommodate the masses. Many city streets are only wide enough for one small car to drive on.
Each day the British masses ride trains and subways into the cities. And each day at the end of their work shifts they ride the same trains and subways back to the suburbs.
It’s like New York, but much worse. In fact, the only thing worse than the UK in this regard is Japan (and I have been all over the world.)
The trains and subways are always packed. They very sight of them is very depressing. Passengers sit like sardines, almost all of them reading trashy bird-cage-liners – i.e. tabloids such as “The Sun,” which is owned by the Jew Robert Murdoch. (His mother was Jewish.)
As I said above, the train-and-subway experience is incredibly dreary. Therefore people read tabloids to pass the time. And the tabloids are always seeking to titillate their readers in any way, positive or negative. There is the “Page Three Girl”: a form of soft porn that shows women in skimpy attire. And there are provocative sleaze-balls like Katie Hopkins, who entertains her tabloid audience by insulting everyone except the Jews that employ her. Ms. Hopkins is a kind of Joan Rivers, and she especially likes to attack other women. She will even taunt female Jews if they are physically better looking than her (e.g. TV chef Nigella Lawson). In fact, Ms. Hopkins will attack almost any celebrity who is better looking that her (which is just about all of them).
People complain about Ms. Hopkins, but they remain fascinated by her. Each day they wait to see what new forms of filth she excretes from the puss-lined, hemorrhoid-stricken orifice between her chin and her nose. This mass fixation stems not from masochism or stupidity, but from boredom and despair. I repeat that the train-and-subway experience is awful. It is surreal, like a weird dystopian movie.
That said, can we forgive Ms. Hopkins as simply a product of her social milieu? No. Here at T.U.T. we are offended not so much by the content of her filth, as by her hypocrisy of her attitudes. Ms. Hopkins maligns all kinds of political correctness except that which upholds Jewish supremacy. For this alone she merits the guillotine. George Galloway agrees, and notes that if anyone suggested that Israel must be bombed, he or she would be jailed as a terrorist.
But it gets worse. England (in my opinion) is a gray, dreary, miserable little island, and it has more Jews than any country in Europe except France. There was a time when the train-and-subway crowd read things like serialized versions of Charles Dickens, or other noted writers. Today the masses have Katie Hopkins and Jews-Jews-Jews. All holocaust, ™ all the time. Thus, Katie Hopkins contributes to the despair and degeneracy.
To cope with their Jew-dominated nightmare, Average Britons endlessly romanticize World War II, and how they defeated the German Wehrmacht single-handedly, thereby restoring the Jewish supremacy that they worship today.
Has this heretofore unknown creature looked in a mirror lately? That sad face would make a rat nauseous.
your entire comment is so delusional I don’t even know where to begin. Anderson Cooper- is a CIA agent- as he and his boss admitted. his mother is mega-millionaire Gloria Vanderbilt and he has no talent. Dobbs is gone as he outed the NAU.
telling Obama to use a dictator method like the Exec Order to dissolve ELECTED Congress is so stupid I cant believe you wrote it- or mean it. could go on, but why bother. you are an idiot
Well said Konrad
As an ex-Brit, I concur
I couldn’t wait to leave that dreary island and people
@Dante Ardenz : I do agree with you that there are are much larger powers at work here but at the same time exposing their the minions is such a bad thing, I don’t think too many people have the time or brain power to take it to other levels,
SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. 20th century British dramatist.
“This is the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental parasite; in a word: the Jew. (London Morning Post, December 3, 1925)
This craving for bouquets by Jews is a symptom of racial degeneration. The Jews are worse than my own people. Those Jews who still want to be the chosen race (chosen by the late Lord Balfour) can go to Palestine and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being human beings. (Literary Digest, October 12, 1932)
Statements by the Holy Popes that seems to have been well guided:
GREGORY VIII. (1187) Forbade Jews to have power over Christians, in a letter to Alfonso VI of Castile.
GREGORY IX. (1227-1241). Condemned the TALMUD as containing “every kind of vileness and blasphemy against Christian doctrine.”
JULIUS III. Contra Hebreos retinentes libros (1554) ordered the TALMUD burned “everywhere” and established a strict censorship over Jewish genocidal writings – an order that has never been rescinded and which presumably is still binding upon Catholics. Was a powerful condemnation of Jewish usury? It embodies a model legal code to curb Jewish power that was recommended to all communities.
PIUS IV. Condemned Jewish genocidal writings.
PIUS V. Hebraeorum gens (1569) expelled all Jews from the Papal States.
GREGORY XIII. Declared that Jews “continue to plot horrible crimes” against Christians “with daily increasing audacity.”
“All people of the world suffer from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people and the very poor. Then as now Jews have to be reminded intermittently anew that they were enjoying rights in any country since they left Palestine and the Arabian Desert, and subsequently their ethical and moral doctrines as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be exposed to criticism in whatever country they happen to live.”
BENEDICT XV. Warned in 1920 against “the advent of a Universal Republic, which is longed for by all the worst elements of disorder.”
MARTIN LUTHER, 16th century German religious reformer
“But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them.”
“They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpretations. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hoping of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther… On how they love the book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope.
(1) The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder the whole world with the sword. As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do now, if they only could; have also tried it often and have been repeatedly struck on their snouts… Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen; since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they, as can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also find comfort with this: “When the Messiah comes, He shall take all the gold and silver in the world and distribute it among the Jews.
(2) Thus, wherever they can direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice, they wickedly do so. Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the Devil; you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement and enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weszensee and the like. Of course they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly.
(3) A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them.
They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile!
If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is dearer than God himself!
Do not their TALMUD and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their money-lending) from a heathen is a divine service… And they are the masters of the world and we are their servants – yea, their cattle!
I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews…
Should someone think I am saying too much – I am saying much too little! For I see in [their] writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks… No heathen has done such things and none would to so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses – as he possesses the Jews.
Burgensis, who was a very learned rabbi among them and by the grace of God became a Christian (which seldom occurs), is much moved that in their schools they so horribly curse us Christians (as Lyra also writes) and from that draws the conclusion that they must not be the people of God.
Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us! Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1,400 years ago during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by the Jews in all the world. On top of that, we do not know to this day what Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jerusalem! … Yes, we have and hold them captive, as I would like to keep my rheumatism, and all other diseases and misfortunes, who must wait as a poor servant, with money and property and everything I have! I wish they were in Jerusalem with the other Jews and whomsoever they would like to have with them.
Now what are we going to do with these rejected, condemned Jewish people? … Let us apply the ordinary wisdom of other nations like France, Spain, Bohemia, et al., who made them give an account of what they had stolen through usury, and divided it evenly; but expelled them from their country; for as heard before, God’s wrath is so great over them that through soft mercy they only become wicked, through hard treatment, however, only a little better. Therefore, away with them! How much more unbearable it is that we should permit the entire Christendom and all of us to be bought with our own money, be slandered and cursed by the Jews, who on top of all that be made rich and our lords, who laugh us to scorn and are tickled by their audacity!
What a joyful affair that would be for the Devil and his angels, and cause them to laugh through their snouts like a sow grinning at her little pigs, but deserving real wrath before God. (From THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES)
Maybe mild-hearted and gentle Christians will believe that I am too rigorous and drastic against the poor, afflicted Jews, believing that I ridicule them and treat them with much sarcasm. By my word, I am far too weak to be able to ridicule such a satanic brood. I would fain to do so, but they are far greater adepts at mockery than I and possess a god who is master in this art. It is the Evil One himself.
Even with no further evidence than the Old Testament, I would maintain, and no person on earth could alter my opinion, that the Jews as they are today are veritably a mixture of all the depraved and malevolent knaves of the whole world over, who have then been dispersed in all countries, similarly to the Tartars, Gypsies and such folk.”
We all get old and shall die anyway, whether we like or not. Happens to all of us. There is life after life after this earthly one. The loyal Palestinians shall be with God and the true rodents on this planet shall be in hell. This creature above shall not live forever,
I have observed that wicked people who may have looked beautiful when they were younger look so hideous when they are older. And kind people look very beautiful even when they are older.
@ JM (#17 above) ~ You say the Palestinians will have the last laugh. I have long felt that one day all the Jews will be expelled from Palestine, and that Palestinians will occupy their houses and other structures. Palestinians will once again reclaim Palestine. They will tell their children about what it was like under the Jewish boot, but the children will not understand, since they did not go through it. No matter. Palestine will exceed Lebanon in beauty and modernization. Palestinians will establish connections with their racial cousins in places like Crete (Greece). Millions of Palestinians will return from Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.
Meanwhile the Jews will once again wander the earth, looking for a new host (perhaps China) and a new Israel (perhaps Madagascar), while they endlessly weep about “paradise lost.”
JM SAYS: “Wicked people who may have looked beautiful when they were younger look so hideous when they are older.”
@ Konrad
Oh you are so funny.
I am referring to the picture above.
Your vision for the future for the Palestinians is very heartening. Let us hope the carnage and the jwo plan shall stop asap.
What a ugly person this Katie Hopkins is. I could not read all of her rants too disgusting. People have said that races have been hard on the jews, however, what good to be said about jews. Not a damned thing.
#12. You must learn to read & comprehend, before you run off at the mouth. I never said Dissolve
congress, I stated charge & prosecute for Treason. Of course if they are removed. The
Governor of each State names a successor to fill the term. I did state do away with Home-Land
Security, formed by Bush. Top 4 positions are duel citizenship with Israel, and has been a direct
pipe-line to Israel, they need no spies.
I would guess by your rant, that you are a red-neck, and live where the MEN are MEN and the
SHEEP & SISTERS know it. Mostly don’t vote, if you can not read.
#8, Ronald Walrus,
With your run at the mouth all-caps bullshit screed, calling the likes of AIPAC whores like Hillary, Wasserman & Warren- “democrats of integrity” ?? LOLOL Their advisors learned their trade at the Mossad. then you say:
“4. Of course the best at digging, Tim Russick. Passed on. Unexpected.”
In your stupidity you don’t even know the real name of another corp presstitute whore that you praise… the name of the Clown is Tim RUSSERT, and he was among the worst, ingratiating bootlickers out there. I met this clown at his book signing, where he quickly had me whisked off his podium for politely enquiring into 911 and the missing WMDs. He had body guards strong arm a little old lady out of his presence when she also asked an uncomfortable question.
Wake up you dingbat.
YOU, stupid dunce, should stick with preaching the gospel of CIA agents like Anderson Cooper and leave true discussions that require research and expertise to the majors. You aren’t one. in fact, your comment verifies what a stupid fkkk you are and
See how Elite insider Anderson Cooper intvs the cop who shot the black kid in Ferguson. Bet your average freelancer without a rick mama couldn’t have landed that intv. But would have asked some real questions.
Here is Elizabeth Warren’s fun junket to Occupied America’s shadow govt seat:
There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of these vile creatures.
Israel To Arrest Anyone For Posting Content Deemed “Anti-Israel” On Facebook (Video):
For many years – Israel has been monitoring the social media accounts of pro-Palestinian activists. The Israeli government has a long track record of arresting Palestinians indiscriminately where they can and do detain every day Palestinian citizens in military prisons for up to 6 months without charge. But now they’re actually telling activists they will be arrested for posting content deemed to be “anti-Israel.”
Last week, Mahmoud Asila from the Old City of al-Quds, was arrested for merely posting a picture on Facebook that claimed he was in support of the attacks carried out by the Palestinians against the Israeli forces occurring in the West Bank. Israel called this thought crime “incitement”.
Asila claims that he did, in fact, make the post but he was just voicing his freedom of speech online.
This is drawing plenty of criticism from human rights groups:
Israel to nab Palestinians over Facebook posts
The international law and the four Geneva conventions state that no government has the right to arrest people for their ideas or for what they publish on their pages. But Israel, which is not respecting any international law, will be preventing freedom of speech, especially in Jerusalem al-Quds, to keep controlling the city and humans leading the youth,” Bassem Eid, a human rights activist, told the Press TV correspondent.”
Israel – America’s Biggest Frenemy;
by Justin Raimondo, November 24, 2014
Today [November 24, 2014] is the deadline for the closing of a deal with Iran regarding their nuclear program. No one should be surprised that Israel is marking this deadline with a threat to attack Iran regardless of the outcome of the negotiations. As the Jerusalem Post is reporting on its front page:
– Antiwar.com Original – http://original.antiwar.com –
Israel is America’s Biggest Frenemy
Posted By Justin Raimondo On November 23, 2014 @ 11:00 pm In Uncategorized | 57 Comments
Today [November 24, 2014] is the deadline for the closing of a deal with Iran regarding their nuclear program. No one should be surprised that Israel is marking this deadline with a threat to attack Iran regardless of the outcome of the negotiations. As the Jerusalem Post is reporting on its front page:
“Israel has issued a stark, public warning to its allies with a clear argument: Current proposals guarantee the perpetuation of a crisis, backing Israel into a corner from which military force against Iran provides the only logical exit.”
This is a lie, and is widely recognized as such: the Israelis don’t have the military capacity to take out all the Iranian nuclear sites without American assistance. Aside from that, however, they never attack those capable of hitting back in any significant way, so we can write off this latest threat as just so much kvetching. Yet one has to wonder: is this the way an ally is supposed to act never mind one that we enjoy a purported “special relationship” with?
The reality is that Israel is our biggest frenemy.
For decades the Israelis have lived off our largesse without having to offer anything of value in return unless Israeli interference in American politics is considered of value. We’ve handed them over $3 billion a year in tribute, stood by while they subjected their Palestinian helots to conditions not seen since South Africa’s apartheid, and smiled tolerantly, as one would at an obstreperous child, while they noisily spat in our faces at every opportunity. And what have we gotten in return? Insults, interference, and outright threats â not to mention one of the most effective (and obnoxious) spying operations conducted on our soil by a foreign power.
For years, the War Party has been accusing Tehran of running a secret nuclear weapons program, although no convincing evidence of this has ever been produced. The Israelis and their international assets notably the MEK terrorist group have done their best to doctor up convincing forgeries, albeit to no avail. They’ve run all kinds of interference in order to prevent the normalization of US-Iranian relations. Their goal: to ensure that Israel’s regional monopoly on nuclear weapons remains intact.
Aside from North Korea, Israel is the only nuclear power that has managed to get away with thumbing its nose at the international community over this issue. The Iranians submitting themselves to a strict inspections regime will doubtless turn the worlds attention to the weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Israels leadership a political class increasingly seen as extremist by outsiders. Steadfastly refusing to sign the Nonproliferation Treaty, along with North Korea, the Israelis have managed to maintain what is referred to as “nuclear ambiguity,” but there is absolutely nothing ambiguous about the destructive power of their arsenal.
“Ambiguity” is not a concept that applies to Israel these days. There no doubt about where they stand or what they are becoming. Their latest shtick: taking out the part about being a democracy in their Basic Law, and putting in “no Arabs need apply.” Or, as The Age puts it: ”
“The proposal would mean Israel would no longer be defined in its Basic Laws as Jewish and democratic but instead as âthe national homeland of the Jewish people”
What the great Israeli classical liberal Yeshayahu Leibowitz rightly called the “Judeo-Nazi” trend in that country’s political life has now come to the forefront: they arenât pretending to be the Gallant Little Democracy of the Middle East any more. Nope, they’re coming out of the closet as ethno-religious fanatics, just like their opposite numbers a few kilometers away in the Islamic State. In tandem with the new law, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the introduction of legislation stripping “anti-Israel” Arab activists of their Israeli citizenship, along with their entire families. And so the Jewish State of Israel in the Levant JSIL is born.
In the past, the Israel lobby has offered a number of arguments in favor of maintaining the US-Israeli “special relationship.” And while strategic military and geopolitical factors were a big part of their routine during the cold war era, with the collapse of communism this became less important and so a new party line was trotted out: the claim that we share important values with the Israelis, especially those associated with liberal democracy, i.e. tolerance, diversity, etc. Yet the truth of the matter is that Israel is no longer a liberal democracy: indeed, as they tighten the screws on their Palestinian untermenschen, the Jewish State in the Levant is becoming the mirror image of its authoritarian Arab neighbors.
In politics as in real estate, the dominant factor is location, location, location. In choosing the Middle East as the site of their “Jewish nation,” the early Zionists ensured that their state would eventually lose touch with its European roots and become just another Oriental despotism. The Jewish settlers are said to have transformed the land, but in reality the opposite occurred: the land transformed them.
The Israelis think they are immune from condemnation: they think they can get away with torturing the Palestinians, provoking endless wars, and engaging in the kind of blatant racism that gets Hungary sanctioned as an “illiberal” state. And given the behavior of the political class in America and the West, they have every reason to think this kind of “Israeli exceptionalism” is going to hold, but they are living inside an illusion.
The Israel lobby is losing its grip: the American people â previously inclined to support Israel no matter what show signs of waking up to the danger posed by our Israel-centric foreign policy. In Europe, where the Israel lobby has always been weaker, they are in real trouble. The Israeli’s recent slaughter in Gaza has done much to open the eyes of a new generation to real nature of the Jewish State in the Levant. Thats why the boycott and divestment campaign aimed at Israel is taking hold, despite the frantic efforts of Israel’s amen corner to smear and even outlaw it. (Yes, the illiberal policies of the Jewish State in the Levant are even seeping into the United States a revolting prospect, indeed.)
Israel today is a tyranny on the order of the old South Africa, with one added factor: they are armed with nuclear weapons. As such, the Israelis represent a threat to the peace of the world, one far more dangerous than Iran will ever be. Their pernicious influence on American politics is the biggest arrow in the War Party’s quiver. In the end, as Americans rebel against the regime of perpetual war, this will be their undoing.
You can check out my Twitter feed by going here. But please note that my tweets are sometimes deliberately provocative, often made in jest, and largely consist of me thinking out loud.
Iâve written a couple of books, which you might want to peruse. Here is the link for buying the second edition of my 1993 book, Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, with an Introduction by Prof. George W. Carey, a Foreword by Patrick J. Buchanan, and critical essays by Scott Richert and David Gordon (ISI Books, 2008).
You can buy An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000), my biography of the great libertarian thinker, here.
Read more by Justin Raimondo
Sharyl Attkisson vs. Obama’s Police State, November 20th, 2011.
Israel To Arrest Anyone For Posting Content Deemed “Anti-Israel” On Facebook (Video):
For many years – Israel has been monitoring the social media accounts of pro-Palestinian activists. The Israeli government has a long track record of arresting Palestinians indiscriminately where they can and do detain every day Palestinian citizens in military prisons for up to 6 months without charge. But now they’re actually telling activists they will be arrested for posting content deemed to be “anti-Israel.”
Last week, Mahmoud Asila from the Old City of al-Quds, was arrested for merely posting a picture on Facebook that claimed he was in support of the attacks carried out by the Palestinians against the Israeli forces occurring in the West Bank. Israel called this thought crime “incitement”.
Asila claims that he did, in fact, make the post but he was just voicing his freedom of speech online.
This is drawing plenty of criticism from human rights groups:
Israel to nab Palestinians over Facebook posts
The international law and the four Geneva conventions state that no government has the right to arrest people for their ideas or for what they publish on their pages. But Israel, which is not respecting any international law, will be preventing freedom of speech, especially in Jerusalem al-Quds, to keep controlling the city and humans leading the youth,” Bassem Eid, a human rights activist, told the Press TV correspondent.”
The only way Israel can make any come back, is to confine Netanyahu in a mental institution where he belongs. Then come to grips with getting a Peace agreement.
The American people suggest that the United States discontinue the economic and military aid it has been giving the country since 1948, when it first introduced its Declaration of Independence. To date, the U.S. has given Israel over 233 billion dollars (adjusted for inflation), and comprises 1/3rd of the entire annual foreign aid budget. No longer will the dark money, a Peace agreement must be reached be fore any more aid. If the demands and disrespect for America doesn’t change, it could well be the end of existence for the rogue state.
We as the American people will never forget the KENNEDY assassinations, the attack on US LIBERTY, the 911 TWIN TOWER ATTACK, the threat of taking out OBAMA by Netanyahu & Mossad,
the fraud Intel of WMD in Iraq, The support of money & weapons to ISIS, the Genocide of Palestinians. The WAR Crimes anf illegal occupations.
Fact that 181 Countries of the UN will continue to try & pass Sanctions, Boycotts, and divestment regarding Israel.
We are requesting our government to agree with sanctions & Boycotts, and no further AID.
We also want charges of BRIBERY regarding the intent of giving millions to selected Republican campaigns. Charges for accepting such when the intent is well known.
The United Kingdom of Jews and their crack whores now openly flaunt their victory over your country as well. Youtube; ”BANNED! World War 3 is upon us! (reupload)”
Left and right wings are of the same bird………I really like you George but you need to stand against and for the people who matter not the facile rag mag few who rant and
spew.!! Why can you not take on the hidden hand of power that fuels this divide and rule agenda instead of joining in and wasting valuable time with your gift of the silken words. True Story.
George Galloway sucks