
ed note–despite the fact there isn’t anything in the story mentioning Israel per se, the fact is that this practice of handling dangerous, venomous snakes by certain sects within American protestant Christianity can be said to be a generalized phenomenon in the sense that their more ‘sophisticated’ cultists attending churches officiated by ‘pastors’ such as John Hagee et al engage in the very same thing–getting cozy with deadly, venomous serpents of the Judaic variety, or a Jesus referred to them–a ‘brood of vipers’–in the belief that by doing so, they are proving their loyalty to Jesus’ teachings, despite the fact that it was these same serpents who framed him and had him murdered and who then hunted down His followers, imprisoned, tortured and killed them and who to this day 2,000 years later, continue to act as a toxic force in the lives of Christians around the world. Christian Zionism and its attending worship of the Jews and of their infernal state dredged up from the depths of perdition in the 20th century is the very same ‘worshipping of the beast’ described in the book of the Apocalypse and which presages the near-total destruction of humanity as a result.

Just as these snake handlers in Kentucky and other locales deserve what comes their way when they foolish co-mix what should not be, so too will the Christian Zionists who engage in the political/religious form of snake handling get what’s coming to them, the only downside to it being that the rest of the world will have to pay the price for their lunacy as well.

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0 thoughts on “Kentucky man dies from snake bite during pentecostal church service”
  1. John Hagee is no different than other snake oil ministers of our day. Snake handlers see the serpent before them. The devils snake handlers are the greatest deceivers that make people believe they are getting God’s message to pass on to others as his true apostles.
    AM I NOT AN APOSTLE? – 1 Corinthians 9:3
    “Am I not an apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? Are
    not ye my work in the Lord?”
    Are there apostles today? NO.
    Why? First: seen is a witness of the resurrected Christ and second they were ‘chosen’ by the Lord himself (Acts 9:15). These chosen were then able to perform signs and wonders (Acts 2:43/2 Corinthians 12:12).
    What we are seeing today are imitators. Revelation 13:13, 14(15) says:
    “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire (sun) come down from
    heaven on the earth in the sight of men, (14) And deceiveth them that dwell on
    the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight
    of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an
    image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.”
    What we are seeing today are impostors that can perform witchcraft who
    neither was witness of Christ ministry, death, burial, and resurrection. No
    apostle ever transferred their power to anyone else.
    If you believe them to be an apostle then what you are really seeing is an
    imposter such as Simon the sorcerer and what they are producing is ‘strange
    These are the tempestuous winds of deception we are seeing today. Acts
    27:14(-22). “But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called
    Euroclydon. These are surges of the raging spiritual seas. Raging waves of
    deception: (Jude 1: (12)13) and they are going to feast on sleeping Christians
    who fall under their spell of deceit.
    We are living in a time of the greatest deception and Christ warned us of these
    days: Matthew 24:4, 5. Many, many will say that what they are doing is from
    Christ….but Christ warned they will and can deceive you.
    Matthew 24:22; “And except those days should be shortened, there should no
    flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” For God
    is against the impostors today: Jeremiah 23:31-40; Behold, I am against the
    prophets, saith the LORD, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. Behold, I am
    against them that prophesy false dreams,…they cause my people to err by lies.”
    This man who died probably never listened to John Hagee. This man had a small crowd of believers but Satan’s bigger snake oil ministers draws the largest crowds. They can work with sheep who never listen to God but ministers of wrong doctrines. Jesus called them serpents..Luke 10:19/Revelation 12:9.
    Satan is now at an all out war. Witchcraft of deception has grown and is causing a madness that is a cancer spreading so fast. God’s army is joining their forces also. The stronger Satan gets the stronger God’s army. The key for God’s army is repentance and prayer. Don’t let anything block going into warfare. Satan will find your weak spot and trust me the demons look for those weak spots.

  2. My first message never went through but I will say this. This is a war on a spiritual level and it is like a fast growing cancer. Satan my have his army but God is bringing forth his warriors also. The key and the weapons used for any Christian will be to make sure that they daily go to God in repentance for even the smallest of things in their hearts and prayer. Demons will look for those weak spots and they will find them. So, it’s a daily watch. God needs to work through his soldiers. Ephesians 6:11-24.

  3. There may be lessons here worth thinking about. The snake was being abused. It was not being treated with the respect it – as a sentient being – deserved. As I understand snakes, they only attack to meet their real needs – either to kill in order to eat and sustain its life, or to defend itself when frightened. Frightened? Yes frightened. All sentient beings experience fear, and react naturally in a variety of natural ways, one of which is self defence. Now I ask you, what options are open to a frightened snake being handled by that most frightening of sentient beings – a human being?
    It’s a wonder that so few arrogant worshippers are killed in this way. That fact is evidence that snakes must have sufficient intelligence to figure out that the man handling them is actually not intending to harm them.
    It has for a long time seemed to me that the Old Testament has always given snakes a bum rap. And for Christians to liken snakes to Jews is – I think – very unfair to snakes who are models of moderation. For snakes, enough is enough, and that – to me – is admirable. Such humility is not one of humankind’s more prominent virtues – especially for members of the Jewish fascis who have unprecedented wealth and the power that goes with such wealth at their whim. No wonder they think they’re special. Wealth and power seduce humans into vice. Is there any doubt about that?

  4. Alan, you re right to reject the comparison between snakes and Jews as being unfair to snakes. On the other hand it works just fine as a metaphor. In fact in this case I would extend it to note that the brain-washed idiot died after refusing treatment: ergo, the futility of trying to save those who are far gone, those in whom the venom has worked its way.
    As for snakes, the real things, yes, they got a bum rap. Not many creatures have fared well through their encounter with our species.

  5. Pentecostals are the most insane of the Fundamentalist, Zio Worshippers.
    This sect is growing, and many Latinos are this.
    Without snakes the world would be overrun by rodents, and Jews have been likened to those vile creatures who carry disease like no other.
    I hope snakes bit even more ! Let’s encourage ,snake handling,’ among Zio Christains !

  6. Thank you Tony from Indiana, and imhotep for the videos.
    Take a look everyone . These Zio Christians are all over the USA, and are the base of the Republican Party !
    Absolute nuts…the laughter is planted in the audience,and contagious. These types cannot think for themselves, and its easy to sway them.
    A rogues gallery of crooks where in that audience,from the world of Evangelical Jew worship.
    Little Kenneth Copeland, and wife.
    He was Oral Roberts pilot, and gave ,preaching a try. .
    One billion dollar s later is not bad !
    Benny Henne is a traitor Palestinian, who was discovered by Let’s Make A Deals, Jew host Monty Hall, selling shoes.
    Now he sells bullcrap.

  7. These(Benny Hinn and Hagin) have a witchcraft spirit called Kundalini. It is a Christian form of voodoo. They are opening up huge portals of fallen demons and it is bringing on great destruction. In Detroit, Michigan they had revivals there to call down angels and that closed down the wonderful jobs in that area. Ofcourse the angels they called for were demonic. I believe they were the Todd Bentley revivals back then.
    These are idiots and for our own protection (Zechariah 2:5) ask God for his protection wall. Especially our own family protection. I never realized how bad it was till a few weeks ago and heard how young persons were being used as spirit guides. Thinking they were angels that were leading them. I guess it shocked me for I know this person.

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