
US top diplomat touts support of former Mossad, Shin Bet heads for controversial nuclear accord

ed note–as we have said here repeatedly, the entire Obama posture with regards to ‘reigning in’ Israel is designed to SAVE HER from negative world opinion that is growing more negative by the day. The organized Jewish interests who put Obama in office and who have been steering his course of action for the last 6 years understand that if something like this is not done, Israel is finished.

As we have also said here on this website often, do not rule out the possibility of Netanyahu being assassinated if this is what it takes to achieve this goal of saving Israel. 

Times of Israel

Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that any Israeli future military action against Iran over its nuclear program would be a “huge mistake.”

Asked on NBC’s TODAY show if the nuclear deal signed between the world powers and Iran last week in Vienna would make it more likely that Israel would attempt an attack, Kerry said: “That’d be an enormous mistake, a huge mistake with grave consequences for Israel and for the region, and I don’t think it’s necessary.”

Kerry is on a fervent campaign to promote the nuclear accord, which has been met with opposition, mainly from Israel and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.

He was speaking about the deal on Friday at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City and was then set to meet with leaders from the American Jewish Committee and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Some Jewish groups, including the Conference of Presidents and the Anti-Defamation League, have vehemently opposed the deal with Iran, which has pledged to destroy Israel.

In his NBC interview Friday, Kerry said the agreement was the best the White House could get with a country it doesn’t trust.

“There is no trust — no no no. This is not based on trust,” he said on the TODAY show. “That’s what’s important to understand. Everything in this agreement is verifiable. It is a process by which we will know what they’re doing.”

“There is a lot of politics going on. The more people learn about this agreement, the more people are learning this is the only viable alternative to be able to control Iran’s already existing nuclear program. People forget, when President [Barack] Obama came into office and when I became secretary of state, Iran already had in the tens of thousands of centrifuges. They already had fissile material, enough for 10 to 12 bombs. What we’ve done is roll that program back and provide a capacity to have inspectors going forward so we will know what Iran is doing,” Kerry said.

Taking on the argument by opponents of the deal that a better agreement could have been reached — one that would not leave it a nuclear threshold state, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has argued — the secretary of state said, “the alternative is to have no inspectors, not know what Iran is doing, go back to where they are today with the ability to make the bomb.”

“And then you’re going to hear everybody say, ‘Uh oh, we’ve got to go bomb them now,’” he warned.

“This is nuclear material. It radiates…This is not something that you can flush down the toilet. It’s not possible,” he insisted.

Kerry also touted the support for the deal of the former head of the Shin Bet Ami Ayalon and the former head of the Mossad Efraim Halevy, who both said this week that when it came to Iran’s nuclear program, this deal was the good option.

“The prime minister doesn’t [like this deal] I understand that. But there are a lot of people in Israel who understand that this is the best way to proceed in order to roll back Iran’s program and make Israel safer,” Kerry said.

Congress has started a 60-day review of the agreement, which lifts economic sanctions against Iran if it curbs its nuclear program’s capacity to build a nuclear weapon.

It is set to vote on the deal by September 17.

0 thoughts on “Kerry: Israeli strike on Iran would be ‘huge mistake’”
  1. I don’t agree with Mark, that
    “the organized Jewish interests who put Obama in office and who have been steering his course of action for the last 6 years understand that if something like this is not done, Israel is finished. As we have also said here on this website often, do not rule out the possibility of Netanyahu being assassinated if this is what it takes to achieve this goal of saving Israel.”
    Instead, I agree with Mark
    that “Israel, through the person of Benjamin Netanyahu, is going to start blowing things up, both ‘home’ and abroad, as payback for those individuals/groups who went along with this nuclear deal, and won’t let up until the deal falls apart and bombs start falling on Iran.”
    Netanyahu is far more likely to be offed by those who want to torpedo the agreement with Iran that by those who want it to go through. Making him a martyr to the cause of Eretz Israel would only serve to energize the majority in that asylum for the criminally insane called “the Jewish State,” those who clamor to see Gaza “turned into glass” and the Iranian ‘existential threat’ annihilated for good.
    Find an Iranian — there must be one available in Israel to play his assassin — kill him in a “fire exchange” with the brave IDF, then raid his house/car and discover materials that incriminate Iran. That’s the ticket!
    There are Israeli Jews who look upon Netanyahu unfavorably, mostly because they are put off by the amateurish quality of his pilfering (pocketing petty cash for bottle deposits, for Yahweh’s sake?!?) but they too would agree that the flame of Israeli patriotism burns high in Bibi’s heart.
    Imagine the procession of mourners to view his carcass in state, a concerned frown on his porcine visage, a fresh combover and a longer casket to make him look taller than in life! Imagine the obituaries:
    “Yes, he was at times, shall we say, intempestive, bless his heart, but he just could not abide the thought of Israel imperiled.”
    Why, that could stop Kerry in his tracks.

  2. The higher Satanyahu goes, the better look the whole world takes at him and sees a genocidal maniac, as a soulless criminal warmonger, as an impertinent child who has lost his toy and starts kicking, raving and ranting. The whole world still remembers the massacre he did last summer in Gaza. You can’t have it both ways, being a genocidal maniac and expect the whole world to love you. (except for our Congress).

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