Majority of Israeli public believes Law of Return should be amended to prevent the immigration of Gentiles into the Jewish state


ed note–a certain phrase from a certain Jesus of Nazareth comes to mind–


‘Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy…’


If America, France, England, or any other Western country were to enact laws aimed at preserving the Christian character of their own nation in the same manner as the follower of Judah-ism demand be the case for Israel, every organized anti-Gentile screeching brigade operating as a 5th column within those nations would bring all business of that nation to a standstill until such laws were repealed and the sponsors of those bills impeached and removed from the elected positions they held within their respective governments.


Remember, hypocrisy is just a sub-species of deception–a fancy word for lying–and as such, it is axiomatic that all Gentiles with a vested interest in their own future survival commit to memory that catchy little phrase which we at this humble little informational endeavor coined many years ago and which should be called to mind whenever some statement, action, or behavior on the part of any follower of Judah-ism presents itself for consideration, which is that–




Israel National News


The majority of Israelis are concerned about the number of Gentiles immigrating to Israel and the drop in percentage of Israelis who are Jewish, a new poll showed.


The poll, conducted by Geocartography and published by Chotam, showed that 59% of the Israeli public supports amending the Law of Return so that anyone who is not Jewish will not be eligible to immigrate to Israel and receive Israeli citizenship.


The poll also showed that 63% of the public are concerned about the drop in the percentage of Jewish residents of Israel due to the immigration of non-Jews.


A full 62% of respondents agree that there is a threat to the State of Israel’s continued existence as a Jewish state in light of the increase in the rate of immigration of eligible non-Jews.


Amital Bareli, CEO of Chotam, responded to the results of the survey, saying, ‘We need to realize that around the world there are about 10 million people eligible under the Law of Return who are not Jewish. Today, the Law of Return serves a purpose exactly opposite the reason for which it was legislated: It has turned from something which preserves the Jewish majority in the State of Israel to something which harms the Jewish majority. On a demographic level, the Jewish majority in the country has lost 10% in the past few decades, and now it stands at just 74%. In the 50s, it was 89%.’

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