ed note–as always, lots of important ‘must-knows’ contained herein that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand.
Firsto, as we argued in the ed note commentary here, this was no ‘accidental’ killing of this Palestinian (Ishmaelite) child. The killer, indoctrinated from his earliest days as an Israelite/Judah-ite, knows full well what it is that his Judah-ism commands him to do with all the Gentiles living in that land that was ‘promised’ to the Chosenoids, to wit–
‘When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’–Book of Deuteronomy
However, the Jewish state also knows that she can’t (yet) use explanations such as the above as justification for doing things like deliberately murdering innocent Gentile children, and so, what she does is to deploy the one weapon in her arsenal she has used for thousands of years in her various operations aimed at clawing her way to the top of the geo-political food chain, which is to LIE.
In this case, instead of outright denying that one of her hired killers was the trigger puller and blaming it on one of dem AY-rab terrorists, just as the JEWISH STATE has done on occasions too numerous to count, instead she issues one of her ‘OOPS’ excuses, saying it was all a mere ‘accident’.
Rest assured however that the shooter-killer, despite being ‘officially’ reprimanded, nevertheless will be taken into the back room by his CO, handed a congratulatory box of cigars and given a medal of honor that he is permitted to see but which must remain in his CO’s possession lest the shooter-killer ‘spill the beans’ like he spilled the brains of that child he murdered and thus put the JEWISH state in the embarrassing position of having to explain (hasbaratize) the event to an outraged Gentile world.
The Israel Defense Forces censured an officer for actions that contributed to the accidental killing of a Palestinian toddler earlier this month and said the incident revealed ‘gaps in the command and control of the commanders’ who were involved.
On June 1, an IDF soldier shot 2-year-old Mohammed Tamimi and injured his father Haitham Tamimi while responding to a shooting near the Israeli West Bank settlement of Halamish, also known as Neve Tzuf. The toddler died of his wounds several days later.
This year has seen an escalation of violence in the West Bank, as more than a dozen Israeli civilians have been killed in terror attacks, and more than 100 Palestinians — both militants and civilians — have been killed amid clashes with Israeli forces. On Tuesday, one Israeli civilian and four soldiers were injured in a Palestinian shooting in the West Bank.
A recently completed IDF investigation of the June 1 incident found that the Tamimis were shot when a soldier fired at them after receiving permission from his commander, mistakenly thinking they were the Halamish gunmen.
At around the same time, however, another officer fired into the air, contrary to orders. The investigation said that the soldier who shot the Tamimis heard that gunfire and thought it came from Palestinian attackers, prompting him to fire.
The IDF is censuring the officer who fired into the air contrary to orders and is still deciding whether to further investigate the incident.
‘The investigation revealed gaps in the command and control of the commanders in the incident, as well as in the reports and dialogue between the forces in the field which led to wrong decision-making,’ the IDF investigation said, according to the Times of Israel.
Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox, the IDF’s Central Command chief, said in a statement that he ‘regrets the harm to civilians and the death of the toddler. We will continue to learn and improve in order to precisely target terrorism.’