ed note–again, ladies and Gentile-men, despite what will be the INEVITABLE tidal wave of stoopidity and disinformation coming at this in a 360 degree arc by a horde of ‘experts’ and disinfo agents claiming that this isn’t a ‘real’ rabbi who follows the ‘authentic Judah-ism’ of the Torah (which is all about love, kisses, rainbows and unicorns) but rather, is a ‘fake rabbi’ who promotes ‘fake Judah-ism’ as it now exists within the Talmud, the ugly truth of the matter is 666% clear and unequivocal–




‘When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are to possess and drives out the many nations larger and stronger than you, and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not save alive anything that breathes, for you are a people holy unto the Lord your God who has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession…’ –Book of Deuteronomy


Again, ladies and Gents, home in on the section in red, and especially the last 2 of those ‘commandments’, namely–


1. ‘Show them no mercy’…




2. ‘Do not save alive anything that breathes…’


–And then re-evaluate all the sweet nothings whispered into the world’s ears by con artists such as these guys–



And these guys–



And these guys–



And THESE guys–




–And have the courage to be INTELLECTUALLY HONEST in calling a spade a spade, or, as Jesus Himself commanded, to ‘let your ye be ye, and your nay be nay, FOR EVERYTHING ELSE IS FROM THE DEVIL’.



Al Mayadeen


Rabbi Eliyahu Mali recently urged his students to kill and exterminate all Palestinians including infants, children, women, and the elderly in the Gaza Strip.


The mass killing of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip ‘is permissible according to the halakhic principles,’ the head of a Jewish religious school in occupied Yafa, Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, stated according to Israeli news website Ynet.


A recording of the extremist’s answers to questions on the Gaza Strip was published a few hours ago on YouTube and is available for the public.


‘Halakha’, or Jewish Law, which also translates to ‘the way to behave or act,’ is held as divine law among Orthodox Jews such as Mali, who called for the extermination of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.


When asked about what should be done to infants and the elderly, Mali simply answered, ‘The same.’


Mali founded the religious school Shirat Moshe and has called upon his students to strictly follow the orders of the Israeli occupation forces, saying that if IOF soldiers do not kill Palestinians, then Palestinians will kill them.


It is worth noting that Shirat Moshe students serve in the IOF, despite other schools of Orthodox Judaism refusing military service.


The extremist stressed that the main principle of the war on Gaza is that ‘no soul remains alive,’ urging Israelis to carry on the genocide against Palestinians.


His calls come as Israeli occupation forces have thus far murdered 30,878 Palestinians and wounded 72,402 in 154 days. Thousands of others remain missing, mostly killed and stuck under the rubble caused by Israeli bombs or left stranded all over the streets of the Gaza Strip, as occupation forces prevent emergency services from carrying out their missions.


The Ministry of Health in Gaza pointed out that 72% of the martyrs are children and women, with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) revealing that, on average, 63 women are killed in Gaza every day.


The Ministry stated that the Jewish State has just in the last 24 hours carried out eight massacres, resulting in the deaths of 78 Palestinians and the injury of 104. It further noted that numerous Palestinians are still trapped under the rubble, with the Israeli military obstructing medical and civil defense teams from accessing bombed sites to rescue survivors or retrieve bodies buried beneath the debris.


Calls to murder and ethnically cleanse Palestinians have not been limited to religious extremists but have also been disseminated by top officials, ministers, opposition ministers, and Israeli troops.


Mali’s calls are not only inciting Israelis to future genocide of the Palestinian people, but are also reassuring them of the morality of the actions they are taking against the indigenous people of Palestine.

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