ed note–an oldie but a goodie…
The reader will note the manner in which the organized forces of anti-Gentilism–who are the pioneers and inventors of ‘cancel culture’ and of censorship–made sure that the original story appearing on the Jewish Telegraph Agency website revealing this very telling information vanished into thin air, lest the Gentiles begin doing the very simple ‘math’ on what is the truly demonic and diabolical nature of Judah-ism and the existential threat it poses to all humanity.
Now, please pay close attention to the panicked response on the part of various Jewish organizations over Yosef’s ‘slip of the tongue’, knowing full well that Yosef IS INDEED speaking authoritatively in terms of what it is that Judah-ism teaches about Gentiles, to wit–
‘Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,’ said AJC Executive Director David Harris. ‘Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition…’
And then compare Harris’ deceptive remarks to what Judah-ism–through the person of one of its most beloved prophets, Isaiah–has to say on the matter–
‘The Gentiles and their kings shall come to your light and to the brightness of your ascension…
You shall drink their milk and draw milk from the breasts of their kings…
Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and vinedressers…
As you devour the riches of the Gentiles, they shall boast of your greatness and surrender unto you all their gold and incense, while their children bow down to you and all those who rejected you fall prostrate at the soles of your feet…
Their sons shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you, as your gates remain open, day and night, so that their wealth may be placed at your feet, and their kings led in humble procession before you…
For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…’–Book of Isaiah
And Harris over at the American Jewish Committee KNOWS FULL WELL that this is the case, but also knows FULL WELL the damage that such statements can do when Gentiles begin putting the pieces together and start ‘figuring it out’ for themselves.
It has appeared here many times but bears repeating, over, and over, and OVER AGAIN, ladies and Gentile-men, that catchy little phrase which we (proudly) coined here At this humble little informational endeavor–
Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.
‘Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,’ he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.
‘Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We Jews will sit like an effendi and eat,’ he said to some laughter.
Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.
‘With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,’ said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.
An audio recording of some of the rabbi’s remarks was broadcast on Israel’s Channel 10.
The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday.
‘Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,’ said AJC Executive Director David Harris. ‘Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition.’