‘As Jews, our mission as G-d’s representatives has always been to eternally clash with the world’s civilizations, shatter and destroy their essence, and expose the lies within them…’


ed note–again, one of the most important OpEds flitting about on the net today that should feature as the topic of discussion on every political talk show and from every Christian and Islamic pulpit worldwide but which–sad to say–will get scant attention, save for the nutter site where it originated and right here on this humble little informational endeavor.


First and foremost, what the Gentile reader–and ESPECIALLY those of the Christian or Islamic pedigree–needs to glean from this is the organic and INCURABLE hatred that the followers of Judah-ism maintain for all species of Gentilism. The fact that someone might have a Jewish neighbor who waves hello from time to time and has NOT YET burned down his/her house (in the same manner as happens to Palestinians on a daily basis) means nothing, as the Judaic hatred for ALL Gentiles (but of those, ESPECIALLY Christians and Muslims) is something as ingrained and as irreversible in the Jewish spirit as ‘sour’ is ingrained and irreversible in a kosher pickle.


Nexto, it needs to be remembered that–as we have pointed out many, many times on this humble little informational endeavor–the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just LOVE to refer to themselves, have much BIGGER plans than simply a small sliver of land in what was historical Palestine, as our deranged and diabolically-possessed rabbi makes Kristol Clear, to wit–


‘We have now entered the final stage in our clash with civilizations…We have survived in a miraculous manner, as promised by G-d to Avraham, and have reached the end of the stated covenant’–


‘…To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt (the Nile) to the great river, the Euphrates (flowing from Turkey to the Persian Gulf)…’


‘G-d is deep in the process of keeping His side of the Covenant…He has guided us through 3500 years of unnatural existence until this very day. The enemies of the Jewish nation are the enemies of G-d. Iran, Syria, Turkey, the Christian world and indeed most of mankind for that matter will soon realize the implications of the Covenant as we return home to a future beyond our wildest imaginations…’


And if the deranged thoughts put to electronic parchment by our diabolically-possessed rabbi above do not paint the developing Apocalyptic picture in the Kristol-clearest of terms, then let the writings of another fellow named Isaiah (whom this same rabbi and all followers of Judah-ism revere) bring the picture into the kind of proper focus that is needed–


‘…The Gentiles and their kings shall come to your light and to the brightness of your ascension…
You shall drink their milk and draw milk from the breasts of their kings…

Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and vinedressers…

As you devour the riches of the Gentiles, they shall boast of your greatness and surrender unto you all their gold and incense, while their children bow down to you and all those who rejected you fall prostrate at the soles of your feet…

Their sons shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you, as your gates remain open, day and night, so that their wealth may be placed at your feet, and their kings led in humble procession before you…

For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…



Rabbi Nachman Kahana


This week’s Torah reading tells the beginning of the eternal covenant between the Almighty and the father of the Jewish nation, Avraham Aveinu, found in Beraishiet 15,7-21–


‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates…’


I submit that the covenant must be viewed against the background of G-d’s promise to never again bring a flood to destroy all mankind.


As a result of the decision to refrain from destroying mankind, G-d put Himself into a corner. Man was now free to give vent to all his evil instincts without fear of Divine retribution. The powerful could now control the weak, and the rich could now buy favors and influence. Evil would replace good, and immorality would be heralded in the halls of academia as ‘Man’s inherent right to freedom’. G-d would become many gods clashing with each other in the heavens and leaving them no time to take notice of lowly man. Dictatorship, atheism, torture, authorized murder, incest, war, slavery – these would be the new world order while G-d’s hands would be tied through His own self-constraint.


Who would police the new world? Who would defend the rights of the downtrodden and oppressed? Who would show mankind the way back to G-d?


Towards these ends, G-d declared that He would appoint a chosen segment of humanity to create a clash of civilizations necessary in order to bring about the return of man to the Almighty. This nation would bear the wrath of mankind as it fights to negate the messages of right and wrong battering on the doors of their conscience.


For 2000 years, the world, by its evil actions and evil philosophies was in dire need of such a nation. Its forbearer would have to be a man who recognizes evil for what it is and who was determined to strike out against it regardless of his personal risks. He would have to be a man of great personal integrity, with love of fellow man, and spiritual in his basic nature.


As with all things regarding the Creator, the essence of the covenant is metaphysical and absolutely beyond the natural processes of this world. That, at some time in infinity, G-d suddenly decided to create a world is beyond our comprehension. That He created matter from nothing is beyond all human understanding. That He makes contact with lowly man is incomprehensible. And that He chose a particular nation to be His is also incomprehensible.


The essence of the covenant is that the Jewish people would agree to live like Avraham in a manner defying all human understanding and that Hashem would reward us in an unnatural way.


Brit Bain Habetarim (the Covenant of the Divided Parts) declared that the Jewish nation would be the reconnaissance unit of G-d, whose task would be to meet the enemy and engage it in battle until the end of time. G-d would involve Himself in world affairs only through His proxy and His representatives, the children of Israel.


Until the arrival of the Mashiach, the Jewish nation would willingly relinquish its ambitions of becoming an empire and would always remain small in numbers. Our homeland, Eretz Yisrael, sits on the edge of the desert and is surrounded by natural wealth in the ground of our neighbors but little for us. Our future, Avraham is told, would be replete with episodes of slavery, the torch and oven, and dark nights. Our mission as G-d’s proxies would be to clash with the world’s civilizations, shatter their essence and expose the lies within them.


We would meet the Egyptian superpower and drown him in the Red Sea. We would clash head-on with the overwhelming numbers of the peoples of Canaan and destroy them. Our existence would baffle the historians and philosophers as we encountered the pagan Greek and weakened his image as the bearers of truth. We would also fall before the Babylonians and Romans who would destroy our Temples, but we would rise from the dust when no Greek or Roman would be around to tell his story.


The Covenant guarantees that if we willingly relinquish our worldly life for an unexplainable existence at the hand of G-d, we will be rewarded.


In the last century alone, we have clashed with the most evil of human doctrines. The Germans and their eager Christian allies sought to annihilate the Jewish nation, but they were brought to their knees. The USSR was determined to destroy Judaism, but they were forced to open their doors to let millions of Jews leave.


We are now clashing with the worst enemy of man and God – Islam. The vulgar love of death in the Islamic mind is a degradation to the efforts of mankind to ascend from the pits of barbarianism and savagery. The Muslim does not love God, nor does he believe in Him – he uses God as a weapon as one would use a whip.


We have now entered the final stage in our clash with civilizations. We have survived in a miraculous manner, as promised by G-d to Avraham, and have reached the end of the stated covenant–


‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt (the Nile) to the great river, the Euphrates (flowing from Turkey to the Persian Gulf)’


G-d is deep in the process of keeping His side of the Covenant. He has guided us through 3500 years of unnatural existence until this very day. The enemies of the Jewish nation are the enemies of G-d. Iran, Syria, Turkey, the Christian world and indeed most of mankind for that matter will soon realize the implications of the Covenant as we return home to a future beyond our wildest imaginations.

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