ed note–again, several important ‘protocols’ that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to know about this one.


Firsto, let us begin our little examination by noting that our deranged and Gentile-cide supporting author isn’t just some ordinary, run-of-the-mill Hebrew. He is a rabbi, which means he knows Jewish law (Halacha) north, south, east, west, upside down, sideways, back and forth, etc, etc, etc.


Furthermore, he–by virtue of his status as a ‘rebbe’–holds incalculable/immeasurable sway over huge numbers of fellow Hebraics whose minds/souls belong to him as a result of their having surrendered to the ‘protocols’ of the Judah-ism which he commands, summons and wields like a witch casting spells.


As Jesus Himself warned, right after characterizing the rabbis of His own day as ‘children of their father, the devil’, those who submit themselves to the teachings of the ‘Learned Elders of Zion’ become cogs in the wheel of Lucifer’s machinery of evil and death and in the process, seal their own fate of damnation for doing so, to wit–


‘You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are…’


Having said this, let us now move on to what this ‘SOL’–Son of Lucifer, Jesus’ words–has to say below.


He is–using some clever colloquialisms such as ‘gimme a break’ and ‘wouldja’ and ‘getcha’, words that proliferate amongst Americans who are accustomed to linguistic shortcuts–doing nothing less than casting a Judaic spell, the intended end result of which is nothing less than the deliberate and pre-meditated murder of over 2 million Gentiles in Gaza, followed up with the deliberate murder of millions more in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iran, etc.


As a Judaic shapeshifter who has learned the dark arts from his father, the devil, just as JC Himself stated in the Kristol-clearest of terms, this essay has been crafted for the American mind, and especially, the corporate mind of those hundred million or so Christian Zionists who support the same ‘Jewish state’ which God Himself in His infinite mercy destroyed in 70AD.


In other words, the same ‘worshipers of the beast’ as they are described in the same book of Revelations, ch. 13 that features as the ONLY discussion taking place these days within Christian churches in America, as well as in their ‘prayer meetings’, conferences, radio/television programs, etc, etc, etc.


And remember something else here, ladies and Gentile-men–our diabolically-deranged ‘rebbe’ is not playing word/concept games here. As a devout Jew practicing his Torah Judah-ism, he knows–BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE–exactly what it is that his ‘religion’ says about Gentiles and the manner in which they are to be treated as part of the ‘redemption’ of the ‘promised land’ which he as a devout Jew supports with 666% of his essence, to wit–


‘When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are to possess and drives out the many nations larger and stronger than you, and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not save alive anything that breathes…Do not intermarry with them…Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons…Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their idols in the fire, for you are a people holy to the Lord your God who has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession…’ –Book of Deuteronomy


And, finalmente, L&G, note as well the following from our resident ‘SOS’–Son of Satan–who has the gall to write the following–


‘When the Twin Towers buildings toppled on 9/11, the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza were in the streets dancing and celebrating, handing out candies to children to teach them that ‘this is a good thing. Enjoy it. Celebrate it…’


The only ‘dancing’ and ‘celebrating’ that was going on as the Twin Towers were falling in America on 9/11 involved the ‘5 dancing Israelis’ that were arrested that morning, who were pegged by FBI’s Counter Espionage division as Mossad, and who later admitted on an Israeli talk show program that they had been sent to the US to ‘document the event’.


We’ve said it before on this humble little informational endeavor many times, L&G, but we’ll say it again, because for the sake of the continued survival of the human race, it bears repeating–





Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer for Israel National News


Gimme a break, wouldja?


There would be no Hamas in Gaza without the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza. They elected them in 2006.


There would be no Islamic Jihad in Gaza without the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza. They encouraged them.


There were elections. Jimmy Carter was there and said the elections were fair and legitimate. He said he was surprised that Hamas did so well, winning in a landslide, but that was the fair and honest representation of the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza.


When the Twin Towers buildings toppled on 9/11, the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza were in the streets dancing and celebrating, handing out candies to children to teach them that ‘this is a good thing. Enjoy it. Celebrate it.’


It is this message in so many words: ‘That is our culture here in Gaza. When nearly 3,000 infidels in America, mostly Christian but also some Jews, go to work for a day at the office and end up dead, burned in an inferno, and buried under a pile of structural rubble, that is a good thing. Maybe some day you, too, can learn to fly a plane into a building and be a shahid, a martyr, for Allah.’


The ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza.


Through five previous wars with Israel, the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza have supported the terrorists. They have played along and made merry. They cheer when rockets kill Jews in Israel. They line the streets to mourn when a terrorist is killed by Israel.


The ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza.


After each of the five previous wars, Netanyahu and his governments agreed to stop fighting without winning. Each time, Hamas declared the ceasefires ‘victories,’ and the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza danced in the streets, handed out candies, and celebrated another ‘victory’ over the Zionists.


The ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza.


When Hamas perpetrated its Shabbat Shmini Atzeret massacre of October 7, they came in with maps of the various kibbutz communities they would slaughter. The maps were comprehensive: they showed homes, room by room. They listed people’s names, whether they had house pets, even the names of the dogs. It was remarkably comprehensive. The terrorists knew exactly whom to look for, how many Jews to expect in each home, whether to watch for dogs or avoid them, the best entry point.


How did they know? Where did they get that kind of info on individual homes? That is not on Google Maps. It is not on TikTok. So how did they know with such precision? They got the information from the ‘innocent’ civilians of Gaza. Read on.


It goes back to the ‘Conceptzia’ — the Conception — that highest IDF echelons and Israel’s government, both promulgated and adopted in concert with their advisors in the Shin Bet (Israel’s FBI) and Mossad (Israel’s CIA). The Concept was that the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza would become regular normal people, like Israelis, like Americans, if they only would be given economic incentives and betterments too good to give up. Make them richer than they ever hoped, than other Arabs in other Arab countries. So Israel allowed Qatar to send hundreds of millions of dollars to the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza. Israel allowed concrete and steel and ample fuel to enter the Strip to allow the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza, supposedly, to build themselves new, better homes and villas like in the movies.


And, pursuant to the Conceptzia, Israel allowed up to 17,000 — count ‘em, seventeen thousand — ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza to enter into southern Israel each and every day to work for Jews in that region at wages way, way higher than anything imaginable back in Gaza.


As life’s paradoxes play out, a great many of those Jews in southern Israel were/are peace activists, Jews who pressed Israel to make deals with Yasser Arafat and to trust him. They celebrated the ‘disengagement,’ as just. They were delighted to show their trust in the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza by employing them in their homes, on their farms. And so the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza got to see the layouts of the homes: the rooms, the entry points, the number of people, the number and names of kids, even the dogs.


And then, after each work day, the ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza went back home. Another day, another shekel. A shekel saved is a Jew burned. They supplied their data learned to Hamas. Many of their kids are in Hamas. Many of them are in Hamas. In all, estimates are that 40,000 Hamas terrorists live and operate in these tunnels that are so extensive that they run 300 miles. That’s a 5-hour drive on a highway. That’s more than the distance from New York City to Boston. More than Nashville to Atlanta. More than Los Angeles to Las Vegas. More than New York to Washington, D.C. A bit less than Louisville to Atlanta. Exactly St. Louis to Chicago.


The Gaza tunnel system is as all-encompassing and comprehensive as the New York City subway system, covering everywhere. Hamas turned Gaza into a veritable duplex, two floors, ‘upstairs’ on terra firma and ‘downstairs’ in the tunnels with the rats.


The ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza knew this was going on.


When an exterminator comes to a home in America, people ask them to come incognito so the neighbors do not know. I know when my neighbor is remodeling his kitchen, and he knows when I am clearing out my garage. The moment I do serious garage clearing, realtors descend on my home like vultures in the desert, all smelling a sale. ‘No,’ I respond, ‘I am just clearing out my garage because I am not a hoarder.’ Disappointment shows. ‘We’ll getcha next time.’


The ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza knew what was going on all these years. They knew they were not getting villas but tunnels. Not cars but rockets and missile launchers. They knew the shiploads of imports were not TV sets and computers, but rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank missiles.


When they were polled shortly before October 7 by the Washington Institute, 57% supported Hamas.


And from whom does Hamas recruit those tens of thousands? From the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? From the Quakers?


A survey by the Palestinian Center for Research on Policy and Investigations (PCPSR) showed the intensity of that population’s support for terror.


The Washington Free Beacon reported that, on October 7, thousands of Gazan civilians rushed into Israeli towns to assist Hamas, decapitating Jewish children and raping Jewish women.


The ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza


The ‘poor mothers’ of Gaza are not innocent. Journalist Jotam Confino reported on a Hamas terrorist who called his mother on the day of the attack. ‘I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.’ His mother replied, ‘May God protect you.’


So spare us with moaning for the poor ‘innocent’ citizens of Gaza. They are poor because they allowed their assets and bounty to be used for building and acquiring the weapons to murder Jews.


And they are not innocent.

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