ed note–again, ladies and Gentile-men, as have have pointed out here on this humble little informational endeavor many times, the events of Oct. 7 were part of the ‘script’ which the ‘children of Israel’ have written for themselves in bringing about WWIII/Armageddon as the necessary precursor to what is the ‘grand climax’ of Torah Judah-ism’s screenplay in which all of us have been ‘written in’ as unwilling actors and stageprops–the arrival of ‘Moschiac’, Judea’s predicted warlord, and his destruction of all Gentile civilization.
Rabbi Nachman Kahana
After the exodus from Egypt, our ancestors wandered in the desert for 40 years before entering the holy land.
Knowing our nation’s dynamic and robust characteristics there must have been many adventures and challenges in those years; when in fact, the Torah does not make any reference to what occurred during the middle 38 years.
After the death of Yehoshua bin Nun (Joshua) there began a 400-year period led by Shoftim (judges) beginning with Otniel ben Kenaz and ending with the death of Eli the Kohen Gadol who served in the Mishkan of Shiloh. Like the five books of Torah, the book of Shoftim shares relatively few events of the times.
Judging from the ‘miserly’ amount of historical information in the Tanach, one can conclude that the information that is recorded was chosen because of its implications for the future, as stated in the Gemara (Megila 14a) that over the years there were many illustrious individuals who experienced prophecies, but only those prophecies that had relevance for future times were recorded in the 24 books of the Tanach.
I want to share with you episodes in the lives of one of those judges, Shimshon, or Samson.
Shimson, the physically strongest of all men, ended up as a pitiful, weakened mortal man, after his wife, Delilah, revealed to the Philistines the secret of his strength. They tortured and blinded him. They humiliated, debased, and humbled him and he became a shadow of what he was.
On the last day of his life, he was brought to the pagan temple where he was dehumanized in front of three thousand exhilarating goyim. He stood between two massive central pillars which held up the temple’s roof. With his last breaths he prayed to Hashem to restore to him his unnatural strength in order to bring down the building and kill thousands of Philistines. Slowly he felt his muscles becoming alive again, and at the last moment he cried out, ‘let me die with the Philistines.’
The building collapsed and 3000 goyim died together with the Shofet Shimshon.
A piece of good advice that appears in many Jewish sources–‘Let your ears hear what your mouth is saying’, meaning that before you utter a stupid statement consider the implications of your words.
This week, the European Union Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell urged the Union’s members and the US to halt all military help to Israel on the assertion that ‘too many Gazans are being killed’.
It sounds nice and worthy of the verse ‘love thy neighbor as thyself’, pointing to President Biden’s comment that Israel’s military achievements are ‘over the top’, meaning they are exaggerated. The comments came on the same day a Dutch court ruled that the Netherlands stop delivering parts for Israel’s F-35 fighter jets.
Were I less suspicious of all Europeans, it would never have entered my mind that the intent behind this humanitarian proposal is actually to bring about the destruction of the Jewish state.
However, after 2000 years of living with the Christians, our Jewish reflexes have been sensitized ‘to smell a rat’ even when wrapped in Dutch tulips.
Mr. Borell let me take you down the road of ‘make believe’ and what it means to deprive the State of Israel with the means to defend itself.
Israel will live forever, not because of you and your friends, but because the Almighty will not let its destruction happen.
However, let us suppose Israel runs out of the means to defend itself, and the many millions of our Arab enemies take advantage of the situation and come to tear Israel apart; what will the Jewish State do?
Go out to the streets holding white flags? Gather together at the kotel and prepare to die?
All Jews in Israel are in fact soldiers, and we all share the Samson syndrome that if there will not be an Israel, there will not be a world.
Or, in other words, ‘Let us die with the Philistines.’
The State of Israel will never come to the point of Shimshon, because when push comes to shove, we will use all the weapons at our disposal to kill our enemies, and therefore the second nation in the world after the US to use atomic weapons could be Israel.
The world has a vested interest then in making sure that Israel is never brought to the point where we feel the need for using the Samson syndrome, and let no fool ever raise the issue of weakening the Jewish State.
The Zionist state is not “Israel”.
And Judaism is not Jewish: It is kabbalah (witchcraft) and the Talmud (the blasphemous doctrines of men).
The Zionist state is the land of Magog of Ezekiel 38.
1948 was the invasion of the Holy land by Gog (Judaism – the little horn of Daniel).
The rebels of Judah were cast out of the Israel of God for their rejection of Messiah.
And they were given a new job: AMALEK.
Jewish = (genuine) Christianity, which was founded by the faithful Jewish remnant (Isaiah 1:9).
Roman Catholicism and its offshoots are Nohaide cults, created by the kabbalists.
The evil, blasphemous Zionist state is doomed.
ed note–we are asked from time to time why it is that we maintain such a ‘dark’ view of Gentiledom and what appears to be the absolute incapacitation of non-Jews when it comes to dealing with the Jewish problem in a rational, intelligent manner.
The comment above is a picture perfect explanation as to why.
Now, in giving the author of the comment the benefit of the doubt, it it possible that she is a ‘newbie’ and has not yet read the THOUSANDS of citations from the Torah (Old Testament) that have appeared on this website over the course of its many years in ‘print’ dealing with the various commandments that the ‘children of Israel’ are to murder, rape, steal, etc, from non-Israelites, and as such, remains paralyzed in her thinking that this is all a ‘Talmud’ thing rather than it being a case of ‘a leopard never changing its spots.’
NEVERTHELESS, whatever the case may be, what it underscores is WHY the Jews are as powerful as they are, coupled with the obvious inability on the part of the 8 billion Gentiles living on God’s green earth to in any way restrain them from doing what it is they do and what it is that they have always done.
As we like to remind the readers of this website, and particularly those such as the author of this comment who have made everything about the Talmud and about the ‘fake Jews’ from Khazaria, there was no Talmud and there were no ‘Khazars’ in existence on the morning of Crucifixion Friday, 33 AD.
Clear as day now They ARE THE BIBLICAL CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL–THE ANTI-CHRIST ARMY through the creation of the counterfeit Israel–and we can vanquish them and WE MUST FOR OUR HUMANITY that is so clearly being tested by what they are doing in Palestine:
ed note–what can be said, other than ‘Amen’.