‘May G-d save us from opinions proclaiming we have to judge favorably those who oppose us and stand in our way. Convince them? With tanks!’


ed note–again, ladies and Gentile-men, as we have pointed out here on this humble little informational endeavor now for many, many years, and especially after the elections that took place in Israel last November that brought to power a TRULY JEWISH GOVERNMENT dedicated 666% to Ju-had and conquest of the entire Middle East, NO ONE should be surprised at the events of the last 2 weeks, nor of what is to come.


This–TOTAL WAR–in creating this thing known as ‘Greater Israel’ has been simmering on the back burner for the last 4,000 years. This is what the Hebrews, Israelites, Judah-ites, Judeans, Jews–whatever we want to call them, it all means the same–have been yearning for ever since the penniless nomad ‘Abram’ started hearing voices in his head ‘promising’ him all the land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers as outlined in the book of ‘Jenesis’.


Furthermore, as clearly revealed in the mad scribblings authored by the deranged Hebrew below, every Gentile with a vested interest in his or her own future survival can see in the Kirstol-clearest of terms the mental disorder that is the inevitable byproduct of this Judah-ism that has been/is now/always will be the source of so much turmoil wherever it goes and the pathological narcissism that is one of its many calling cards, to wit–


‘…It is our very existence that brings light to the world, a light so great that the intellect which is stripped of any Divine Revelation, as is certainly the case amongst the Gentile nations, cannot grasp its dimensions.’


Now, for those ‘newbies’ who have swallowed the Judaic poison dispensed–via its control of all mass media–in tidal wave doses to the masses of asses who willingly gulp it down as if it were aqua vitae from the fountain of youth and who really believe that the present war against the Gentiles of Gaza is all about the Jypsy State–Israel–‘protecting’ herself against ‘Islamic terrorists’, the truth of the matter is that the ‘surprise attack’ taking place on Oct 7th wasn’t a surprise at all.


This was EXACTLY what the Jypsy State needed, wanted, and planned as part of her thousands of years old dream of TOTAL conquest of the Middle East as clearly and unequivocally spelled out within the Torah–Old Testament to Christians–as part of the process of setting up Joo-roo-salem as the headquarters of the very same ‘New World Order’ which the Jews have always sought to create.


Furthermore, please note the following from our deranged Hebraic author–


‘We are obligated to eradicate the individuals and regimes which stand in the path of our Nation, so that they will no longer interfere with the revelation of G-d’s Light on earth, for in their preventing the Sanctification of G-d from appearing in the world, they are nothing but thorns which must be removed from the orchard in order to further its productivity and its growth…’


And remember, ladies and Gentile-men, that those ‘regimes’–such as the United States of America–which attempt to restrain or confine in ANY MANNER (but especially through the mechanism of ‘ultimate peace deals’ that cage the Jypsy State behind internationally-recognized borders such as what POTUS Donald J. Trump was attempting to do before having his re-election stolen from him)  are ‘thorns’ which the Jypsy State is commanded to ‘eradicate’, quoting the verbiage used by our deranged Hebraic author.




Tzvi Fishman


Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, famed head of Merkaz HaRav Yeshiv, prominent Religious Zionist leader and the only son of Israel’s first Chief Rabbi, cautioned his students not to fall prey to voices that criticize Israel’s use of military might, saying–


‘We mustn’t feel any shame whatsoever over those wars which we fought on the way to our rebirth, nor over the hatred which we aroused in our hearts against those who rose up against us. Even if we were just fighting for our survival (and not the wars of Hashem), this too should not cause any shame, for it is not based on any perversion of justice, or oppression of other peoples. On the contrary, it is our very existence that brings light to the world, a light so great that the intellect which is stripped of any Divine Revelation, as is certainly the case amongst the Gentile nations, cannot grasp its dimensions.’


Rabbi Tzvi Tau explains–


‘We are obligated to eradicate the individuals or regimes which stand in the path of our Nation, so that they will no longer interfere with the revelation of G-d’s Light on earth…The wars of Israel bring blessings to all mankind. ‘Do not be afraid, Avram,’ said HaKodesh Baruch Hu to Avraham Avinu after he had killed the kings and feared that perhaps he had taken the life of some righteous person in their camp and thus veered away from his special mission of bringing people closer to G-d. ‘Do not be afraid,” the Master of the World told Avraham–’the people you killed were like thorns that needed to be uprooted. And those purveyors of evil whom we must kill today have no rectification as well. In their preventing the Sanctification of G-d from appearing in the world, they are nothing but thorns which must be removed from the orchard in order to further its productivity and its growth.’


The opinion of a certain Torah scholar was publicized during the Yom Kippur War, claiming that we should relate with understanding to the Arabs who were waging war against us, since they didn’t comprehend our greatness and our connection to the Land. Therefore, he insisted, it was necessary to convince them of the justness of our presence in Eretz Yisrael by explaining matters to them.


HaRav Tzvi Yehuda responded: ‘There is no question here of explaining matters to the Gentiles and convincing them of the rightness of our cause. We have to convince them with tanks! May G-d save us from opinions proclaiming we have to judge favorably those who oppose us and stand in our way. May the Guardian of Israel protect and save us from the dissemination of such damaging ideas!’

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