ed note–lest those deluded Christian supporters of Israel (who today represent the fulfillment of the various prophecies concerning the ‘worshipers of the beast’ predicted to arrive around that future time when the Sin-a-Gog of Satan rules the world) make the mistake of thinking that this–the DAILY spitting by pious Jews at those who are the followers of Jesus Christ–is some sort of new development or an aberration, let some really, really OLD history speak on the matter–


…At this, the high priest tore his clothes and declared, ‘He has blasphemed! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?’ And the crowd of Jews answered ‘He deserves to die.’ Then they spat in His face and struck Him. Others slapped Him and taunted Him, saying ‘Prophesy to us, Christ! Who struck You?’……


In other words, ladies and Gentile-men, Jews spitting at Christians is something that BEGAN with them spitting at Jesus, and not for Him being a murderer, a thief, a rapist, or in engaging in any one of the thousands of other criminal actions which Judah-ism sanctions and sanctifies, but rather because He DIDN’T do those things, choosing instead to break from the ‘learned leaders of Zion’–i.e. the patriarchs of Judah-ism who preceded Him–by living a life of righteousness, honesty, and humility, all qualities which Judah-ism disdains with the same diabolic and volcanic ferocity that results when a vampire is exposed to sunlight.


Now, on cue, as is always the case, the parade of liars, fraudsters, schmoozers and shysters come marching in denouncing and condemning such business, even though they know BETTER THAN ANYONE that they themselves share those same feelings that were/are the source of these various spittle fests, but who also know that denouncing such business is the necessary evil that must take place if things such as this–



And this–


And this–


…are to continue.



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