ed note–again, one of the most important OpEd pieces flittering ’round the internet these days that should feature as the focal point of discussion from every Christian and Islamic pulpit and on every talk show program, and particularly those imbecilic discussions where some follower of Judah-ism features as the ‘special guest’ lecturing on how important it is that Christian Evangelicals continue their unwavering support for Israel and to make sure that this unwavering support manifests itself both in dollars, the blood of those Gentile soldiers tasked with fighting Israel’s wars, and of course, by voting into office only those politicos who put the interests of the Jewish state 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Sad to say/safe to say however that despite the importance of the following OpEd giving a vulture’s eye view into the inner workings of the mind thoroughly pickled on the highly destructive brine of Judah-ism that other than the nutter website where it originally appeared, the only site–Gentile or otherwise–that will give it the time of day is right here, and this irrespective of the fact that contained within it one can plainly see the source of all the murder and mayhem we are witnessing in the world today where the ‘children of Israel’ enjoy the kind of uncontested/uncontestable control over media, money, politics, etc.
As the reader will plainly see viz the words of our deranged Hebraic essayist, and as we point out here on a regular basis at this humble little informational endeavor, Judah-ism is by the very nature of its constitution and its spiritual DNA incapable of assimilating into any Gentile culture in which it finds itself. The adherents of this alien and foreign cult are as comfortable in any non-Hebrew-ish civilization as a fish is comfortable in a bird’s nest.
It is for this reason that in every time period throughout history, in every locale where ‘Hebrew-ism’ has gone, its alien mindset, alien behavior and visceral rejection of the most basic tenets and civilizational norms of Gentile-ism, what has resulted is friction and ‘indigestion’ (anti-Shemitism) within that host culture, whether it has been ancient Egypt, Persia, Babylon, or–as our deranged Hebrew-ish essayist makes clear, ‘the West’, with which the ‘children of Israel’ share no connection in terms of culture, mindset, religion, etc.
The bigger picture however is not the ‘coming to terms’ with the fact that the followers of Judah-ism are incapable of adopting any of the civilizing precepts of Gentile culture, but rather the fact that they are engaged in an existential war with these precepts, despite the very deceptive and well-organized disinformation/misinformation campaign they employ with the ‘we are just like you, only BETTER’ paradigm.
As the reader will plainly see from the words of our Hebrew-ish essayist, the followers of Judah-ism have every intention of making real all the prophecies and traditions of the various warlords, witches and wizards credited with creating this ‘Hebrewism’ which they follow, and furthermore, that they fully intend to see the destruction of ‘the West’, as our deranged essayist describes it, in the same manner as they celebrate yearly the destruction of Egypt, (Passover) Persia, (Purim) Greece, (H’Nooka) etc, etc etc, and given that said destruction is part and parcel of what Judah-ism demands.
Times of Israel
We Jews are not Westerners, and we do not need western culture to feel fulfilled. A bit of drum beating tribalism in the desert is all we need to remind ourselves we are not of those western peoples, not of old Rome and Greece and their negative influences, nor the modern West and its self-destructing path of cultural nihilism.
We Jews became the Hebrew people when we were enslaved in Africa by Egyptians. We started off as tribes, the descendants of Abraham, of Ur, today in Iraq, and became the Hebrew people.
In Sinai, Egypt, Africa, we became a people with codified norms, leaving our African slave masters and going to the nearby land of Canaan, promised to us by God; the Jewish people were given the eternal promise of a home.
We conquered then and it has been ever since the land of Israel. A land western powers have historically fought over and conquered.
What is Hannukah but a victory over the West? What is the ninth of Av but national grieving at the loss of our land and of our exile and enslavement at the hands of the West?
Where were we nearly partially extinguished, but in twentieth-century Europe, the West?
We need to return and re-connect to our roots.
We are not westerners. We must shed the destructive influences of our historical exiles and of the cultures of our conquerors and slave masters.
We must finally shed our exile and the slave mentalities of the west.
We Israelis love desert raves. We love dancing. We love singing. We love to scream. We are a tribal people in thought, behavior, culture, and it is part of who we are.
We are tribes who were dispersed, exiled, lost, enslaved, and slaughtered. Our European brothers and sisters were nearly exterminated.
After the exiles, many of us returned home from America, Europe, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Persia, Afghanistan, Russia, the Khazaks, Yemen, India, Ethiopia, Egypt, Tunisia, Algiers, Libya, Morocco, South Africa, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and other places.
And we came to a wasteland and built a modern State.
But we are not the west. Not even geographically. We are in Western Asia, north of Africa, in the Levant. We are a Mediterranean people. Not westerners.
All we need is to go to the desert, beat some drums and sing, and we will feel alright.
We pray for a return of old, for the re-establishment of David’s throne, for redemption and the reestablished Kingdom of Israel that is prophecied to be.
Our current appearance as a ‘western democracy’ is only temporary
Democracy is not a Jewish norm or invention. It serves a purpose but we are only ‘borrowing’ it. It is not our history, nor is it our spiritual desire or ultimate aim. Prophecy tells us that this ‘democracy’ we borrowed will only last for a short while. We sing, after all, in prayer and pop music, in longing, for a return to King David.
Spiritually, for millennia, we crave a return to David, a righteous king who will show us who we are, to remember our roots, and the ultimate aim of who we must become, according to our prophets and heroes.
Perhaps that is one reason millions read David’s psalms every day. Set to music, they bring us back to who we were. And we connect to the Source.
Go into any synagogue. Look around. What do you see? Beautiful artistry depicting symbols for each of our tribes.
Desert. Fire. Song. Tribal.
We are not of the west.
We are Israel.