ed note–It should not need any elaborate explanation within a movement’ whose claim to fame is being ‘wise to the ways of Judea Inc’, but since it seems to be so absent in all the discussions revolving around this event, we’ll do it nonetheless.
OF COURSE Israel was involved in Khashoggi’s murder. All the oceans of crocodile tears that have been shed for him by the Deep State, the JMSM in America (and in Israel) by those who have never shed a tear for the mass murder of Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Lebanese, Yemenis, and–of course–Palestinians, has been nothing but an exercise in Jrama and theatrics by utilizing the murder of this ‘dissident journalist’ in order to derail what it is that Trump intends to do vis his ‘Ultimate Peace Deal’ between Israel and the Arabs. Saudi Arabia (and in particular the ruling family there) are absolutely intrinsic to securing, stabilizing, and putting into motion this peace deal, Israel knows this all too well, which is why she is attempting to remove one of the pistons within Trump’s peace deal machinery by destabilizing the Saudi regime.
Again (not that it SHOULD need repeating) it has been an absolutely amazing phenomenon to observe, i.e. the COMPLETE absence of any such discussion involving Israel’s likely involvement in Khashoggi’s murder (just as it was with the recent resignation of Lieberman and subsequent destabilization of the Israeli government) amongst those groups/individuals whose daily bread is earned by focusing on/analyzing/discussing the situation involving Palestine/Israel, a phenomenon easy to discern/decode once a person understands what is at stake here–
To go down the road of tying all of this in with Israel’s plans of derailing and then destroying Trump’s peace deal would require such individuals/groups to perform the very difficult (as well as embarrassing) maneuver of changing course 180 degrees and acknowledging that maybe, just MAYBE, Trump is not the monster they have made a lot of noise portraying him to be and that maybe, just MAYBE, he is trying to secure a genuine peace deal that will bring some calm and order to what is at this very moment a ticking time bomb about to go off that will embroil the entire planet.